2014 NBA Summer League (Orlando: July 5-11) & (Las Vegas: July 11-21)

I've referenced that comparison before in the Lakers thread. At least he has the age thing on his side;19 vs 21.
At least they were creative, and those guys could handle the ball. Like really good ball handlers.

Randle, No. Not even for a 4. He kinda reminds me of thomas robinson actually.

Nah brah. I feel like that's way too low of a comparison with T-Rob/Randle.
Mid-tourney thats who i wanted LA to pick.. And you tell me that.. :frown: is he Looking that bad? :frown: Really :frown:

In my opinion, he doesn't project as a star power forward. He can be a very productive one though.

My concern with him is he truly can't finish over length. And he is really turnover prone because he will force that ball left regardless of who is there. Teams have made a conscientious effort to sit on his left hand.

If you get some time, watch how Benimon and the nuggets played him. He will get played like that in the league.

I think he reads the game poorly, and is all bully ball...which won't work. Developing a jumper would do wonders for him, because he's strong and can get past a lot of 4s.

All that being said, he's young and projects to be a starting caliber productive PF.
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He's got to develop one of his right hand or jumper. Not developing either one will hinder his game because I do feel he won't bully his way to the rim and he'll have trouble finishing over length. He's been a better defender in SL than I thought he would be.
there has been a debate over what position Jabari plays.

he's just a player, Greg.

Randle's not gonna do much unless he develops a good jump shot. He's not big enough to play bully ball. He's too left hand dominant and doesn't finish well over bigmen. Plus he doesn't really have a post game. You guys are going to laugh but he reminds me of a more athletic, flashier Tyler Hansborough. That's not a good thing.
I like my chances with Randle.. He is gonna flourish with the Bullying,most big men soft as hell anyways..
Summer league major overreaction:

Zach lavine looks like potential superstar. He isn't just an athlete, but he's shown the ability to create for himself.

Flame suit activated
Mid-tourney thats who i wanted LA to pick.. And you tell me that.. :frown: is he Looking that bad? :frown: Really :frown:

Randle has those middle school playground moves. He's going to get eaten for his first year, Kobe may be able to tighten him up by the before he leaves LA

Trade Rubio for another young piece and it could be as entertaining as the 2001 Clips or 2000 Kings.

And if Wiggins ends up in Minnesota, him and Bennett, I'd want Rubio to stay.
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