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  1. cliffda2kgod

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    In the latest league i win every game by an average of 20+ points a game with a team with monta ellis as the star and gerald green as the 2nd leading scorer and thadeus young starting at the 4..ahahah im great 
  2. cliffda2kgod

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    Ima joint after this game if its a good amount of people already in it.
  3. cliffda2kgod

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    Im like a chill 60-15 why cant i just find a nice league to broadcast my talents while im home for a couple of weeks??
  4. cliffda2kgod

    Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

    I am trying to go ahead and win a league while i am home on a 3 week break so can i get the info for an active online association that just started or is about to start like tonight. PSN: BasedGodCliff
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