⚽️The Footy Thread: German Super Cup, International Champions Cup, Copa Libertadores

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Wolves are so infuriating; they always beat the "big" clubs then go lose next week to some bottom feeders.

Yea it gets pretty disappointing. We need to find better players to beat the lower teams who park the bus on us. It’s also growing pains to me.
The alleged TOTY

No sonaldo in the TOTY?

Y'all think Cavani makes sense for Atletico? Seeing some stuff online about it, might be bs.

Side note, Ligue un needs a few billionaires to come into that league, imagine Lyon & Marseille with the financial capacity to take some titles off PSG

Wasn't the same rumor going around last season or the season before. I would have liked to see Cavani make the move. I think Atletico could work out. Morata is going back to Chelsea and Costa aint cutting it. Cavani is getting a nice check and enjoying life in Paris. Turning his head will be hard. Hopefully he wants a new challenge but I totally understand why he wanted.

I believe a Chinese billionaire was eyeing Nice. But I agree, I would like to some money injected to the clubs of Ligue 1
I think Lucas has been a good addition to the club but some of his uh, views, are pretty out there.
I know he's a big Bolsonaro supporter but I'm not familiar with the social dynamics of Brazil and what might lead to support for Bolsonaro in spite of Bolsonaro's blatant dictatorial, racist and homophobic statements and actions. For what it's worth, I have seen no indications of Lucas misbehaving or anything. However I do recall him appearing to defend Bolsonaro against claims of racism, though the tweets were in portuguese so I could only make out parts of it and struggled to understand what the specific allegation was, only that it was a defense of Bolsonaro regarding some claim of racism about Bolsonaro.

He was arguing a lot on Twitter with just random people, with a lot of references to Jesus in his tweets.
I don't recall the specific set of tweets, it was from while ago, probably early in the season.

Sounds like he’s an ultra devout Christian who will vote conservative no matter what it ultimately means for the members of his community
Isn't it weird how religion and politics are holding society back, take offense if that offends anybody.

Back to sports.

I’d say it’s corporate and financial interests bastardizing what religion and politics (democracy) were meant to do, coupled with the fact that there are ****** parts of human nature that makes us “hackable”/exploitable in ways that were either advantageous to our survival as we were evolving (follow the leader/support your in-group over the out-group) or couldn’t possibly be taken into account to cope with modern technology.

I put the rest in a spoiler because I don’t think more than 1 person will read it :lol:

On technology, it’s really sad though how just a few years ago I thought social media would be a beacon of enlightenment to spread good forward-thinking ideas to those they would have otherwise never reached. But instead it seems to have just let the dark side normalize their views in a way that shifted the paradigm of society backwards, radicalized more civilians to commit atrocities on other civilians, and been damaging to the masses in terms of how they view their own self-worth because now they don’t just compare to celebs, but to regular people who are doin’ it too. And not everyone who isn’t/can’t be doin it is mentally equipped to handle this. In addition to getting people constantly angry about political/racial stories.

If you take the money/corporations/greed for power by sociopaths who don’t value human lives out of the equation, religion and politics wouldn’t be as big of an issue as they are. But currently they’re the vehicles for greedy ****s who drive them, and who themselves also suffer from the greedy/selfish/power-hungry parts of human nature.

Between all these problems, how we’re destroying the environment, and how technology is advancing without checks to serve the interests of the 1%, humanity has some problems to deal with. We could very plausibly destroy our planet, or wind up having those in power commit mass murder when they realize having us as consumers no longer outweighs the damage being done to the planet, and be replaced by AI. Or have just the wealthy/talented dip to a safe planet. The next few decades can be the most important in determining if our species, in the contexts of morality and reason, is a failure.
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