2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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It would be an incredible PR move if Wade opts out and takes less for Miami to bring in talent. Although, I think Miami had their run and it's time for another team to start another one. The NBA is changing and you need solid players in every position to win, especially the Center and PG position, which happens to be the two positions Miami is weakest in.

Signing Kyle Lowery isn't going to change anything. The Heat have no bench and they have no paint presence. If Miami wants to sustain title contention, they need to address those two issues first.
I remember their last playoff game got blacked out or almost got blacked out. Same with the home games they had around 01 or 02. Hell Ive heard stories about how the stadium doesn't sell out much during the regular season unless their playing the patriots or jets and its their fans taking over the place.

Some cities just have a track record of being bad sports towns. Shouldn't take away from those in the city that actually support the team though.
Na man the game was definitely on TV. Pretty sure all the games this year were pretty filled also.
Wade needs Lebron more than Lebron needs Wade at this point in their careers .. Wade knows this as well, he'll opt out.
Wade made out like a bandit in this entire fiasco. His legacy is already cemented. Wade (not Riley) managed to convince the best player in the NBA to come to him. He also managed to win 2 more rings due to this union. Wade doesn't need Bron anymore imo. Even if he does opt out and takes less money there is no guarantee the Heat win next year. If I was him I'd take the money and let Bron run off like a ***** if he wants to.

Bron made the right decision to opt out. He gave himself the option to either  leave or stay. I think he's 50-50 right now. If Wade opts in he's gone. Bron's legacy is going to take a hit if he leaves again though.
You sure that Dolphins thing is true? Maybe recently but that city loves the Fins more than any other sports team. The Heat popularity was still nowhere close as when Marino was in his prime there. I know a couple people that are still die hard Fins fans. Always thought it was Canes & Fins there then everyone else. Maybe some Miami people can chime in...
It was always canes and fins. After the canes moved to sunlife stuff went down hill.

Yep, I love the Heat but as far as I'm concerned Miami will always be a football town.
Na man the game was definitely on TV. Pretty sure all the games this year were pretty filled also.

My mistake about this past season. They did have the 01 and 02 playoff games blacked out though.


Still a city being labeled a bad sports town (regardless if the statement holds any validness or not) shouldn't be a reflection of those in the city who actually support the local teams.
Not necessairily.

I'm not big on the fan police and who likes who stuff, but its something corny about a dude who jumps from liking team to team. I won't really call them out on it but I don't take what they have to say sports wise seriously.

I've noticed the team jumping is more acceptable in basketball though compared to other sports. I couldn't see a Red Sox fan all of a sudden become a Yankee fan if David Ortiz joined the Yankees and I couldn't imagine 49er fans liking the cowboys when Deion joined them or eagle fans liking the cowboys after Terrell Owens left them.

For whatever reason the team jumping seems more acceptable among NBA fans though, Kinda curious why that is.
This. I remember being at the last pistons home playoff game where they got destroyed by the cavs. That ended detroit s run in the playoffs cats riding cavs Richard hard as hell then next year all of a sudden same cats geared out head to toe in heat gear talking about we the baddest
It was always canes and fins. After the canes moved to sunlife stuff went down hill.

I lived in Miami for some time. The Canes couldnt even sell out that dump that was the Orange Bowl. There are way more Noles and Gator fans down there (most likely cause UF/FSU are State schools), but nonetheless. Every July/August was "DolFANs frenzy", that lasted until the first month or so into the season, then you never heard about the Dolphins. :lol:
Julius F. Wrek
bron is going to retire a member of the heat. those once in a generation players RARELY switch teams more than once. think about it: russell, magic, bird, mj, kobe... plus he has absolutely no reason to leave. why would he?
Hes never leaving us. Stop it slimes 
You guys are in for disappointment.
LeBron should just sign one year contracts with different teams for the rest of his career just to see how great he really is.
This would be 
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