2012 Predictions.

Aug 6, 2001
-Red NT fitted.
-Jewish guy wins Presidency.

-Jay-Z's baby has a big mole on it's face.

-Riots break out in some cities due to economy.

-Drake comes out of closet.

-NT gets new platform.

Post yours.
predicted in 2010 id get buns in 2011, even made a thread about it, and it happened

with that said I predict buns in 2012
Originally Posted by Zyzz

I lose my virginity


-pink leotards become "hood". expect lil wayne to come out on stage at the VMAs in pink leotards and a flamingo hat. ksteezy is the first NTer to rock these.
-the further rise of black white guys and the gentrification of hip hop (my prediction is that "black" "urban" "hip hop" culture wont exist after 2015)
-national business association doesnt play at all this season
-fake alien invasion or rapture
Originally Posted by Pookdogg

Jordan Brand will produce better shoes

I don't know man...the Gentryfication that took place over there did QUITE a number on JB.
2012 Prediction.

Dirty gives Jrose5 his dummy account, Jrose5 creates a thread in which MethodMan feels a need to posts an essay to answer ops question.
Jrose5 trolls MethodMan into getting mad and Meth loses his temper forcing Dirtylicious to "ban" him.
Upon Dirty being forced to ban Meth, Jrose5 creates another thread revealing himself as the secret poster (Poster X).

In the new post, he explains that He and Dirty will now be taking away mod privileges from the other mods on the board and they'll split the power of governing NT between the two of them.
This creates a Zero tolerance policy in which no one is safe. numerous thread discussions pop up in disbelief and Dirty throws the banhammer on Henz0. Sending NT into an even bigger uproar.

This results in a secret online gathering of NT figureheads in which we all agree to move to ISS, the only catch is, Steve from ISS says we have to help take down NT.

NT crumbles in 2012 on December 21st..

Dr. Dre will finally release Detox

The Avengers Movie will be a let down and not live up to the HYPE .

The Dark Knight Rises will come pretty damn close to beating Avatar for highest ever grossing movie at the box office.

Kobe leads Team USA Basketball to another gold medal in the 2012 London Summer Olympic games.
Paquiao vs. Mayweather fight finally HAPPENS !

R* finally announces GTA V at E3 2012.
Titans win SuperBowl

Civil unrest due to immigration issues happen in AZ

Milk prices skyrocket

We get a White Castle in AZ
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