09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Of course offering a 13 year old would make ESPN's headlines, but not even one mention on their page of Florida's DC leaving. Just saying..
Originally Posted by Statis22

Maybe if UM gets rid of CRR they'll make another run at Les Miles. He'd be more inclined to take it this time around since that NC honeymoon is starting to die down.

Les Miles NEVER even got offered.  Kirk Herbstreit is just an idiot.  He will never get offered either.  I would much rather prefer Jimmy.
Michigan never offered Miles the job because he told them NO. if he wasnt in the title game and wanted the job it was his

going after Harbaugh would be pointless since everybody knows he is looking to take the 1st legit NFL job he can get. he could of had the raiders job the last 2 years but who wants to work for al davis
Originally Posted by zs05wc

IF we do fire RRod we better bring in another spread coach.
I thought about that...you'd have to do an entire overhaul again which could take years if you bring in a coach with a different style.
Originally Posted by Pac10OWNsSEC

Michigan never offered Miles the job because he told them NO. if he wasnt in the title game and wanted the job it was his

going after Harbaugh would be pointless since everybody knows he is looking to take the 1st legit NFL job he can get. he could of had the raiders job the last 2 years but who wants to work for al davis
Where the hell do you get your info from?

Les Miles was NEVER offered the job or even wanted by Bill Martin.  Dude burned a ton of bridges negatively recruiting against Lloyd, among other things.

BATON ROUGE — LSU football coach Les Milesbroke down while discussing his alma mater of Michigan and his LSUplayers Monday, but it remains unclear if the tears were for leaving orstaying.

"They've not called," Miles said at his weeklymedia luncheon in reference to Monday's formal announcement thatMichigan coach Lloyd Carr is retiring.

"It's unfair to Michigan to say that theyshould. It's unfair to me and my team. I promise you this, what I'mdoing is what you should do — let it rest. I'm playing football forLSU. I love this team."

Miles teared up and paused for 15 seconds beforecomposing himself. "And I'll not do anything to hurt it," he said ashis voice broke. "Any questions?"

[h1]Michigan Blew It with Les Miles, so Now It Must Pay with RichRod[/h1]
Greg Eno

Unlessa bunch of University of Michigan football players, past and present,have banded together in a deliberate attempt to sully the reputationand undermine the authority of Rich Rodriguez, then U-M is going tohave to lie in a bed of its own making.

Actually, Bill Martin’s making.

This latest crisis involving the Michigan football program—the onewhere players past and present allege NCAA violations in terms ofoffseason workouts, etc.—is on Martin, the school’s fumbling, bumblingAthletic Director.

For it was Bill Martin who so botched up the hiring of Lloyd Carr’ssuccessor that he wasn’t even able to convince longtime Michiganassistant Les Miles to flee Louisiana State University and come home.

Les Miles should be the coach at Michigan, period.

Miles should have taken over from Carr in a transition that would have been not only a lot smoother, but also almost seamless.

Les Miles wanted Michigan, badly. But, amazingly, Michigan didn’t seem to want Les Miles in a quid pro quo manner.

Michigan, the Victors Valiant. Michigan, the Leaders of the West.Michigan, the winningest football school in America. Michigan—who letone of their own slip through their fingers.

Martin didn’t show Miles nearly enough love upon Carr’s exit in 2007.

The following aren’t my words, but my sentiment.

Former broadcaster Bob Page, during his appearance on “The Knee Jerks
College All star challenge on espn2


Jevan Snead couldnt even hit Gilyard in stride at all in the wr challenge  ahahhahahahhaaaaaaa
Originally Posted by gobucksBC

Originally Posted by zs05wc

IF we do fire RRod we better bring in another spread coach.
I thought about that...you'd have to do an entire overhaul again which could take years if you bring in a coach with a different style.
I'm sure you would agree it would be terrible if we were set back another 2-3 years
Lester never was offered the job. Its a fact. If he was offered it, he would be here. No question.

If RR was not to come to Michigan, Greg Schiano would be the coach. He initially accepted the job, then balked at the 11th hour, then tried to get it back. When he bailed it sealed his fate. They went after RR and got him.

Next head coach is not a given to be Harbaugh. I think if he continues to at Stanford his resume gets that much better, but they are not going to go after just him. He may be considered a "favorite" but nothing is etched in stone. I think they make a run at Ferentz AGAIN. Miles will get a look. I would think Petersen and Patterson would get looks. Possibly Butch Davis. They would do their homework and get a guy that would fit right in here. I think that is where they lacked in the hire of RR. The guy is a little different and was not prepared. I think they went after the best COACH and not the best fit.
Newbs, I know Jimmy H is far from a lock, that's just who I truly think will get it if RR is indeed canned (even though he publicly ripped on the admissions for athletes a few years ago).  I think that was due to his anger for the University not offering the "Michigan Man" and his friend in Les.

I want Rich Rod to succeed here as much as anyone and think he can but it's looking like he won't be here for too much longer regardless and that's a shame.

I think if Jim Harbaugh improves Stanford's record again, he'll be the default #1 target.  That seems to be who and what all the anti-RR boosters want.  And I honestly won't complain.  I think he could be a great fit.  Problem would be going back to a pro style offense again, but that might be the best for Michigan in the long run.  It would set us back a few more years, but the next hire is all about the long run (i.e., landing the RIGHT man who will be here for 15 years +).
No one gives a *%%# about Jim Harbaugh, Les Miles, Rich Rodriguez, Lloyd Carr.....uh......Tyrone Wheatley.....mmmmmmeeeeerrruuuhhhhh Mercury Hayes, etc.

Mercury Hayes.

Dre, I honestly meant to put "But anyways, enough about the Michigan chatter in here for now, nobody else gives a damn here and RR still has at least another season to coach." at the end of that last post.
Dre whattup with Dionte Allen? Ever going to get burn?

Ponder going to be the QB or will Manuel give him a legit competition?
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Dre, I honestly meant to put "But anyways, enough about the Michigan chatter in here for now, nobody else gives a damn here and RR still has at least another season to coach." at the end of that last post.
I was just %+@@@@% w/ you bro. It's the offseason, ain't really %#@% to talk about

Originally Posted by Newbs24

Dre whattup with Dionte Allen? Ever going to get burn?
You probably didn't see, but Dionte was starting at one point, and getting lots of burn.....but then he got hurt again
Boy can't stay healthy
Ponder going to be the QB or will Manuel give him a legit competition?
only way EJ gets the start is via injury. Hopefully this year we can get some stops and be able to get our 2nd string some mop up duty this year. EJ has two more steps to make in his throwing motion (one more step this spring/summer, and one more next spring/summer) so he should be a finished product come '11-12, '12-'13
They had a 3 year plan to get his release fixed by the time he was a starter.
Always liked the Noles growing up and have stayed up with them to a point. I always envy the guys you are able to bring in at LB. I know quite a few havent panned out the way they were supposed to but guys like the Nicholsons, Sims, Koda, Nigel are just specimens. Wish Michigan could get some guys like that instead of the 2 lumbering dopes we have in the middle next year (Obi/Jonas)
I honestly don't even care if you were @!%@%%+@###*. 

All the Michigan potential coach talk was getting old when CRR still has another season under his belt (and I was one of the main culprets

It wouldn't have escalated if Mike didn't open his mouth spewing nonsense though.

On another note, I like Ponder.  He really showed me some things.  I think after the Miami game, I said in this thread it looks like he could be the best Seminole QB since Chris Weinke.  I hope FSU can get back to being on a somewhat even bases with UF for college football's sake.  Not to mention they were always my 2nd favorite team as a kid.  I said it on here before, Peter Warrick was seriously my hero for a minute.
...Also, Warrick Dunn was my favorite player in the L when he was with the Bucs.
Maaaaaan if AJ Nicholson wasn't a knucklehead he coulda been a 1st/2nd rounder easy

Nigel B
Finally w/ some good coaching. Should be fun
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