Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Not this again...
It's supposed to pass by close, but that asteroid ain't gonna hit us then. Maybe when it passes by again a few years later it could happen..butthat's a couple a decades from now. Not like we won't be ready for it.
Its gonna be great.

Time for a new cycle on Earth.

Evil will try to make its move leading up to the time of reckoning and use the natural phenomena of the period as a means of spreading chaos...but theperfection of the universe will be triumphant and a new era will be ushered in.
My Dragonfly i dont think theres been one thread ever thats been about aliens or the universe without you talkin about Pokemon
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

My Dragonfly i dont think theres been one thread ever thats been about aliens or the universe without you talkin about Pokemon

That's how I roll fam.

I'm like the anti-NothingBefore.
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

if y'all knew what type of stuff this dude be on in the sneak art forum you would be thinking the same thing.
The dude can't even do a good photoshop and always talks down on BP.
The dude is only 13 and be making some gay responses.
Why is this @$%&$ calling me beast? My sn is AF1 Beast say the whole thing
I ain't trying to hurt jw air or any other Nters feelings
Dudes want to have their 2 cents in when i'm not talkin to them
It was just a simple statement...damn!

quit B****in
Well, ( Theory ) says there about 6 billion ppl in the world, 2012 the govnment, gon try & bring that down to 500 million+....so there gonna,put fluoride in our foods ( it's the same thing that is in tooth paste, dats y the label read do not swallow..ect ) then there gonna plant chips in us& were gonna have a world war 3

i have the dvd, but I aint kno dey had it on youtube, till i checked today

9/11/01 was a set up by bush & the Government....
http://www.youtube.com/wa...ature=related &
Guerrilla Warfare wrote:
Well, ( Theory ) says there about 6 billion ppl in the world, 2012 the govnment, gon try & bring that down to 500 million+....so there gonna, put fluoride in our foods ( it's the same thing that is in tooth paste, dats y the label read do not swallow..ect ) then there gonna plant chips in us & were gonna have a world war 3

i have the dvd, but I aint kno dey had it on youtube, till i checked today

9/11/01 was a set up by bush & the Government....
http://www.youtube.com/wa...ature=related &
And your name is the answer to what we will do
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