2007 NT Boxing Post: Thanks For A Great Year/ Please Lock

none of you gave Ricky a chance against Castillo hes not there for a payday this means everything to him and you will see that Saturday night.

no one picked castillo to beat ricky
Man, I can NOt get the picture of Collazo damn near finishing Hatton out my head

all he had to do was land one more punch and Ricky woulda been counting the lights. then he got the HBO hometeam decision to keep him relevant. I aint buyinNOTHIN about Ricky Hatton. NOTHING
The US boxing press/comintators didnt go back and watch wat they said he was ment to be second to Castillo right up to where he landed that sweet liver shotthat broke 4 ribs

Originally Posted by BabyfacedAssassin31

Ricky against Collazo was a mess if u go back and watch that fight Hatton was sluggish and blown up he never gained good weight and he struggled and it was an awefull performance I for one a huge Ricky fan thought hed blown it,but his camp have said he will come down in weight for this fight after the weigh in and not gain like most boxers.He will fight closer to his normal weight hes not underestimateing Floyd at all thats tactical talk he is very respectful of all fighters he boxes he dont run his mouth much he just turns up and gos to work.You guys have never given Ricky a chance because of his style no matter if he does win you guys will find excuses why it wasnt deserved,hes always stepped up to the plate and beaten anybody whos in there with him.Nobody had Jeff Lacey getting a 12 round battering from Joe Calzaghe but it happened or him beating Kessler and none of you gave Ricky a chance against Castillo hes not there for a payday this means everything to him and you will see that Saturday night.


Oh come on man, quit with the excuses and "me against the world" attitude. Hatton was actually a slight favorite in the castillo fight, withAMERICAN bookies, and american writers gave Hatton a shot. Hell, the only writer i checked, Dan Rafael, picked Hatton. I don't know what Calzaghe has todo with anything, but he was a slight favorite as well. Hatton is a good fighter, i'm not saying he isn't. I just think this is a bad matchup for him,no hate. A slick, smart boxer with accurate punches a little pop, and a lot of D is not a good matchup for Ricky. Weight or not, Collazo is not a greatWelterweight. He showed that when he got destroyed by Mosley. Hatton should have handled him easier. And i have no idea what the weight had to with him beingalmost out on his feet in that 12th round.

And i'm not saying Ricky is disrespecting Floyd. I know that Ricky is taking this fight as seriously as possible. What i'm saying is that he seemsto be underestimating how much damage Mayweather can do when he hits his opponent. He's talking about Floyd like he's Cory Spinks or something,constantly running without ever landing a meaningful punch. Thats all i'm saying as far as that is concerned.
I'm not looking too much into the Collazo fight. I think Hatton's style is better suited for orthodox fighters and may be the reason he struggled somewhat against Collazo. The only knockdown of his career was also against a southpaw. If anyone's seen the Mayweather-Chavez fight, I think this is about the closest thing to a preview of the fight you'll find even though it took place years ago....it's on youtube if anyone wants to check it out. Even though Chavez got whooped for the most part I think Hatton will be a lot more effective using a similar style. Hatton seems to be quicker, stronger, gives better angles, etc. If anyone saw 24/7 tonight it looks like Mayweather is practicing that same short right hook in the inside that was so effective against Chavez but I can't see him being able to land that as easy since Hatton is so smothering and always holding.

I still have Mayweather winning, landing a lot of clean punches and busting up Hattons face but I think the fight will be fairly close.
I disagree with you a little bit, Jag. I would think a southpaw would help his style as far as the body-punching is concerned, it would expose thefront rib cage more and close the distance he would need to land a left hook, would it not? Thats actually a question, i'm theorizing on that one. As forthe rest of it, i assume you're referencing Mayweather-Castillo in your post, right? As far as that goes, i would disagree about Hatton giving betterangles and being stronger. The stronger one is debatable since Castillo started at 135, and Hatton at 140, but Castillo was such a monster physically at 135, idon't know if Hatton was stronger. Hatton certainly doesn't give better angles though. Hatton's ability to cut off the ring is a tad suspect, andCastillo was INCREDIBLY underrated in the technical aspects of his game. Castillo did a great job in his fight with Cassamayor at getting angles and cuttingoff the ring. If i remember correctly the only rounds he gave up were the rounds he took off because he was so weight-drained and couldn't fight a full 12.Another thing about Hatton is that his punches tend to get a bit wide, especially when he throws up stairs. Castillo had a hard enough time hitting Floyd, andhis punches are much more compact.

Again, if Ricky wins i'll gladly eat crow. My prediction is not a hate thing, i actually like Ricky. I just think this is a bad matchup for him, and Floydis that good of a fighter, thats all.
Anybody catch SHObox last night?
Man, All I know, is Tarver better leave Chad Dawson the *$%% alone.

O and my boy told me that Antonio tarver is basically dead broke, so he's gonna keep on fighting til he recoups
that sounds like its gonna end realbad
actually Gunna I was referring to the fights friday night, with the prospects. i actually haven't seen the fights from last night yet. But i agree thatTarver would be crazy to try and F with Chad at this point. It would NOT end well.
Good point about the left hook. I've been going to a gym for a couple months now but I'm not going to pretend that I am fighter, but my trainer seemsto stress that the straight right is the key to fighting a southpaw, which Hatton lacks. I think this would also mean he is more open to straight lefts sincehe likes to attack the right side of the body and from what I remember he did take a fair amount of straight lefts from Collazo. It would also probably bepreferable to have Hatton open to straight lefts since it would better to fight him from the outside instead of counting on having him open for left hooks onthe inside which would be more likely against an orthodox fighter.

Also, I was talking about Jesus Chavez (JC confusion on my part), have you seen that fight? I agree with what you said about Castillo, though.
the straight right is traditionally the best weapon against a southpaw, but lately i've been hearing people saying a left hook is the most effective,because the southpaw doesn't see the punch coming and has a bigger shock on the fighter. In any case, a left to the body is different than a left to thehead, so if a left upstairs is not a great option, i'm not sure if that equates to a left to the body being ineffective.

And as far as Jesus Chavez, i have seen him fight, but i have not seen the fight against Mayweather. Hatton is definitely the stronger, faster fighter, but istill don't know if he gets the angles as well as Chavez. Chavez is pretty good technically himself, moreso than most mexican boxers. I also think hispunches are shorter than Hattons. while offensively that doesn't make much of a difference because Hatton has much better hanspeed and power, it'll bea big difference defensively. Hatton will be quicker with the punches, but he'll be more open to be hit with counters because of his wide shots.

I will definitely check out the Chavez-Mayweather fight, because that is a pretty good comparison to Hatton's style. Good call on that one.
I thought Chavez' punches were really wide in the Mayweather fight, in particular his hooks, and left him open to those short Mayweather uppercuts inside. Hatton's punches are a little more compact and quicker and then he clinches which doesn't allow Mayweather to land those type of shots as easy.

I actually saw the comparison on a youtube video, so I can't take credit
The Professor weight does matter go back and watch the Colazzo fight ricky looks huge and not in a good lean muscle way he was fat his camp messed up its noexcuse I think he got licked that night and was suprised he was given the victory he was sluggish and didnt box well he was worn out good or not Collazo lookedgood punching a walkin punchbag that night.Compare how Ricky looks now for saturdays fight to the Collazo fight and you can see they have it right hes lean andthe biggest ive seen him hes carrying the weight really well but I assure u he will not gain much weight if any between weigh in and fight.As for the Americanpress and HBO not rateing him go back and listen to wat they say in tha Castillo fight somthin like hes no body puncher compared to Castillo and hes secondbest less accurate and not as powerfull a puncher they only change there tune when Castillo stays down,hate his style hate the boxer but hes there to win theUK dont box pretty look what happened to Naseem.They call Ricky the Manchester mexican because thas how he fights strong tough not pretty gets stuck in willtake what u got and give u loads back.His team have a plan to fight Mayweather will it work well see but hell be better than any fighter to fight Mayweatherb4, this is a close one hell be prepared to take his shots all night but ill say again can Floyd cover up enough to not take punishment to the body becauseRickys the best body puncher out there search google for Castillos recent interview where hes quoted as saying Ricky has a great chance and itll be tight hesfought both of them so I think he knows best.

The Sunday Mirror are reporting Rickys asked for a bigger venue for the weigh in so that more than the 5000 fans at the current site can attend all 30 000 willbe there and itll be rocking.

Even if 5,000 or so were available in the UK, I'm sure A LOT of the US tickets have made their way over there. In addition 1000's of closed circuittickets have been sold and it's probably safe to say a majority of those are fans from the UK.
I think Mayweather wins but it wont be easy as it may seem , Rickys style should give Floyd some problems with all the infighting and the smothering and a somerough tactics .Floyd will have to get some space to work ,Ricky will be infront of him all night . Against southpaws the Straight right is the great but astraightright- left hook is probably the best because if the southpaw rolls the right the left should clean up behind it . But if the southpaw has a good jaband moves correctly he will neutrilize the right hand because he wont be there to be hit by it or the conventional fighter will be out of position
Miguel Cotto is more of an all round fighter yes hes a great body puncher but thats not his only focus the reason i said Ricky is the best body puncher outthere is because over 90% of his 31 knockout victorys have been with body shots,way b4 he came to the US to fight he would soley focus on precision bodypunches and would have guys rything around on the canvas almost pukeing.Most fighters knock you out with head shots but Rickys always knocked guys out withliver shots like you saw in the Castillo fight that was no fluke can Floyd survive a liver shot like that we dont know hopefully well find out.I cant beleiveMayweather brought in Baldomir to mimick Rickys style hes nothing like him hes a good fighter but slow and cumbersome I was suprised by that one.

As far as tickets Im sure more than 5000 brits will be in the arena haveing paid rediculous ammounts on ebay and alike and yes alot of closed circuit ticketshave gone to brits to I think they said about 10-15 000 maybe more,Ricky has a following here in the UK like no other sportsman Ive ever seen 30 000 travelingfans is unheard of here so hes unique in that respect everybody here loves him and thats rare with our press they eat people allive and break more careers thanthey make I just read that aswell as David Beckham all the top Brit fighters will be there supporting him Joe Calzaghe, Gavin Rees, Enzo Maccarinelli and DavidHaye.

Ill paste an artical posted today on skysports.com from a sparing partner of Rickys can anybody fill me in on this guy how good is he,how crediable a source ishe I know you cant read to much into wats said

Ricky Hatton's sparring partner Rock Allen has warned Floyd Mayweather Jr. he will not get a moment's rest at Undefeated.

Allen, 26, has been charged with imitating Mayweather's elusive style in Hatton's training camp.

The 2002 Golden Gloves light-welterweight champion has endured hours of ring-time with the Mancunian fighter.

And the 2004 Olympic team member has now backed the underdog to end the five-weight champion's magnificent unbeaten record.
Allen said."Ricky's a tough fighter who you can hit but you can't hurt and whose pace seems to increase as the rounds go on.

"Most fighters start to slacken off the second half of their fights but Ricky gets quicker.

"That's bad news for Floyd. I just don't think he has the same kind of endurance. He often takes breaks in his fights and uses his legs to stayaway from the action and he can't do that against Hatton.

"Ricky is very explosive and he'll be in Mayweather's face for the full 12 rounds. I think it's going to be a very interesting fight, and Ihonestly believe Ricky's endurance can see him through."

See what all the hype has been about live on Sky Box Office on Saturday December 8.
Man, All I know, is Tarver better leave Chad Dawson the *$%% alone.

O and my boy told me that Antonio tarver is basically dead broke, so he's gonna keep on fighting til he recoups
That def wouldn't end well for Tarver...Dawson has been callin' him out for almost a year now.

Bad Chad is seriously THAT DUDE, but there's really nothing for him at Light Heavyweight, IMO...unless guys like Calzaghe (For example) would be willing tomove up and meet him at a catch weight.

I don't wanna speak on Mayweather/Hatton yet because i'm trying to get all my thoughts together before I post. I dislike Mayweather, but damn...lately,it's gotten pretty hard to root against the guy. I'd love to see him get the Roy Jones treatment (Ala Jones/Tarver II...but w/o the knockout) but Idon't see that happening.
BabyFace, i agree that does weight does make a difference and would be a reason why he would look a little sluggish. But Ricky looked sluggish in the Urangofight as well, when he was back at 140, so its not always a weight thing. Also, weight would not make a difference as to how well he can take a punch.

And i would consider Cotto a better body puncher than Hatton at this point. Ricky works the body well, don't get me wrong, but Cotto is just as dedicatedto working the body, perhaps even more so.

And the guy Ricky's sparring with is kinda credible. He's a decent US prospect, but a guy who only has like 12 fights and hasn't really foughtanybody yet.
i'm curious about ricky's conditioning?

can sustain his power for 12 rds? i think he'll get his hits in but he'll also do a lot of flailing.

hopefully this will be a better fight than DLH vs. Mayweather.
The Urango fight was a nothing fight I mean I almost fell asleep I beleive Ricky caught a chest infection from staying at the hotel and he struggled butdespite that as an excuse I dont think he could have looked good against a tank like Urango I never got why he took that fight maybe a gap fight because it didnothing for his status.Ricky has been staying at private homes the past fight and this one so he can live and train there and be more relaxed and focused andwell free not confined to a hotel room and gym,they have shown some footage here of his house and set up and it looks like hes got the best he could.In a waythe Castillo fight was good and bad for Ricky gaining more US fans first off he won on a great punch sure but he was fighting more like the old Ricky spring inhis step aggresive pressureing looked in good shape it would have been nice for fans to have watched him do that for more rounds.I know most Americans dontlike his style I travel to n from the US alot and Ive only found guys that box who say they admire Ricky and like him most fight fans dont ,You guys lovedPrince Naseem especialy the media because of his style but since him only Juniour Witter fights that style all other Brit fighters are more hard nosed withsome style.Boxers from the UK right now make u proud to be British were only a little nation in size yet we have alot of top talent coming through at alldifferent weights I dont know wat you guys have seen of Amir Kahn,David Haye,Enzo Macaranelli and Juniour Witter and 3 golds at the recent amateurs in Chicagobritish boxings on a high and If Ricky can do the ultimate saturday It will be amazing for us.

I've got $200 riding on Money Mayweather...

Hatton aint nothing but international hype. This will be Gatti v. Mayweather all over again. Or even Mayweather v. that mexican fighter i cant think the nameof.
Originally Posted by BabyfacedAssassin31

The Urango fight was a nothing fight I mean I almost fell asleep I beleive Ricky caught a chest infection from staying at the hotel and he struggled but despite that as an excuse I dont think he could have looked good against a tank like Urango I never got why he took that fight maybe a gap fight because it did nothing for his status.Ricky has been staying at private homes the past fight and this one so he can live and train there and be more relaxed and focused and well free not confined to a hotel room and gym,they have shown some footage here of his house and set up and it looks like hes got the best he could.In a way the Castillo fight was good and bad for Ricky gaining more US fans first off he won on a great punch sure but he was fighting more like the old Ricky spring in his step aggresive pressureing looked in good shape it would have been nice for fans to have watched him do that for more rounds.I know most Americans dont like his style I travel to n from the US alot and Ive only found guys that box who say they admire Ricky and like him most fight fans dont ,You guys loved Prince Naseem especialy the media because of his style but since him only Juniour Witter fights that style all other Brit fighters are more hard nosed with some style.Boxers from the UK right now make u proud to be British were only a little nation in size yet we have alot of top talent coming through at all different weights I dont know wat you guys have seen of Amir Kahn,David Haye,Enzo Macaranelli and Juniour Witter and 3 golds at the recent amateurs in Chicago british boxings on a high and If Ricky can do the ultimate saturday It will be amazing for us.


I'm not trying to be a ****, but could you please use paragraphs and put spaces at the end of your sentences? My eyes are HURTIN trying to read that bigblob of text.
Anyway, i agree that the UK has produced a good amount of talent recently. Im not that high on Witter or Enzo Mac, but David Haye is a monsterat Cruiser.

Aside from that, I fully expect Ricky to be at his best on Saturday. Im sure he is training his hardest and will do everything he can to win. I just don'tthink he has the skill set or style to give Floyd a fight. Nothing against Ricky as a person or a fighter, just a bad style matchup for him, thats all.

Now looking at the fights from Saturday, I was VERY impressed with Vernon Forrest. Vernon did an excellent job against a tough opponent, and he looked the besthe did since he beat Mosley. His jab was back, and his right hand had some steam behind it. At this point, i think Vernon beats any 154 pounder out there rightnow.

Nonito Donaire looked pretty good, too. Very good power, nice combinations, got a bit wild and careless defensively at times though. I agree with Dako that theweight seems to becoming an issue with him and he might have to go back up to 115.

Tarver, eh. I'll say the same thing i said before, stay the hell away from Chad Dawson.
so who's paul williams next opponent if cintron is a no go? margarito rematch?
cintron vs willams coulda been great too
I dunno why but I think that Hatton is gonna KO him....dude is a crazy%#%# white boy

If Oscar was 5 years younger he would have won their fight...
I just got done watching the 3rd instalment of 24/7 they usually show it here after the US and Ive got to say I hope Floyd doesnt really think all that hessaying I mean when you start to beleive ya own hype that much and that you only have to turn up to win its a dangerous thing.This episode was by far the bestso far I for one had no idea Ricky did those long@%%! non stop gruelling workouts thats tough man its not often you see fighters doin all that.

Ricky has nothing to lose here as he said Floyd calls him the fat kid and what happens when the fat kid beats him I want to see a great fight but I get thefeeling from Mayweathers camp that they havent prepared for Hatton just gone through pre fight things as normal this maybe just the way TV portrays it if itstrue its sad if theres any boxers or sportsman here like myself you will know always do your homework prepare and leave no stone unturned you want to be morethan ready.

Even if Floyd doesnt rate Ricky wich it seems very well he doesnt he still poses a unique different threat hes not like Gatti hes not like Castillo you cantcompare him to another fighter out there or anybody Mayweathers fought I dont mind cockyness being brash but I think some of the things that Floyd says areplane stupidity hes talking about money this possesions that and talking about how you gonna put your life on the line for 1 truck and to drink guiness andplay darts hes missing the point Ricky fights to go down in history to win titles not possesions thats all he cares about the purse/money comes last.

Im sure alot of you guys wont share my views but everybodys different this is just me saying wat I see and feel,I cant wait for saturday to come fast enoughthis fight is PPV here priced at £15.00 thats about $30 and the main event wont start till close to 4am Sunday morning alot of the countrys gonna be upwatching it in the early hours forget sleep it comes 2nd to this lol.

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