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  1. bron012

    Official NBA 2k13 Thread

    ^^^^^ agreed i literally rage walk away then come right back again and play it's just a stubborn thing.
  2. bron012

    Official NBA 2k13 Thread

    like just asking what is your record on your association mine with grizzlies was 1-5 until i raged =/  
  3. bron012

    Official NBA 2k13 Thread

    still in need of some help on HOF it's to the point where i want to return the game...up 15 4th quarter with spurs vs hornets and eric gordon goes crazy from the three point line. Up all game and they win by 4 pissed me off so bad just tired of losing to bs. Can anyone recommend some type of...
  4. bron012

    Hall of fame 2k13 tips

    the thing is i could beat teams on hall of fame on 2k12 they didn't grab offensive rebounds every time they missed a shot so i could at least make comebacks or keep the lead it's the rebounds that are killing me...oh and the kick balls the call steals  
  5. bron012

    Official NBA 2k13 Thread

    Anyone know how to beat or at least stay in a game on 2k13 on hall of fame. Playing on anything other than hall of fame is just unsatisfying. Played against the Golden state warriors just now with the grizzlies and ran a 3-2 defense still getting sprayed on, not to mention the CRAZY offensive...
  6. bron012

    Hall of fame 2k13 tips

    Anyone know how to beat or at least stay in a game on 2k13 on hall of fame. Playing on anything other than hall of fame is just unsatisfying. Played against the Golden state warriors just now with the grizzlies and ran a 3-2 defense still getting sprayed on, not to mention the CRAZY offensive...
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