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  1. mishayle

    nice restaurants in anaheim?

    anybody have any recommondations of a nice dinner for a couple? anything helps. i will be going down there this weekend and wanted to have a romantic dinnerwith thee boyfriend
  2. mishayle

    sunnyvale sporting goods store?

    whoops, thanks though. Do they have a lot of snowboarding gear? Like clothes and things? Thanks!
  3. mishayle

    sunnyvale sporting goods store?

    I read a topic last night about 20% off everything in some sporting goods store in sunnyvale. I cant find the post anymore? Does anyone have the info that wasin the post? It's greatly appreciated.
  4. mishayle

    rotating restaurant on top of building in SF?

    So I heard that there's a restaurant in San Francisco, by the pier, thta rotates on top of some building? Is there such thing? And if so, what's thename of it?
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