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  1. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    As for the rumor I mentioned, watch the preview for next week's episode again (I'll post it when it hits youtube). Sawyer says to someone, "I think THEY are working with the others". It then goes to show him with Sun where he asks, "Should we tell Jin?". She tells him, "No, because we'll have to...
  2. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    I for one, think Locke fooled everyone on blowing the sub. Yes, we saw him inside the sub looking around, but we didn't see him actually plant the explosives. Didn't it strike anyone as odd that Locke was completely soaked?
  3. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    You guys realized that next week's episode is a Nikki/Paulo on island flashback right? We'll see what they've been up to all this time. Many old characters are returning as well including Ethan, Boone, and even I don't know how anyone could not be excited for next week, especially...
  4. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    I like this theory:
  5. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    @ Tom's throw... Best ending ever. EDT Kate climbing up that tree branch
  6. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    BUMP Can't wait...
  7. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    Anyone else notice the "radio tower" being mentioned? Am I the only one relieved by this? I had a feeling that mysteries such as the radio tower, black rock, sickness, etc. would end up going unanswered. Good to know that the writers haven't forgotten...
  8. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    Here's the big connection that's supposed to be revealed next week: *Highlight at your own* Claire and Jack are siblings. In season 2 we saw Ana Lucia and Jack's dad stop at someone's house in Austrailia. The woman Jack's dad was arguing with is Jack's/Claire's mother.
  9. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    BTW, Lost as going to air at 9:00pm EST next week...
  10. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    Wow, what an episode...
  11. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    It's funny how much more enjoyable Lost is without the boring @#%$ "others". I'm really hoping this eye patch guy being introduced, has nothing to do with the others, kind of like Kelvin...
  12. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    My man Vozzek69 shuts it down again, with this sick theory about "the watchers". Check it out:
  13. g4x

    Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

    Nooooooo Oh well...R.I.P
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