2011 NT Beard Challenge. Eleven days til fall...

Sir San Diego

formerly brolic scholar
Feb 20, 2011
I know this is an annual thing on NT and even though I've rocked a beard off and on for years, I've never let that mink touch my neck. The time for change has come.

I know oo206oo and a dude whose SN I can't remember right now have the beard game on lock, but I'm trying to encourage you naked faced/closely groomed folks to get bearded up.

Who's joining me?

You look like a cross between Common and 50 cent (no flame).

I can't grow facial hair... just a mustache (have to shave that every day
) and some chin hair. I need to find a way to grow facial hair
Originally Posted by scshift

You look like a cross between Common and 50 cent (no flame).
No he doesn't.

Anyways, i guess i'm joining, will post pics later.
Yo that ain't even fair. How you gonna start the beard challenge with a beard. Posting pics later
Cool. (megatron)

No offense taken. (scshift)

I'm starting early. (UTVOL23)

I'm only a week in. (Troy McClure) I can't start naked faced. I feel weird like that.
So we start trimmed or shaved? i havent shaved in about 4 years when i was in 8th grade. Or can we start with our already grown beards?
I say start with what you now have. The goal is to get that full length chin mink. If you don't have that now, then you're good to enter.
Originally Posted by scshift

You look like a cross between Common and 50 cent (no flame).

I can't grow facial hair... just a mustache (have to shave that every day
) and some chin hair. I need to find a way to grow facial hair

I see Common. A little of Dom Kennedy in the jawbone. 
Bump for today. Just lined mine up this morning.

Maybe I'll post a pic later, but I'm not trying to have a thread with just pics of myself in it. Anyone else gonna take the challenge?
Originally Posted by scshift

You look like a cross between Common and 50 cent (no flame).

I can't grow facial hair... just a mustache (have to shave that every day
) and some chin hair. I need to find a way to grow facial hair

going to rock the hobo beard look till i get threatened to get fired if i dont shave or trim it lol

--Grow a Long Beard
-lining it up is fine
-starting with the facial hair you already have is also fine
-post pics weekly
-at the end of October, we'll judge the best beard
Originally Posted by CWrite78

going to rock the hobo beard look till i get threatened to get fired if i dont shave or trim it lol

this, should post pics tomorrow
dude my chin stap aint even filled in and i have had it for a month. I will lose this badly lmao...being 24 and still cant get a beard fml...
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