¹ 2008 Spring Football/Summer Workouts (updates) ©

Yes .... well worth it
It is
the only problem I ran into last season was I lost my FSN network , so when they televised SC on that network I didnt get to peep it.

Pac 10 commish
yo IVEY I was going put the same pic of Lamaar in my avy...lol.I saved the pic friday and was going to put it on here but you beat me to it.....lol
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yea we were, I cant remember the bet we were supposed to make.
was it football?

maybe track?

cj spiller related?

but the email was about real estate, I still have the email addy u shot me. we were talkin about foreclosures.

it was about Clemson winning the ACC. i don't know why i remember that !#$!.
Originally Posted by gatorb807

Maybe old news but Dee Finley did not qualify for UF. That is 3 safeties lost Finch, Hornsby and Finley. Hopefully this means Will Hill sees the field a ton this year, with Major sliding over to SS.


Only reason Major played FS was because of the car theif Tony Joiner...

Now Major can man the SS (His natural position) and Will can man the Free.

Thats a vicious combo....
I'll set ND at 6.5 if anyone wants action on that, too

Pre-Pre-season predictions

Big east Champs
SEC Champs
Big XII Champs
Pac 10 Champs
ACC Champs
Big 10 Champs

Beanie Wells

I'll throw some more players up later...don't know about National Title team yet either
Originally Posted by Jwill JR

yo IYE I was going put the same pic of Lamaar in my avy...lol.I saved the pic friday and was going to put it on here but you beat me to it.....lol

I change my avy waay too much, itll prolly be different 2mo. But,Devier Posey has a similar one aswell.

Originally Posted by IYE2

Originally Posted by Jwill JR

yo IYE I was going put the same pic of Lamaar in my avy...lol.I saved the pic friday and was going to put it on here but you beat me to it.....lol

I change my avy waay too much, itll prolly be different 2mo. But, Devier Posey has a similar one aswell.

I can't stand O$U but Devier is my boy, I hope he balls this year. O$U heads know if he'll get any burn this year?
My Boy 'Quan...Blythewood High Alumn!!

Clemson is definitely a problem this year, and i gonna say the same thing i been saying for the past two years, anything less than Orange Bowl is afailure!

Not a UGA fan but i have to support another one of Blythewood's Finest, my man C.White!

Hopefully he can become a big role on that suspect UGA defense
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Can I see a copy of this animals birth certificate? No way in hell Nigel Bradham is a frosh.

he's a freshman right?

it dont matter Miami gonna whoop that @*@ again....cant believe we beat yall with Kirby Freeman
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by Newbs24

Can I see a copy of this animals birth certificate? No way in hell Nigel Bradham is a frosh.

he's a freshman right?

it dont matter Miami gonna whoop that @*@ again....cant believe we beat yall with Kirby Freeman

My dude NIGEL

Yeah...He a TRUE freshman....I think he still 17 too (I Could me wrong)


Gad damn boy....You got banned again????
Athens - Three University of Georgia football players have been arrested since Saturday night, according to police and news reports.
Offensive linemen Justin Anderson and Trinton Sturdivant were arrested Monday night and charged with simple battery, according to the Athens-Clarke County jail's Web site. Each was released on $1,500 bond. No other information was available.

Another Georgia player, defensive lineman Michael Lemon, was arrested Saturday night and also charged with battery. Lemon allegedly punched another UGA student at an apartment complex barbecue, according to a report in the school newspaper, The Red and Black.


Sturdivant probably trying to walk it out on some dude again...

Mike Lemon is my boy, too. We almost got into a scrap at a summer basketball camp several years back. (I kind of caught him in the jaw with anelbow...

Dude should know better, though. I hope for all the best for this man.
"can't stand tOSU but Devier is my boy, I hope he balls this year. tOSU heads know if he'll get any burn this year?"

I dont think so.. no need to waste his redshirt year... we have a SOLID core of WR, but I do think that there will be some up and comers that will break out..I still think Taurian Washington will have a breakout year and be one of the next top WRs for tOSU
I will not watch that crap game anymore.

Past few years it has been dreadful. Horrible, horrible offense
I'm just rooting for a hurricane. Like, a real hurricane.

They're not gonna score anyway. Might as well watch them try in pouring rain and swirling winds.
I don't blame you, I wouldn't but I have to.

my real reason is I've been on the losing side of that damn game for 3 straight years flip flopping back and forth between the two teams
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Tennessee signed football coach Phillip Fulmer and basketball coach Bruce Pearl to new deals Wednesday that will keep them with the Volunteers through 2014.
someone get the clap gift out. we a lock to beat these bums 2 years in a row and them fools and winning a title no time soon.
CECIL HURT: New Rule will change the way athletes are recruited

Cecil Hurt Sports Editor
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Jerrell Powe. Brandon Jennings.Neither is a household name among University of Alabama sports fans.

Powe's name, at least, might ring a bell since he has been a fairly well-publicized Ole Miss football recruit. Jennings, a basketball prospect who has signed with Arizona, is noteworthy in prep recruiting circles but wouldn't register at all with the average SEC sports fan.

However, both young men - and Powe in particular - are part of scenarios that could signal a profound change in the way certain athletes are recruited in the future by many schools, including the University of Alabama.

Powe's case is particularly relevant to Southeastern Conference football programs. His story has been a long one and will require some summarization here, with much of the information derived from the work of my friends Rusty Hampton and Kyle Veazey in the Jackson (Miss.) Clarion-Ledger.

In a nutshell, here is the Powe lowdown. He was the No. 1 rated defensive line prospect in the country out of Waynesboro, Miss., in the 2004 prep football season. The 6-foot-3, 345-pound Powe signed with Ole Miss He didn't qualify and went to Hargrave Military Academy where he played football in 2005, the last time he has done so, to this point. In February 2006, Ole Miss signed him again.

Since then, Powe's eligibility has been an ongoing soap opera marked by court injuctions, correspondence courses from BYU Online and at least one quote from Powe's mother, Shirley, that made him infamous among guardians of academia.

'He's a nice child, he just can't read,' Mrs. Powe was reported as saying. (She has subsequently denied that she said it.)

Attorneys got involved, including Montgomery's Donald Jackson, who has jousted with the NCAA before. Finally, the NCAA, wary of litigation and more enamoured of special dispensations than a 15th-century pope, made a 'special ruling' in Powe's case. It declared him a partial qualifier, allowing him to enroll in Ole Miss and receive financial aid, although he couldn't play (or practice) football.

That didn't necessarily end Powe's problems, since the Southeastern Conference doesn't allow partial qualifiers.

Make that 'didn't' allow them. Now, let's zoom into the present to get up to speed.

At its most recent meetings in Destin, Fla., the SEC apparently relaxed its rules concerning non-qualifiers. I was in Destin but missed that development, as did most of the other reporters there, none of whom (at least as far as I have seen in extensive on-line searching) mentioned it at the time. It's only been referenced in stories about Powe. But here is what Ole Miss athletics director Pete Boone had to say about the change.

'Basically, the SEC's initial eligibility rules will generally mirror the NCAA's, which allow some non-qualifiers to attend school and try to get their grades up before competing,' Boone told the Clarion-Ledger. 'The one caveat is that any non-qualifier still has to be approved by the (SEC) commissioner.'

Now, as large as Jerrell Powe is, let's set him aside for a moment. This is big news. It is a huge change in the way the conference approaches this issue. In the past, the SEC - unlike other leagues - didn't allow non-qualifiers on campus at all, at least as prospective athletes. A non-qualifier either had to get qualified in prep school or graduate from junior college. Otherwise, they didn't get on the field, ever.

Perhaps this new rule could be called 'Saban Rule II.' You might remember the mini-controversy that some people attempted to stir last fall when Saban, in response to a direct question about the University of South Florida, raised just this point. (I know it is hard to keep up with all the media-generated Saban mini-controversies.) The Alabama coach correctly referred to the differences in what a Big East school could do and what an SEC school could do, and this is exactly the difference he was talking about.

Suddenly, it's not a difference any more. It's a matter for the commissioner to decide. If he decides favorably in Powe's case - and a lot of Ole Miss people seem optimistic that he will - then what will the precedent be for the other schools in the league? For instance, what would it mean for Alabama signee Kerry Murphy, another promising defensive lineman who has had similar admissions issues? Could he enroll at Alabama? He would still have to pay his own way, but he could earn his eligibility in Tuscaloosa, with readily available tutoring like Powe is receiving at Ole Miss. In fact, thanks to an NCAA waiver that goes into effect in August, he might even be able to regain a fourth year of eligibility.

I think Mike Slive is an honorable man, but he's going to be in a tough position regarding these rulings. What if Ole Miss gets a favorable ruling on Powe and Mississippi State, for instance, gets turned down on a similar application? The end result, I think, is that most of the requests for non-qualifier admission will stand a pretty fair chance of being approved. Time will tell.

Now, what does Brandon Jennings' story have to do with all this?

Jennings, who also played at a Virginia prep school last season, is waiting on the results of an SAT test that will determine whether he'll be eligible at Arizona next year. If he doesn't pass the SAT, he's probably going to Europe to play for one year. Even if he does pass the test, he still might go to Europe and start his professional career. That's what the shoe companies, among others, want him to do anyway. Regardless, Jennings has already made it clear that he only wants to play basketball next season so he can head to the NBA once he meets the age requirement.a

So is skipping college basketball for a year in Europe really a bad thing? It would be a first for an American-grown basketball star. Baseball players, of course, skip college all the time and go straight to a minor league career. Football players don't have the option, since there is no viable developmental league in which they could play. If they want to get into the NFL, they have to play in college. That's part of the Powe saga, and I am not being judgmental about Ole Miss when I say that. It goes on at a lot of schools, including a lot of SEC schools. And, if the new attitude to non-qualifiers is any indication, it might be more prevalent, not less, in the future.a
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