#14 Oregon at #16 Boise St. BLOUNT'S COLLEGE CAREER = OVER - It's LaMichael James' show now

lol ... dude doesnt give a damn ... if i were in charge of the league i would suspend him for the rest of the season ... not only can you not allow things likethat to happen, but dude is a straight up sucker ...
The Boise player did initiate it but Blount should not have punch him, but the Boise player shouldnt have touched him either. Although he prolly couldvecrushed dudes face if he wanted! That was a love tap...Massoli is overrated...Oregon is overrated...The PAC-10 is OVERRATED....
I want to see what his punishment will be for that punch. I think the AD or PAC10 will force him out for a while. His "apology" was laughable...notserious at all.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the sad thing is blunt just cost himself millions


just figured out who that clown What up is now
I don't think he blew "millions" due to that punch....he'll still go in rounds 1-2 (and I think that's where he'sprojected anyways)...

Wasn't the dude who he punched yelling in his face? Doesn't excuse what LB did, but if emotions are running high, the last thing you want to do is rubyour win DIRECTLY in the face (and touching him) of an opponent who is taking the loss hard....

I mean its one thing to be mad, but them at the end of the day its football, there are plenty of games down the season.
I think I had Oregon finishing 5th or 6th in the Pac-10...Thanks Blount, you might have secured that.
E X I L E ..............?????????

Spin this @#$%^&@#$%^*


Lemme guess, you were too busy, didn't even get to watch the game.........

Or, if the refs hadn't made that holding call in the first quarter......

Or, if your cheerleaders woulda laced em up instead of your players, things mighta been different.......





Yeah. We won't be seein this clown for a few more weeks, once they win a couple games he'll be back in here flappin his gums as he usually does.

And I'll be waiting to remind him of a few things.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the sad thing is blunt just cost himself millions


just figured out who that clown What up is now
I don't think he blew "millions" due to that punch....he'll still go in rounds 1-2 (and I think that's where he's projected anyways)...

Wasn't the dude who he punched yelling in his face? Doesn't excuse what LB did, but if emotions are running high, the last thing you want to do is rub your win DIRECTLY in the face (and touching him) of an opponent who is taking the loss hard....
How did he not just lose millions?

No way dude is goin first day after this while Goodell is still in charge
so he sucker punches a dude but hes a G.

He backpeddles while squarin up but hes a G.

Carmelo sucker puches a dude but hes a chump.

Carmelo backpeddles while multiple knick players are chargin at him while squarin up but hes a chump.

I don't get it.
acidicality wrote:
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

EnEyeKayEe wrote:
CP1708 wrote:
541 Exile 562 wrote:
I don't think you can definitively say what would have happened had Bryant not gotten injured. It definitely made a difference, but you can't ignore how physically dominant Oregon was running the ball in the 2nd half. You could argue that when Bryant got injured that swung the momentum, but I think it was inevitable that UO would eventually start controlling the ground. They were already moving the ball in the first half but but had a few mistakes here and there that cost them some points.

Basically, you can't flat out argue that Ok. St. would have won had Bryant not gotten injured while completely ignoring how dominant Oregon was in the 2nd half. When you physically impose your will on someone to that extent, that reveals a serious weakness in a team that would have been uncovered eventually no matter the circumstances.

I'm stunned by the stupidness of this post. And I really shouldn't be, because you've made a lot like this. Truly. I'm amazed every single day that you post and nobody calls you out. That huge college football thread that says no homers, it's talking about you. Everytime I call out fans from Oregon being the most clueless in all the land, I'm talking about you.

Every single God damn post you make is how wonderful the Oregon freaking Ducks are and how they are just unlucky and one step away from greatness. @#$% that. You were getting your @#$%$ kicked until Bryant went out. At that point, O St let down. Plain and simple. It's disheartening when a star goes down, and that is what happened to them. So in the end, yes, the Ducks got the mo on their side, and pounded away, as they should have. They got the win, they get a pat on the back, but no, you can't live with that, you have to sit here and lie to a bunch of people who know you're full of crap, but you still do it anyways. Where you get this arrogance, is beyond me. You ain't rootin for USC, or Florida or some team like that, you root for the Ducks. And you give their fans a bad name. I'm dead serious. For all the good some guys on this board try to do to change my opinion of your fan base, you bring me right back to my original opinion, Duck/Beaver/Blazer fans are thee most clueless bunch of nobodies in the entire country. Again, dead serious. I'm not even joking.
You should sit in a corner for a good 15 minutes, and think about the garbage you type. NT will be a much better place when you get banned just for bein a homer. I'll paypal any mod that makes that happen. They can name their price.


I know I'm late as hell, BUT
THIS is the type of *!*! that gets me hyped for a game I would otherwise not really care about.


CP calling someone a homer. Oh sweet irony.


I know right? Cuz of all those posts I make about the Dolphins being the best in the world.......

Or the Cubs being World Series material.......

Or how I claim the Canes are the best program in all the land the last few years.........

Or how I hype up the ACC...........

Or how I hype the Western conference when actually I was saying that the East was better at the top with Orlando, Boston and the bums from Cleveland..........

Or how I spout off about the NL Central being elite.......

Or the AFC East being the best division in the NFL.........

Oh wait............You can't find none of that stuff can you? I've never uttered a WORD of that bs have I?

Yeah, not once,

Not one time........


So yeah, I'm a homer.

You guys sure are on top of your games. Really, can you teach me how to post with such stupidity? Please? I think I could learn a ton from you in thatregard, really, I mean it.

We really need to get that IQ test thing in here for people to register their SN's. I think it would help out a lot.

Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by lowslows

How did he not just lose millions?

No way dude is goin first day after this while Goodell is still in charge
"character issues" may alter his draft stock....won't have a thing to do with Goodell? you serious...Goodell?

@ CP.
Originally Posted by TheGift23

Why didn't any of the teammates of the guy who got punched go after the dude?

whole state of idaho was shook
....dude dropped the white dude....crowd started talking !+!* then he ran up on them and they jumped back like they seen aghost
Go get 'em CP.

Glad to see my fan club was out in force after the game... too bad you can't lump me in with any of these idiot Oregon fans. Like I said, find me a ChesterMcFloppy quote where I said:
1) Oregon was going to finish higher than 3rd in the Pac-10
2) Oregon's offense is unstoppable
3) Oregon has ANY Heisman Candidates (not named TJ Ward, of course)

I'll paypal you $5 if you do.

Anyways, that was by far the worst coached game I have ever watched Oregon play. Even when we got skull raped by USC last year, we stuck to our gameplan anddidn't look completely clueless on offense. HB Screens on 4th and long, NOT RUNNING TKO BLOUNT UP THE GUT, running him east-west IN HIS OWN ENDZONE,launching long balls down the field on 2nd and 3rd down, ignoring Dickson for the entire first half.... %@@$ was embarassing. Our defense wasn't evenstrong - it was more Boise *%@#+$$ up than anything else.

HOWEVER... it's not over. We lost an OOC game against a team that will more than likely play in the BCS. If this team can get its act together, I'llstand by my 3rd in the Pac-10 prediction. If not... it's going to be a long year.
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