05.20 Some 3rd Gen iPhone News...

Originally Posted by icykicks79

i dont believe it. The 3g will be out for a while and the new generation iphone will probably be way later.
are you kidding me? at&t all but confirmed a new iphone is coming. everyone and their mom knows apple won't go more than a year withoutupdating their phone line.

stop being naive.
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

Originally Posted by CalvinJohnson

  • 32GB and 16GB to replace current capacities
  • $199 and $299 price-points to be maintained
  • 3.2 Megapixel camera
  • Video recording & editing capabilities
  • Ability to send a picture & video via MMS
  • Discontinuation of the metal band surrounding the edge of the device
  • OLED screen
  • 1.5X The battery life
  • Double the RAM and processing power
  • Built-in FM transmitter
  • Apple logo on the back to light up
  • Rubber-tread backing
  • Sleeker design
  • Built-in compass
  • Revolutionary combination of the camera, GPS, compass, and Google maps to identify photo and inform about photo locations.
  • Turn by turn directions
  • July 17th, 2009 release date

And quit believing all those got $#%@$@ photoshops you guys are seeing
Those arent coming
If you repost a link from like gizmodo or engadget atleast give a source, and according to those exact same sites.. they said its pretty fishy. So dont go around confirming things that arent true yet.
Yea geronimo
oled screen?! daaaaaamn! That's dope!

Edit: That cant be true. OLED would make probably that phone go up about $500 in price.
This is alllll rumours based on a leaked screenshot of the new firmware being tested in China.
I would believe it though.
Originally Posted by CalvinJohnson

  • 32GB and 16GB to replace current capacities
  • $199 and $299 price-points to be maintained
  • 3.2 Megapixel camera
  • Video recording & editing capabilities
  • Ability to send a picture & video via MMS
  • Discontinuation of the metal band surrounding the edge of the device
  • OLED screen
  • 1.5X The battery life
  • Double the RAM and processing power
  • Built-in FM transmitter
  • Apple logo on the back to light up
  • Rubber-tread backing
  • Sleeker design
  • Built-in compass
  • Revolutionary combination of the camera, GPS, compass, and Google maps to identify photo and inform about photo locations.
  • Turn by turn directions
  • July 17th, 2009 release date

And quit believing all those got $#%@$@ photoshops you guys are seeing
Those arent coming
none of that is confirmed all just rumors, but all seem very likely.
as far as ichat goes keep dreaming
Cause they know no matter what people are going to shell out the money reguardless of the price.
delete this thread and OP never post again without a source

as far as the front iChat camera, you gotta be kidding
it sure might be available though.........................in 10 years
The logo lighting up is the only thing that worries me. Who needs that? It would kill battery life?
Originally Posted by ev209

Originally Posted by CalvinJohnson
none of that is confirmed all just rumors, but all seem very likely.
as far as ichat goes keep dreaming
keep dreaming, why?

i mean this technology is nothing new.. you can actually purchase a house phone with video chat capability.. how do i know cuz i use to own one. so im prettysure apple has enough geniuses to actually come up with some type of program to implement to the iphone, although bills might be a little higher cuz toactually make this work, you will need high speed internet (from my experience my video capable house phone) maybe 4g data plan

i hope they do it tho, it would be
.. it will come in handy with my longdistance "friends with benefit" relationship
This iPhone sounds good, if Sprint does some shady thing I MAY go over to AT&T and get this phone. But over $150 for a plan is ridiculous though
It would be nice to get all that in the next iPhone but come on bruh, how you gon post info like that with no source or confirmation and come off likewe're sposed to take it as gospel. I check CNET ERRDAY first thing in the morning and believe me if this was confirmed it'd be all over the front pagesfor at least two days. I ain't sayin you lyin I just need confirmation before I get my hopes up. If you're right though I'll be the first to giveyou your props. lol - Preciate it.
All i know is that when these come out, yall betta hit me up cuz ill be selling these like crazy. and yea theres a new itouch comming soon.
I would only get this phone if they let people with 3G iphone upgrade in there contract. I hope having a 3G iphone for 1 year ATT shall let me upgrade with thepromotional price.
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