12/18 WWE TLC PPV - Punk/Miz/Del Rio TLC Match, HHH/Nash Ladder Match, Ziggler/Ryder (p33)

Oct 15, 2000

Last night was TNA's Final Resolution PPV, and the joke is that nothing was actually resolved.  Jarrett lost and the stipulation of the match was that either Jeff or Karen would be fired, but that announcement won't be made until this Thursday's Impact.  Bobby Roode and AJ Styles fought to a 3-3 draw in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match for Roode to keep the title.  Reports are that the two three matches (Storm/Angle, Hardy/Jarrett, Roode/Styles) were good, but the Impact Zone crowd was dead all night and killed the show.  Jeff Hardy earned a title shot at the next PPV, Genesis, on January 8.  TNA will have three sets of tapings this week (Mon for Dec 16, Tue for Dec 22, Wed for Dec 29).  I would say we should have a good idea where they are going for Genesis, but normally TNA doesn't announce anything until about the final 5 minutes of the go home show which isn't until Jan 5.  Anyway, there will be a tag team tournament to determine the #1 Contenders for Crimson & Matt Morgan's titles.  Also as I said, Sting will announce which Jarrett is fired.  It is expected that there will be a Roode/Styles rematch in one of these three upcoming shows.

Tonight is a special 3 hour Raw which will include the annual Slammy Awards.  The only award announced is the Superstar of the Year award.  John Cena is the back to back winner (2009 and 2010).  Will he 3Peat?  Well, there is a fan vote on WWE.com, and there is no limit to how many times you can vote.  You don't even have to enter a confirmation code.  So there will probably be 50 trillion votes, and WWE will brag about this that they get more votes than the MLB All Star Game, NBA All Star Game, Heisman Award, Superbowl MVP, and Presidential election combined.  Anyway, WWE has posted fictitious odds for each of the candidates...

  • Alberto Del Rio - 100:1
  • Mark Henry - 25:1
  • Randy Orton - 20:1
  • The Miz - 15:1
  • John Cena - 10:1
  • CM Punk - 5:1
What exactly has The Miz done to deserve better odds than Randy Orton?  I can't remember The Miz winning one match of significance clean in the entire year of 2011.  CM Punk looked to be a lock during the summer, but he burned out quicker than anyone in recent memory.  My vote goes to Mark Henry, although the booking of him over the past month has been very questionable.  Still, he has been booked great as champion with strong, clean wins over Randy Orton.

It will be interesting if this is really a true fan vote if Cena or Punk wins.  Punk may get the better face reactions, but Cena is still the much bigger name, draw, and ratings grabber.  However, there is no way to know if the voting is legit, and knowing WWE, they will just choose the outcome that they want.

An interesting scenario I heard was that Punk wins, and Cena gets a bit agitated that the fans didn't vote for him, just adding a little bit more fuel to the storyline of him possibly turning heel (or at least tweener) down the line.  Of course, Cena will probably lose and come out with a goofy smile and Zack Ryder wig and start making jokes about it.

Other years we have had awards such as Match of the Year, OMG Moment of the Year, Diva of the Year, Shocker of the Year, Fan Reaction of the Year, and others.  My vote for Match of the Year has to be Punk defeating Cena at Money in the Bank in Chicago.  The match may have been a little rough at some spots, but there was no other match this year that had such a big time feel about it as that one.  That is one of the few matches in the current WWE era that I will always remember.  I really don't care about the other awards.

Sometimes coming out of the Slammys, we get an initial feel of who WWE is ready to push in the coming year at The Royal Rumble into WrestleMania.  With how often they change their mind, I doubt that will happen this year.  A few years back, it was at The Slammys where Shawn Michaels issued his rematch challenge to The Undertaker at WrestleMania.  I don't see anything like that happening tonight.

This is also the go home show for the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs PPV this Sunday.  Right now from Raw, we have:

  • CM Punk (c) vs Alberto Del Rio vs The Miz in a Triple Threat TLC Match for the WWE Championship
  • HHH vs Kevin Nash in a Ladder Match with a sledgehammer hanging over the ring (although either man can use it once it is retrieved)
  • Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Zack Ryder for the United States Championship

John Cena is currently not on the card.  TLC is looking like a disaster buyrate PPV, so I would be absolutely stunned if Cena isn't added to the title match tonight to help draw some buys.

The Nash and HHH match was set up last week by David Otunga of all people telling Nash about the match.  HHH hasn't been on TV in weeks.  I guess they felt one week's build was enough because HHH and Nash are two of the biggest stars in wrestling history.  I'm shocked they are having this match at TLC and not saving it for the Rumble.  Well, when the crappy buyrate comes in, HHH will just blame it on Punk, Del Rio, and Miz not being able to draw.

What exactly has Zack Ryder done to earn a title shot?  Make goofy YouTube videos?  Every time he's on TV he loses.

And why is Cena best friends with Ryder, to the point that he would give up his WWE Title opportunity so Ryder can get a US Title shot?  They've never explained this other than Cena saying he respects Ryder's hard work.  What hard work has Ryder done?  It certainly hasn't happened on WWE TV.  And before anyone bashes me as a Ryder hater, I'm not saying I don't like him (although I hated him after last week's show because he was on way too much).  I'm just saying, he has done NOTHING on television to deserve a title shot, much less be over with the fans or be associated with John Cena, the top act in the company.

The real reason Cena is friends with Ryder is because WWE thinks they can piggyback off of the huge face reactions Ryder gets to help Cena get more cheers.  In reality, I think it may end up having a backlash for Ryder.  If Cena couldn't get cheers pairing with The Rock, he's never going to get cheers.

The other matches for TLC are:

  • Mark Henry (c) vs The Big Show in a CHAIRS MATCH!
  • Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett in a Tables Match
  • Cody Rhodes (c) vs Booker T for the Intercontinental Championship
  • And I assume a Divas match

Don't forget about that early start time tonight.
Hope I can stay awake long enough to see Cena win it for a third year in a row..Man I can't stand him..That is all..
The Ryder steam is losing its touch. He should won the U.S. title at Survior Series, now thought of him winning is
Definitely agree with you about Ryder. I said in the last thread that Cena is gonna make me hate Ryder, and boooooy is Cena
toeing that line right now. The backlash is probably gonna end in a whimper with Ryder being just another dude.
I completely forgot to include anything about Cena vs Henry in my preview. Probably because I would bet my condo on it that there won't be a clean finish. Fully expect a distraction finish from Ryder and/or Big Show allowing Cena to get the win.

They should not make Henry look like a Cena jobber on back to back Raw's, but I'm pretty confident that's what we'll get.
With the push they were giving Henry a few months back, as the unstoppable monster heel, I think they could have actually made a pretty big money program with Cena being the one to try and stop Henry, but now that's out the window.
I think HHH v. Taker @ Wrestlemania should get match of the year , especially for the entrances alone.
@ the thread not being made 1 hour before the show...taking it back to the old days have it early. Props.

Maybe N&N this week?

I meant to ask this last week but can anyone think of the top 3 matches (in order) they saw in 2011? Doesn't have to be restricted to WWE. I have to do a bit more thinking on my top 3 but Cena vs. Punk @ MITB is somewhere in there...even though a few in-ring spots were a little sloppy, just the atmosphere and the conclusion of that match was storybook perfect...best booked "big" match from the 'E this year, by far.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

My vote for Match of the Year has to be Punk defeating Cena at Money in the Bank in Chicago.  The match may have been a little rough at some spots, but there was no other match this year that had such a big time feel about it as that one.  That is one of the few matches in the current WWE era that I will always remember. 

I disagree on Henry being SOTY though. I know you've been down on Punk recently but NO ONE has made a bigger impact in the WWE than Punk this year and 2011 will be looked at as his year. %$+@, he had a whole summer dedicated to him.
Swagberto del Rio could've challenged him w/ his RR win, MITB win and being a 2x WWE Champ but he's been on a downward slide the past few months. If WWE would have gave him the "Reign of Orton" '07-'08 title run he would have been a serious contender.
Originally Posted by bkmac

The Ryder steam is losing its touch. He should won the U.S. title at Survior Series, now thought of him winning is
Idk he's adding some excitement to the US title picture imo. Can't remember anyone trying this hard to get it in a while.

Chairs match is so corny.
I meant to ask this last week but can anyone think of the top 3 matches (in order) they saw in 2011? Doesn't have to be restricted to WWE. I have to do a bit more thinking on my top 3 but Cena vs. Punk @ MITB is somewhere in there...even though a few in-ring spots were a little sloppy, just the atmosphere and the conclusion of that match was storybook perfect...best booked "big" match from the 'E this year, by far.


This was the 1st match I thought of when I read Crooks' post about HHH/Taker being MOTY.

I think HHH/Taker gets the nod though.

And Punk is definitely Superstar of the Year.
Will HHH be appearing on RAW tonight?�

When is "Pop" McMahon coming back?�

My WWE moment of the year:

Vince's reaction is Oscar worthy.
Chyna’s Escort Rates Revealed

How much can you get Chyna for?

- Yesterday it was reported that Chyna is now working as an outcall escort via MyPornStarProvider.com. Today, her rates have been revealed. If you want to purchase Chyna's services, they are priced as follows…

* $3,500 for the first hour

* $1,500 each additional hour

* $10,000 24 hour

* $20,000 weekend

Spoiler [+]
My pick for superstar of the year.. his name is Alberto Del Rio but you already know that..

- x2 WWE Champion
- Winner of the biggest royal rumble ever
- Money in the bank winner

However the "wwe universe" is going to pick CM Punk for SSOTY..

The slammy award I think Del Rio is going to win is Breakout superstar
Returning to WWE after a more than two-year hiatus, Lilian Garcia appeared on Friday's episode of SmackDown as the program's new ring announcer.

Tony Chimel introduced Garcia to the live audience at the start of the broadcast, who was already standing in the ring. As Garcia talked about how great it was to be back, she was interrupted by Cody Rhodes, who was standing on the announce table. Rhodes said no one cares she is back since no one noticed she had left. Garcia danced with Hornswoggle later during the show, which gave commentator Michael Cole the opportunity to air a crass backstage joke.

He cracked, "I wish these two would stop horsing around!"

The reference stems from those in WWE's "inner circle"—Vince McMahon, Triple H, television producer Kevin Dunn and the since departed John "Bradshaw" Layfield—often joking that Garcia has a horse-shaped face. The crass joke was passed around backstage years ago and ultimately acknowledged on television to amuse company employees. Though Garcia has publicly taken the joke in stride, Mick Foley took offense to Hunter demeaning the "Decade Diva" during an episode of RAW last year in which she had filled in for regular ring announcer Justin Roberts.

He wrote online after watching on television Triple H tell Garcia she can always return to WWE to "horse around," "Why does someone like Triple H, one of the most talented, well paid guys in the business, do something so shallow and mean? Why would a multi-millionaire, with millions of fans around the world, feel the need (several times over the years) to say something that is only meant to hurt? I don’t get it. I don't get why it's done, I don't get why it's condoned, I don't get what possible satisfaction anyone involved gets from demeaning someone like Lillian Garcia. I just don't get it."

The latest reference was likely directed by Triple H, who filled in for McMahon at Tuesday's SmackDown taping since the WWE CEO was off visiting U.S. Armed Forces serving in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan. Cole is the mouthpiece of the program director, as he is fed lines via headset. It was not the only mean-spirited remark on Friday's show as Cole made light of Jim Ross suffering from Bell's palsy after Josh Mathews said Cole speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

Cole quipped, "Actually, there is nothing wrong with my mouth, unlike J.R.'s."

The official website for be a STAR, an anti-bullying alliance co-founded by The Creative Coalition and WWE, was recently overhauled. Beastaralliance.org features the public service announcements currently airing on WWE programming campaigning against bullying as well as numerous information resources.

Triple H is one of the campaign's top supporters; the front page of the overhauled site features a quote from the WWE Superstar that reads "Bullying needs to be stopped!"

Sometimes i wish HHH and Vince would lay in the middle of the ring, and have 3 million sledgehammers drop on their heads.
And only their heads. All 3 million sledgehammers.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

What exactly has The Miz done to deserve better odds than Randy Orton?  I can't remember The Miz winning one match of significance clean in the entire year of 2011.  CM Punk looked to be a lock during the summer, but he burned out quicker than anyone in recent memory.  My vote goes to Mark Henry, although the booking of him over the past month has been very questionable.  Still, he has been booked great as champion with strong, clean wins over Randy Orton.What exactly has Zack Ryder done to earn a title shot?  Make goofy YouTube videos?  Every time he's on TV he loses.
And why is Cena best friends with Ryder, to the point that he would give up his WWE Title opportunity so Ryder can get a US Title shot?  They've never explained this other than Cena saying he respects Ryder's hard work.  What hard work has Ryder done?  It certainly hasn't happened on WWE TV.  And before anyone bashes me as a Ryder hater, I'm not saying I don't like him (although I hated him after last week's show because he was on way too much).  I'm just saying, he has done NOTHING on television to deserve a title shot, much less be over with the fans or be associated with John Cena, the top act in the company.

Miz had a hot start to 2011 beginning with his WWE title defense against John Morrison on New Year's Day. He won a little match at WrestleMania, too. No big deal, though.

CM Punk has burned out? He's hotter than ever. And he would be even HOTTER if it wasn't for Triple H stealing the spotlight this summer. He's easily SuperStar of the year.

What has Zack Ryder done to earn a WWE U.S. Title shot?

Okay, let's start by going back to September 19th when he first pinned Dolph Ziggler. The rematch on September 26th was won by Ziggler due to interference. On that same night Teddy Long made a match with Ziggler and Ryder on opposite teams. The result was Ryder picking up the win on Ziggler for his team.The next time Ziggler and Ryder would meet would be on the Oct 11th edition of SmackDown in a tag team match. Ryder once again picked up the victory for his team. Oct 15th Ryder would go on to defeat Jack Swagger on RAW. Oct 16th SmackDown Ryder would once again pin Ziggler in a Tag-Team match featuring Sheamus as his partner. At Vengeance Ryder would only lose to Ziggler due to interference. He's had more wins over lowlier opponents such as JTG, Slater, McIntyre, Santino but I digress..

Fact is the score is Ryder 4 Ziggler 2 in matches against each other. So, yes Ryder definitely deserves another title opportunity against Ziggler.

Ryder and Cena's friendship dates back to Z! True Long Island Story episode 7. Ryder would be shown in small backstage segments with Cena throughout the year.

Cena not only respects Ryder's hard work, he also believes he's never been given a fair chance by RAW GM John Laurinaitis despite his consistent wins over Ziggler. (We can all agree Ryder deserved the SS title shot. But once again..that's the story) Do you forget that one of Cena's mottos is "Hustle"? No one has hustled harder than Ryder this year. Period.

Do you get it now? Or do I need to break it down more?
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