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  1. beastington69

    The Graphic Design Thread UPDATE: 1st post filled with info. 2nd with NTer's portfolios.

    Fontlab. There should be some tutorials online.
  2. beastington69

    The Graphic Design Thread UPDATE: 1st post filled with info. 2nd with NTer's portfolios.

    This thread is on point. About to finish my bfa at Parsons in communication design in a few weeks.  Checkout my entry so far for the home comp. The details are taking forever. About 15% done. Hoping to flesh out the environment more. The side brownstones are going to be switched up also...
  3. beastington69

    Need Help Winning Competition for a Good Cause Vol. help a brotha out NT fam

    I just need a ton of votes to get some funding for this after-school I'm starting at my college open to NYC high schoolers. It'll take only a few seconds and your personal information isn't needed. Please pass it around. Thanks here's the link...
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