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  1. sawyer

    **CHIEF KEEF**

    they want that old sosa for what tho? that's a crazy, lowdown, dirty cutthroat!
  2. sawyer

    ACA: Affordable Care Act (better known as OBAMACARE) - Enrollment Starts October 1st - You In?

    relaxing eligibility for the hardship exemption is entirely different from delaying the individual mandate. government programs aren't subsidized through taxes, they're funded entirely by them. and most government programs operate in the red. that's the nature of civil service; it isn't meant...
  3. sawyer

    ACA: Affordable Care Act (better known as OBAMACARE) - Enrollment Starts October 1st - You In?

    there's been no delay on the individual mandate. the employer mandate was delayed for a year to phase in the law and alleviate confusion from the business community. the enrollment deadline has been pushed back a few times bc of the website's technical problems and then again to cover more ppl...
  4. sawyer

    ACA: Affordable Care Act (better known as OBAMACARE) - Enrollment Starts October 1st - You In?

    by 'all of the delayed mandates' i'm going to assume you're referring exclusively to the employer mandate. the delay on the employer mandate is not outside of the executive branch's lawful discretion. i could go into further detail citing numerous judicial precedents set from republican and...
  5. sawyer

    ACA: Affordable Care Act (better known as OBAMACARE) - Enrollment Starts October 1st - You In?

    he can't, and hasn't. a hardship exemption is included in the bill.
  6. sawyer

    Washington Wizards 2012-2013 Season Thread - Thanks for a great year!

    caron was involved in a 7 player trade that immediately cut over $2 million in salary expenses and saved over $7 million that otherwise would have went towards a luxury tax penalty in the offseason. at the beginning of that season, they had nearly $80 million in contracts with players of a team...
  7. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    do you just regurgitate popular conservative talking points with no regard to their validity or legitimacy? what is this nonsense you keep repeating about 'more taxing'? americans are paying less in individual tax rates than anyone still alive ever has. no one who is alive in america has paid...
  8. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    that's exactly what i'm talking about though. there's this common misnomer among conservatives, republicans, and their ideologues that obama has a horrible record, or something quite close to it. it's simply not true. his efforts alone towards health care reform, passed in his first year, thrust...
  9. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    the earned income tax credit? the making work pay tax credit? the payroll tax cut? the child tax credit? and you are the only one to make mention of obama having a struggle, or not, extending the tax cuts. i'm not much for straw-man arguments or their bait. p.s. i call legislation what...
  10. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    sir, he ran a record of extending the tax relief reconciliation act of 2001 twice. and he's set to extend portions of that legislation again at the top of 2013. you seem to think obama has a horrible record, but it's actually quite impressive if properly contexted. you strike me as someone who...
  11. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    the only other time this happened was al gore of tennessee in 2000.
  12. sawyer

    **CHIEF KEEF**

    so apparently chief keef has asperger's syndrome, an acute form of autism commonly characterized by peculiar and odd types of lingual expression. BANG BANG!
  13. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    florida tied with less than a fifth of miami-dade county reported is bad news for willard, paul, and austerity-enthusiasts.
  14. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    pennsylvania goes obama.
  15. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    "So far, early exit poll data on Latinos reported by the National Exit Poll appears to be very flawed," reports impreMedia and Latino Decisions, which has posted its own election-eve poll of Latinos in Florida, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, and Massachusetts. The finding in terms of "flawed"...
  16. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    it's not that you didn't remember the exact words, it's that you made up a quote that he simply did not say. and yes, i know what he said. which is why i know what he did not say. perhaps you caught that?
  17. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    i referenced obama because he was the last president to share party affiliation with the senate majority while simultaneously not being able to push through whatever b.s. he wanted to. i evidenced that by the unprecedented amount of filibusters in the senate during his tenure as president. this...
  18. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    harry reid never said that. just because you put quotes around a sentence and attribute to a figure does not mean they said that.
  19. sawyer

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    good dodge. but not really, because you're inherently acknowledging that president obama has not been able to push through whatever b.s. he wants to, despite sharing party affiliation with a majority of the senate for his entire 4 years in the white house. you have completely talked yourself...
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