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  1. that 70s man

    City Of God Appreciation!!

    Quite possibly the greatest crime movie of all time.
  2. that 70s man

    *Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

    First, I can't believe no one has commented on Christian Shepherd's attire. He wasn't wearing a suit with white sneakers! This probably meanssomething. Are there two Christians? Is this one evil? Did he just change? Why would he change? C'mon people! I expected to see this posted first. Second...
  3. that 70s man

    What Song(s) Do You Have In Heavy Rotation As Of Lately?

    Crimson and Clover, by: Tommy James Candyfloss, by: Wilco Criminal, by: Fiona Apple Back At Your Door, by: Maroon 5 Intervention, by: The Arcade Fire
  4. that 70s man

    Check out the video/music vid I posted on YouTube

    He's not too spoiled yet, he's still pretty fresh.
  5. that 70s man

    Where do ya'll get ya DVD's?

    The factory, you!@+#%$@.
  6. that 70s man

    NikeTalk Essentials: Outkast (completed pg. 7)

    How can Chonkyfire not bee included on this? That has GOT to be on there. ---------------------------------------- Everywhere I go I'ma Star. Damn Kanye, Is That Your Car?
  7. that 70s man

    NikeTalk Essentials: Outkast (completed pg. 7)

    The 12 Essential Outkast Songs (Chronologically): 1. Ain't No Thang 2. Player's Ball 3. ATLiens 4. Mainstream 5. 13th Floor/Growing Old 6. Aquemini 7. Chonkyfire 8. Spaghetti Junction 9. B.O.B. 10. Bowtie 11. A Life In The Day Of Benjamin Andre 12. Morris Brown...
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