⚽️The Footy Thread: German Super Cup, International Champions Cup, Copa Libertadores

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We had faith for what? :rolleyes :smh:
jape jape your mans Quique looking funny rn, Levante beat Betis 4-0, coming off back to back losses to rivals and 2 wins since March.
they've gone completely off the rails. i'm not sure whats going on with them. they've been target practice since the new year.
it's all good though. valverde is about to make me put some respek on his name
It was like arsenal were still shaken from the palace result, Mustafi's spirit was all over our defense. Sokratis and Leno had probably their worst matches this season. Heart wrenching and depressing display
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Today’s results make me even more mad that we didn’t get 3 points against Burnley...

Only positive is that now our fate is in our own hands. Need all 9 remaining points.
I think Lucas has been a good addition to the club but some of his uh, views, are pretty out there.
I know he's a big Bolsonaro supporter but I'm not familiar with the social dynamics of Brazil and what might lead to support for Bolsonaro in spite of Bolsonaro's blatant dictatorial, racist and homophobic statements and actions. For what it's worth, I have seen no indications of Lucas misbehaving or anything. However I do recall him appearing to defend Bolsonaro against claims of racism, though the tweets were in portuguese so I could only make out parts of it and struggled to understand what the specific allegation was, only that it was a defense of Bolsonaro regarding some claim of racism about Bolsonaro.

He was arguing a lot on Twitter with just random people, with a lot of references to Jesus in his tweets.
I don't recall the specific set of tweets, it was from while ago, probably early in the season.
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Wolves are so infuriating; they always beat the "big" clubs then go lose next week to some bottom feeders.
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