♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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This is the NY I remember.....Really wish they didn't have Busta on the Ante Up remix, but it brought em out into the mainstream a little. These brothas helped me out when I rolled out the gates into no man's land.

i think busta hit mainstreem with woo ha way before ante up[/quote]

I was referring to M.O.P, not Busta......
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Akademiks was the ish back when it first first came out. Had a ill military vibe to it but then they went all southpole on us.










We live in a society where people can be celebrities from doing absolutely nothing of any importance.


Cassie looks good. Regardless of her singing career attempts, she still looks good. That's why she's "relevant".
Okay, sorry I wasn't a cool guy like everybody in this thread
It's funny how cats forget literally all the clothes we used to wear were corny except timbs and bubbles
Avirex( except the leathers)
Pelle pelle
Sean John
Red monkey
Cross colors
And 1
Versace shirts
P.miller( look how fast that supreme hat sold out you can get at a N.O. Gas station)
I could go on and on
When cats front like they never wore those clothes that Cool Kids song always plays in my head" cooler then that guy"
Like someone said if Ye or ASAP pulled something out the fault like a roc a wear or state property shirt, ninjas would be all over that... It's called wanting to be part of something and feeling elite
Sorry I wasn't a Mr. Me Too who could afford just nautica, polo and your favorite racist Tommy Hilfiger
I would bet my first newborn that if someone saw a high profile rapper/ actor wear this tomorrow

Dudes would instantly go out and cop
While the " cool guys" would say I never wanted one of those, yeah right just like nobody else didnt want these

You ain't gots to lie to kick it-silk tha shocker
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Okay, sorry I wasn't a cool guy like everybody in this thread
It's funny how cats forget literally all the clothes we used to wear were corny except timbs and bubbles
Avirex( except the leathers)
Pelle pelle
Sean John
Red monkey
Cross colors
And 1
Versace shirts
P.miller( look how fast that supreme hat sold out you can get at a N.O. Gas station)
I could go on and on
When cats front like they never wore those clothes that Cool Kids song always plays in my head" cooler then that guy"
Like someone said if Ye or ASAP pulled something out the fault like a roc a wear or state property shirt, ninjas would be all over that... It's called wanting to be part of something and feeling elite
Sorry I wasn't a Mr. Me Too who could afford just nautica, polo and your favorite racist Tommy Hilfiger
I would bet my first newborn that if someone saw a high profile rapper/ actor wear this tomorrow

Dudes would instantly go out and cop
While the " cool guys" would say I never wanted one of those, yeah right just like nobody else didnt want these

You ain't gots to lie to kick it-silk tha shocker

For the record, Tommy Hilfiger was not racist. He never said one racist thing and the urban legend is nothing more than a myth.
I'm not sure what you are really trying to say, dude.

I'll say this though, I'm in my mid 30s and lived through all the brands you listed. I hardly wore any of that stuff.

I had a few Cross Colours items when I was young. I wore some And1 stuff - but only to play ball in. Mainly the shirts - short game was either college team gear or Olafs. NYC cats know what's good with that. I admit I bit and copped some Berg. And, I agree it was/is corny.

But, overall, I can hold my head high in all this talk because the stuff that I wore when I was supposed to be young and stupid is still chased after today.

I don't know anybody who actually tried to rock Hammer pants. And, the shiny suits were clowned on in real time. People weren't copying those trends.
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For the record, Tommy Hilfiger was not racist. He never said one racist thing and the urban legend is nothing more than a myth.

Yes. Thanks, J.

It feels like no matter how many times this myth gets debunked people still don't pay attention.

This is actually a common phenomenon though - often debunking a myth actually just reinforces the preexisting misconception.
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Fashawn is from L.A doe.........

No he is from Fresno originally
All I am saying and it's dead to me after this, at the end of the day to say one brand is superior to another is completely irresponsible in my eyes because the fashion from the 80s-90s everybody fell victim to bad choices or their only choices were cheaper options( ie dada and Southpole) not everybody was stunting at one time and to deny that you may have not had a certain item in your closet to appear cool doesn't make you cool...
I never knocked anybodies hustle that could afford the brands or vice versa
And if you believe TH was an urban legend then ace of spades never said they wanted black people or rappers to support their brand, to believe that this man never said this(maybe in private) I got some island real estate for sale in Dubai... His brand was exclusively pioneered by urban youths but guaranteed he didn't want it that way but black people, we do spend money more outside our community then within, that's why I was glad fubu, akadimics came along
But at the end of this rant, fashion/clothes are all superfluous
Didnt mean to fire shots at anybody but this is my opinion...
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Fashawn is from L.A doe.........

No he is from Fresno originally
All I am saying and it's dead to me after this, at the end of the day to say one brand is superior to another is completely irresponsible in my eyes because the fashion from the 80s-90s everybody fell victim to bad choices or their only choices were cheaper options( ie dada and Southpole) not everybody was stunting at one time and to deny that you may have not had a certain item in your closet to appear cool doesn't make you cool...
I never knocked anybodies hustle that could afford the brands or vice versa
And if you believe TH was an urban legend then ace of spades never said they wanted black people or rappers to support their brand, to believe that this man never said this(maybe in private) I got some island real estate for sale in Dubai... His brand was exclusively pioneered by urban youths but guaranteed he didn't want it that way but black people, we do spend money more outside our community then within, that's why I was glad fubu, akadimics came along
But at the end of this rant, fashion/clothes are all superfluous
Didnt mean to fire shots at anybody but this is my opinion...

Tommy Hilfiger has never been quoted saying anything racist. No one has ever come forward to accuse him of racism in public or private. No video exists of him ever saying or doing anything racist. You actually sound like a racist accusing him of bigotry without a single shred of evidence. Do you also have a friend who took LSD once and now thinks that he is an orange? Do you know someone who bought a dog in Mexico, that turned out to be a rat? Do you believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? :lol:
Conspiracy Theories 101: Designer Tommy Hilfiger Is Racist?
Aug 14, 2012
By Ruth Manuel-Logan

Back in the fall of 1996, a rumor involving famed fashion mogul Tommy Hilfiger (pictured) had a cyber explosion. The rumor accused Hilfiger of being a staunch racist, and alleged that the designer made racist comments while on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” stating that if he’d known that Blacks would be wearing his clothing, then he would never have made them. WHAT!?

SEE ALSO: Black Conspiracy Theories 101: HIV/AIDS Was Created To Extinguish Blacks

And that wasn’t the end of it.

Another version of the rumor mill allegedly ballooned to include Asians, “If I knew that Blacks and Asians were going to wear my clothes, I would have never designed them,” Hilfiger purportedly said.

The rumor went on to say that Oprah actually threw Hilfiger off of her show for his incendiary statements.

SEE ALSO: Evelyn, Chad: Who’s The Victim?

Even though folks were up-in-arms about what Hilfiger had allegedly uttered, no one was quite sure what he had in fact said, whom he’d said it to, or to exactly which ethnic group.

Yet Hilfiger’s clothing line was boycotted by those who believed the damaging myth.

To counter the slander that had spread like wildfire, Hilfiger representatives sent out notices, stating that he had never appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Oprah also attempted to come to Hilfiger’s rescue on January 11, 1999, by emphatically stating that Hilfiger had never been a guest on her program:

So I want to just set the record straight once and for all. The rumor claims that clothing designer Tommy Hilfiger came on this show and made racist remarks, and that I then kicked him out. I just want to say that is not true because it just never happened. Tommy Hilfiger has never appeared on this show.

READ MY LIPS, TOMMY HILFIGER HAS NEVER APPEARED ON THIS SHOW! And all of the people who claim that they saw it, they heard it, it never happened. I’ve never even met Tommy Hilfiger.”

SEE ALSO: Black Conspiracy Theories 101: Atlanta Child Murders

Even the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that was formed to fight anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, got involved and delved right in to the out-of-control conspiracy theory that was wreaking havoc on Hilfiger’s reputation. In 2001, the League summarized its findings in a letter to Hilfiger:

Dear Mr. Hilfiger:

The Anti-Defamation League has received recurring inquiries regarding a number of defamatory rumors that have been spread on the Internet and by word-of-mouth in recent years about you and your company.

Based upon our investigation, it is apparent to us that you never made the statements that attribute racist remarks to you. In some cases, the rumor alleges that you appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and made racist remarks, causing a supposedly irate Oprah to ask you to leave.

We have concluded that these rumors are completely false, and it is apparent that you never made the statements attributed to you, nor did you appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Ironically, nearly 12 years after the rumor got its legs, Hilfiger finally did make an appearance on Oprah’s talk show on May 2, 2007. He discussed the conspiracy theory at length, stating that he still did not know how the myth got started.

The clothier also mentioned that in his pursuit to get to the root of the rumor, he even enlisted the assistance of the FBI, who conducted an investigation. The disparaging theory was traced back to a college campus, but the agents could not zero in on anyone specifically.

The fashion icon told Oprah during the interview that the rumor, “Hurt my integrity, because at the end of the day, that’s all you have. And if people are going to challenge my honesty and my integrity and what I am as a person, it hurts more than anything else,” he says. “Forget the money that it has cost me.”

The humanitarian, who is the founder of a summer camp for inner-city children and one of the driving forces behind the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Fund, the group dedicated to creating the monument to the slain civil rights leader in Washington, D.C., told Oprah during his visit with her that all he has ever wanted to do was to create a fashion line for everyone, “I wanted to sell a lot of clothes to a lot of people.”





It boggles my mind that in 2013, such a stupid and obvious lie, that can be disproved by a simple Google search, is still perpetuated and believed. No wonder our country is in the state that it is in. People will believe anything, without even a slight attempt at verification. I just pray to God that you aren't of voting age and, if you are, that you don't vote.
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My man, JChambers!!

In addition to the fact that no actual evidence of any racist remarks exists, the circumstantial evidence contradicts the premise of the allegation as well. As time went on, Hilfiger branched out and established the Tommy Jeans line, which was essentially marketed toward the urban demographic. So, why would he actively attempt to seek out the demographic of customers he allegedly didn't want?

If I had to guess, he probably said something similar to what many designers who become popular in the hood say when asked about it. ...I didn't design the clothes initially with this demographic in mind, but I think what they've done is cool. Fashion is all about expression and I'm stoked that they are making my designs their own and showing there's more than one way to appreciate my designs. I'm grateful for all my customers. ...And, then somebody took the first part out of context. But, different forms of this urban myth allegation have been levied at all kinds of designers throughout the years.
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