10 yr. old with cancer wants to see dad in prison. Should he be given time to spend with her?

Nov 24, 2002

Stuff like this probably happens all the time, but I figure some feedback on this situation would spark a decent conversation. I feel bad for the child. Sad tosee someone suffer, especially at a young age. But in the end, the father made a choice and no exceptions should be made for him. He should have known betterand stayed out of jail for his family. It sucks that an innocent girl has to suffer because of it, but that's life.

So what do you think? Am I in the minority or majority here?
yeah. i think he should be able to see her.
at the same time, dude broke the law.
i guess if enough media attention is brought to this situation, the warden might be "forced" to let him out.
maybe let him out and, sad to say, once his kid dies, put him back in and add the amount of time he was out onto his sentence.

Originally Posted by JBug88

yeah. i think he should be able to see her.
at the same time, dude broke the law.
i guess if enough media attention is brought to this situation, the warden might be "forced" to let him out.
maybe let him out and, sad to say, once his kid dies, put him back in and add the amount of time he was out onto his sentence.


Uhh...They have something called visitation.


NM, just saw the video...
The mother said she wanted more than a few hours of visitation. She wants the Jake Shuttlesworth work release program for her husband.
People are allowed to leave prison and go to funerals of family members and other reasons sometimes so I don't see why this would be different. Yes hecommitted a crime but his child did not, so she shouldn't have to suffer because people want to be "right". He'll go right backs so I see noproblem with it.
Yeah, he should. After that, I think he doesn't care what happens to him after his daughter passes away.
I think he should be allowed to see her. Its a dying child. They're not asking for early release just a few extra hours which they have already given himso i don't see the problem now. Plus its not like he's in for murder.
The video says hes been let out before but they are asking for a longer extension. Hes in on a meth charge and is scheduled for parole next Jan or Feb Ibelieve was mentioned. They said the prison rules admit special circumstances for family crisis. If your 10 year old daughter dying of cancer isn't afamily crisis I don't wanna see what is. Dude already served 4 and change years on what seems to be a 5 some odd year sentence, have some compassion.
What?! This !@%% is ridiculous it's only meth charges its not like he murdered someone, they wont even let him out to see his dying kid? SMH..
My argument is this. She was about 4 or 5 years old when he went to jail. Why should we care so much about this girl's feelings when he obviously did not?He committed a crime knowing he had a family that he's part of. I know it sounds heartless, but that's the price you pay.

IMO opinion it's a good lesson, especially to young fathers out there.

And how long is the leave allowed for funerals? I'm guessing the family is looking for some kind of extended stay.
i would say since hes locked up for non-violent drug related charges, that he can spend a "lil more" time with her, but that would just open up awhole can of worms for Prison policy and everyone would try to find some way to work that system.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

My argument is this. She was about 4 or 5 years old when he went to jail. Why should we care so much about this girl's feelings when he obviously did not? He committed a crime knowing he had a family that he's part of. I know it sounds heartless, but that's the price you pay.

IMO opinion it's a good lesson, especially to young fathers out there.

And how long is the leave allowed for funerals? I'm guessing the family is looking for some kind of extended stay.
Rape and/or murder I understand. But its a drug charge and if his dying child wants to see him after he messed up that's between the two of them. The fact that they already let him leave I don't understand what they problem is.
Originally Posted by JBug88

yeah. i think he should be able to see her.
at the same time, dude broke the law.
i guess if enough media attention is brought to this situation, the warden might be "forced" to let him out.
maybe let him out and, sad to say, once his kid dies, put him back in and add the amount of time he was out onto his sentence.

that sounds like a good idea
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

My argument is this. She was about 4 or 5 years old when he went to jail. Why should we care so much about this girl's feelings when he obviously did not? He committed a crime knowing he had a family that he's part of. I know it sounds heartless, but that's the price you pay.

IMO opinion it's a good lesson, especially to young fathers out there.

And how long is the leave allowed for funerals? I'm guessing the family is looking for some kind of extended stay.

By "teaching him a lesson", you deprive a dying child of her father. I can't get with that. He's paying his price in prison. Idon't believe in punishing the innocent for the crimes of another.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

My argument is this. She was about 4 or 5 years old when he went to jail. Why should we care so much about this girl's feelings when he obviously did not? He committed a crime knowing he had a family that he's part of. I know it sounds heartless, but that's the price you pay.

IMO opinion it's a good lesson, especially to young fathers out there.

And how long is the leave allowed for funerals? I'm guessing the family is looking for some kind of extended stay.

yes he commited a crime in spite of having a family but nobody can predict when someone is going to die. honestly if i was governor or senator i wouldpardon him. losing a loved one is punishment enough.
MAybe he sold drugs to support his child? If I was the judge I would try to find some evidence whether they had a meaningful relationship or not when he wasaround
Originally Posted by RawSheed

MAybe he sold drugs to support his child? If I was the judge I would try to find some evidence whether they had a meaningful relationship or not when he was around

Ehh, that's another topic for another time, though I do see the relevance here. My stance on that issue would parallel this one though.
Well, I'm not convinced that they should offer a special arrangement for him, but I'm not exactly going to cause an uproar if anything is doneto accommodate his situation either.
I don't think they should offer a special arrangement. This would open the doors for other inmates to do this stuff.

By the way, will the girl die of cancer before he's up for parole?
Why not let him see the kid, I mean it isn't like they are letting him go. I swear people make things out to be so complicated when it isn't.
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