☆ ☆ ☆ JordanHeads ☆ ☆ ☆

at around 1:40 was that dj khaled??? sounded like em n kinda looked like em not sure though
Really old (or so it seems like it) trailer for the anticipated documentary. Still hasn't dropped!
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]How did SoleSupreme wear those white/red infareds without them crumbling onhim??[/color]
yeah it's been a while since I watched the video!! The actual movie was suppose to come out this summer!! But I haven't heard anything on it since thevideo first leaked!!
That's the trailer of the movie (actually, more like a documentary). The movie is coming out, I guess.
The last time I e-mailed them about the DVD, they said they're still completing the movie.
If I remember correctly, the film maker Calvin Fowler was almost done with the film. He was waiting on some more interviews with Gentry and Tinker or somethinglike that. This was around April or May of last year. He said the movie was about 80% done, just needed some more interviews and he was going into post tofinish it up.

I met him where I used to work and we tried to acquire the movie for distribution. But he wasn't done with a final cut, so there was no offer made on itat that stage.
How did SoleSupreme wear those white/red infareds without them crumbling on him??
Depending on how they are stored and how often they are worn, so old shoes CAN hold up.

shoe dont fall apart on the basis of age alone, it's the fact that they go so long without being worn.
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