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  1. jeremiejones

    Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

    Did anyone else notice the Christopher Reeve's resemblance when Superman was about to destroy the world generator? Snyder dropping subliminals???
  2. jeremiejones

    Police kill dog in front of owner for nothing.

    A few points -dog owner could've filmed w/o antagonizing cops (although I heard very little) -how is it legal for cops to put cuffs on anyone immediately w/o cause? -dog was victim of circumstance and reacted only in defense of his owner -entire situation was avoidable -govt and law enforcement...
  3. jeremiejones

    Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

    Just saw this in 3d. Quick review for ya SPOILERS ALERT!!! Good -Fresh expanded take of Krypton -Russell Crowe -Great score by Zimmer -Superman throws down a lot Bad -Lois knows Superman's identity way to quick and they've thrown a plot line away that worked great in the originals -Cavill...
  4. jeremiejones

    Dating a woman with children

    Great topic OP. I'm glad to hear others opinion on this subject. I've always had this feeling that I was being selfish to not want to get serious with a woman with children. I'm still not sure it's not being selfish but its a big decision to take on a ready made family.
  5. jeremiejones


    These pyramids are the Lochness monsters summer retreat correct? Where's Ja to make sense of all this?
  6. jeremiejones


    Debating between getting the Mambacurials or the 11 lows. Leaning toward the Mambas...hope they drop those Kobe lifestyles stateside.
  7. jeremiejones

    Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

    The shot of Superman reaching his hand out to the Sun was awesome! I would love to see some twist that nobody saw coming.
  8. jeremiejones

    The Hangover Part III Trailer... Updated 3/7/13

    Saw this online for free and I want my data back. SPOILER ALERT! Funniest part was seeing Stu with implants in the credits...why are we not seeing Heather Graham's tig ol bitties??? Yet we are subjected to a Mr. Chow dong shot???
  9. jeremiejones

    Lance Armstrong / Cheating in Sports / Cheating in Life

    Lance didn't take any shortcuts to win? Wow your logic is a joke! I guess Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, McGwire etc. didn't take any shortcuts either. LIESTRONG
  10. jeremiejones

    Ann Coulter says the US doesn't have a gun problem but has a problem with Blacks and Muslims using g

    Obama is a Centrist?! Bush was a Conservative?! Take a step back and look at the big picture here. These "puppets" have no real power and are simply for theatrics. They work for the same master just like Clinton and daddy Bush before them. Barry takes a pic with Jay Z and you think he's...
  11. jeremiejones

    Zero Dark Thirty Vol: The Hunt for Osama bin Laden

    Just saw this online and here's a quick summary-CIA keeps asking detainees where UBL's couriers are in between brief torture/interrogation scenes. Finally catch a lead on years old intel. Red head has a sit down with Tony Soprano and he gets the hit ok'd. Bin Laden gets whacked and that's...
  12. jeremiejones

    Love for Spike Lee

    Respect to Spike for shining light on the music and legacy of MJ (Jackson)! Anyone who likes music should watch Bad 25. Hope he does something like this for Thriller.
  13. jeremiejones

    NRA unveils it's awesome plan to stop shootings. More guns!

    The deeper issue here is what has become of our society? We live in a culture of death and Godlessness. I think we also need to take a serious look into the medications being prescribed to our young people and the effects they may have. All these murderers look like empty soulless zombies.
  14. jeremiejones

    CNN’s Don Lemon on Gun Control: Should We Start Profiling White Men?

    Only a fool would deny racial profiling exists and is unjust to any man or woman. People should be calling for an end to it and not for more of it. People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both. -Thomas Jefferson
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