#14 Oregon at #16 Boise St. BLOUNT'S COLLEGE CAREER = OVER - It's LaMichael James' show now

Though i live in Eugene, i am an Arizona native and i'm loving this. So much propaganda in this town about the god-like ducks and when it comes down to it,their star handles a loss like some 15 year old hood rat. Fix this one Bellotti...
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

LMAO @ this dude saying if Blount had hit a dog like that he would have gotten 2 years.

Man Blount had 17 touchdowns last year, how can you say he doesn't matter? Masoli is garbage, everyone knows what to expect out of their spread offense
Jaquizz Rogers > the whole damn UO team
Originally Posted by wildout4

at them showing it on the big screen. Real talk, if he did that to someoneelse on a team with crazy & passionate fans, it would have been like Ron Artest at the Palace part 2.
Originally Posted by Div1LBC

Originally Posted by wildout4

at them showing it on the big screen. Real talk, if he did that to someone else on a team with crazy & passionate fans, it would have been like Ron Artest at the Palace part 2.

*hint,hint* any SEC team.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Man Blount had 17 touchdowns last year, how can you say he doesn't matter? Masoli is garbage, everyone knows what to expect out of their spread offense
Jaquizz Rogers > the whole damn UO team

Show me where I said Blount didn't matter to the team.
Masoli is garbage, hence me saying all the other Ducks QB's are better.
Rogers is good, but he cant win games by himself, proof is in last years Civil War.

I cant find anything on Ward. I checked Goducks.com and ESPN, but nothing more than saying he hurt his leg
Oh really? Well whatever, he'll be in this year I hope

Regardless, one player doesnt make the team which was my whole point.
he looked like he %!+!*+ up his knee bad.
it was just hangin to the side. he didnt return to the game either.
@ Oregon not showing up to play on National TV.

%@@%%*! Ducks.

Most overrated program.

Now we are going to go up to Autzen, they will play us tough, and then we got to hear dudes say "Ya'll had trouble beating Oregon, when Boise Statepunked their %$*%*."

Way to represent Oregon,
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Most overrated program.
*cough* Ohio State *cough*

I really fail to see how they're overrated, I'm yet to hear anyone say they're good on even when they do good. That obviously didn't happentonight, they sucked a big fat one. All I ever hear, other than a the ******ed homers, is the Ducks suck, they're terrible, yadda yadda yadda. By thelooks of it that will be the case this year unless the coaching staff and the players pull their heads out of there hindquarters. Neither team played welltonight, but ya'll gonna pick on the Ducks why? Because the fans want their team to be recognized as legitimate? Once again obviously the game tonightdid nothing to help this arguement, but some of you are just straight idiots. With all that said I predict the Ducks having a 50/50 season, no bowl game.
Originally Posted by What up

Oh no, Gunna has a new crush.

Which means about 57% of Niketalk has a new crush.
Nah u late
I been sayin TJ been scorchin teams for a minute. No one was wit me tho. so if u see some brand new TJ riders, U might have a point lol

But If its as bad as it looks he may have played his last collegiate game
I don't even have words for that %%@# that went down tonight.

I can take the L, but Blount was something else, dude is as good as gone.

I wish I could be optimistic about TJ but dude has a history of knee problems he has come a long way from. Hopefully it isnt too bad
Long night. Had a wedding reception until 9:30pm (Mountain time) and then had to drive two hours to family's place to watch the game DVR'd, so here aremy thoughts.

  1. Blount should be gone. Dude cost himself big NFL bucks (even if he was a low-draft pick). Made me sick to see that. As a Ducks fan and supporter I'm embarrassed at what happened after the game. There's no place for that in anything. As much talent as he might have, it's clear he cannot keep a level head when the going gets tough. He's gotta be kicked off the team for that crap. No question about it.
  2. Bad, bad, bad play calling, throughout the night. Oregon is a running team (as weird as that sounds) and we dropped it and never even gave it a chance. Blount should have been benched after the 2nd quarter in favor of a faster, more nimble James/Crenshaw combo who would hit the holes (or tiny, wimpy, thin gaps that were few and far between).
  3. The defense wasn't that bad. They were bad at times, but I thought they held up on some drives where they needed to. They were on the field A LOT tonight...The offense just sucked hard and didn't help in anyway to rest the guys on the other side of the ball.
  4. Reminded me of the Wazzu game after we beat Michigan in 2003. Hyped up to no end and came out flat and played poorly all night.
  5. Oregon was just outplayed, outcoached, and anything else you want to add onto that. No question Boise was the better team tonight. The stats speak for themselves.
  6. On a good note, we have a good punter for the next four years.
I will own anything I said previously. I won't just hide and pretend I didn't say what I said (in talking about Boise's home record,Kelly's preparation for games, etc.). I'm still an Oregon fan, no doubt about it, and I'm still very excited about what the season could hold. I was flat out wrong about a lot. Flame me if you want, whatever.

But if things like the o-line, quarterback play, d-line play don't get shored up...I'm in for a long season of mediocre football. Man..thatO-line..biggest question mark during the offseason becomes the biggest problem for the forseeable future. Steve Greatwood really needs to pull something outtahis rump to fix this group of noobs.

I feel bad for Chip Kelly. He's a good guy, doesn't talk smack, very professional, very upbeat, and positive. What a rough way to start off the season

Unfortunately I haven't read anything yet about TJ Ward and I'm really not expecting good news. I don't think he's like Paul Pierce in thiscase. The way he had to be carried off the field tells me a torn knee ligament, broken leg/foot, etc. I hope it's good news, but I'm just don'tthink it's gonna happen.

Now on to Purdue next week. After this week, Nate Costa seriously needs to be looked at as an option at quarterback. Masoli was making bad choices all night,whether it was running or passing. I feel fine about our wideouts/tight ends/running backs. They never really got a chance to display their skills and whatthey could do on the field. The o-line probably had something to do with it, but Masoli's pick was terrible, and the fumble wasn't the guy in front ofhim's fault.

8-9 wins is probably my max wins this season, and that's being generous at the moment. Utah, Cal, USC, Oregon State all look like they could be bad ifthings don't get better...

Let's see wht happens...
Excuse you?


You throw that term around very loosely.

If people took you seriously before, they certainly don't now.


CP going to shut this thread down�in the AM
he proably cant sleep waitingto type
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