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  1. odom to miles

    Introduce your pics Part 2

    great pic i'll be the mod for the day....consider yourself banned without warning!!!
  2. odom to miles

    Introduce your pics Part 2

    ^^where was that pic taken at ???? i'll be the mod for the day....consider yourself banned without warning!!!
  3. odom to miles

    Introduce your pix...I'll start...

    hollis blue ..i think thats ur name...i'm to lazy to go back and check...but you look cute in the second pic.....those pic of you mencace look good...and is that your daughter..or niece...shes adorable :D i'll be the mod for the day....consider yourself banned without warning!!!
  4. odom to miles

    Introduce your pix...I'll start...

    glad to see people giving positive feedback..has to be the first time for this...i would post my pic but i ain't got a digicam yet...uhhhhh...menace, le femme, and wyldcat look real good :D ...... and who is the girl in the king jersey????? i'll be the mod for the day....consider yourself...
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