2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Its because the guy could have been the next Shaq
Yeah, 6'10" 265 Dwight should've just put in the work to be a 7'1" 300+ pound freakishly athletic force of nature & top 10 player ever.

This is where a lot of the Dwight criticism comes from, expectations being in the wrong place from day 1.
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Dwight Howard
Dwight Howard – Verified account ‏@DwightHoward

Im still upset about tonights game and the way this season ended. Im mad I lost my cool. Im sorry for letting my team and our fans down when
12:46 AM - 29 Apr 2013

Dwight Howard [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@DwightHoward
when they needed me the most. If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year its that I need to be more responsible for my actions and learn to
12:48 AM - 29 Apr 2013

Dwight Howard [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@DwightHoward
to “breathe”! (Maybe I will take up yoga and come back calmer or @charliesheen can help me with my anger management) But despite our tough
12:49 AM - 29 Apr 2013

Dwight Howard [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@DwightHoward
season, it is an honor being a member of a team with this amazing history & the best fans in the league!
12:50 AM - 29 Apr 2013

From 2013. This is the same dream he tried to sell on TNT the other nite and some yall are buying it wholesale :smh:.
I agree. He NEVER improved his offensive game. If his team needed a crucial basket, they weren't thinking, "let's throw it down to Dwight and have him go to work."

I think everyone just thought he was going to be something he wasn't. Everyone was expecting him to come in and struggle offensively in the beginning but by now for sure, we all that he'd have SOME type of offensive game. I just never seen any progession in his game. Dwight was more of an athletic freak and as he gets older, once those natural gifts are gone, he has no real skill to do much else.

You must not remember when Dwight averaging 26 & 13 on 65% from the field and 70% from the line in '09 ECF to bounce LeBron.

Or even more recently, the 26 & 14 he put up against the Blazers in 2014.....while Harden was shooting 37% from the field.

Or the 16/14 and elite defense from last year. ***** doesn't even get touches. To say you never seen progression is flat out false...when dude was averaging 20-24 PPG in his prime. He's not the same player...but he's very valuable in the right situation...and still one of the best bigs in the league.

Y'all don't pay attention....or y'all are just salty Lakers fans :lol:. Idk why the Lakers are so bitter man.
Yeah, 6'10" 265 Dwight should've just put in the work to be a 7'1" 300+ pound freakishly athletic force of nature & top 10 player ever.

This is where a lot of the Dwight criticism comes from, expectations being in the wrong place from day 1.
I agree.  It was just he came into the league so damn athletic and never really made any improvements in his game.  I think pretty much everyone expected after his first couple years he would be way better than he turned out to be.
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You must not remember when Dwight averaging 26 & 13 on 65% from the field and 70% from the line in '09 ECF to bounce LeBron.

Or even more recently, the 26 & 14 he put up against the Blazers in 2014.....while Harden was shooting 37% from the field.

Or the 16/14 and elite defense from last year. ***** doesn't even get touches. To say you never seen progression is flat out false...when dude was averaging 20-24 PPG in his prime. He's not the same player...but he's very valuable in the right situation...and still one of the best bigs in the league.

Y'all don't pay attention....or y'all are just salty Lakers fans
. Idk why the Lakers are so bitter man.
Up until the last three years Dwight has been the same damn player as the day he came into the league.  Every year he was a 20 and 14 player.  While shooting high 50% from the field.  That hasn't changed at all.  The minute Dwight stopped being the center piece he stopped trying.  Ever since LA and Houston his career his been on a sharp trajectory down.

You pick and choose 2 series from his entire career, but after year 3 he didn't really show strides of improvement at all.  At age 21, I think a lot of people assumed he was going to get nothing but better.  He did not.

Hell, that Warriors series basically showed who he has become. 
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I agree.  It was just he came into the league so damn athletic and never really made any improvements in his game.  I think pretty much everyone expected after his first couple years he would be way better than he turned out to be.

What more can you expect though? Dude will finish as one of the all time leaders in rebounds and blocks. Was a #1 option on a team that went to the finals. Was a top 5 player in the league for about a 4-5 year stretch. A future hall of famer.

He could've been a lil better in Houston...but injuries..and a bad system didn't allow him to truly flourish.

Perception really tarnished who he is as an actually player, and what he's accomplished. When you step back and look...Dwight has had a very good career.
I agree. He NEVER improved his offensive game. If his team needed a crucial basket, they weren't thinking, "let's throw it down to Dwight and have him go to work."

I think everyone just thought he was going to be something he wasn't. Everyone was expecting him to come in and struggle offensively in the beginning but by now for sure, we all that he'd have SOME type of offensive game. I just never seen any progession in his game. Dwight was more of an athletic freak and as he gets older, once those natural gifts are gone, he has no real skill to do much else.

You must not remember when Dwight averaging 26 & 13 on 65% from the field and 70% from the line in '09 ECF to bounce LeBron.

Or even more recently, the 26 & 14 he put up against the Blazers in 2014.....while Harden was shooting 37% from the field.

Or the 16/14 and elite defense from last year. ***** doesn't even get touches. To say you never seen progression is flat out false...when dude was averaging 20-24 PPG in his prime. He's not the same player...but he's very valuable in the right situation...and still one of the best bigs in the league.

Y'all don't pay attention....or y'all are just salty Lakers fans :lol:. Idk why the Lakers are so bitter man.

You seriously think he progressed on offense? Dude was scoring points by running the floor, putbacks, lobs and every once in while he would hit a lil hook. That's why he's only scoring 14 points a game now. Cuz he ain't as athletic as he used to be. If he had developed some moves he would still be a 20 point dude and his teammates would have confidence to give him the ball. You gotta let go what he did back in 09, that's a long time ago and he never got any better since then. He just got worse.

I'm a Laker fan and I was never bitter or mad at Dwight. I said it on here that he would be a great fit in Houston at the time and that turned into a mess like his other stops. :lol: He can still be a good piece to a team if he stops crying about touches and plays great defense and rebounds. No team is gonna feed him the ball all the time when he has no offensive skill and he's declined athletically.
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You must not remember when Dwight averaging 26 & 13 on 65% from the field and 70% from the line in '09 ECF to bounce LeBron.

Or even more recently, the 26 & 14 he put up against the Blazers in 2014.....while Harden was shooting 37% from the field.

Or the 16/14 and elite defense from last year. ***** doesn't even get touches. To say you never seen progression is flat out false...when dude was averaging 20-24 PPG in his prime. He's not the same player...but he's very valuable in the right situation...and still one of the best bigs in the league.

Y'all don't pay attention....or y'all are just salty Lakers fans :lol:. Idk why the Lakers are so bitter man.

What does you posting his series numbers have to do with him adding ANY offensive moves to his arsenal since coming into the league? Talking about not paying attention. You clearly are getting way too defensive cause you're not picking up what me and junglejim are saying. Dwight NEVER improved his offensive skillset. He has practically the same offensive skillset as Deandre Jordan and Ben Wallace.

Then you try to bring up his 26 and 14 average against Portland for ONE series aka 6 games as if he's EVER done that his career. He's always been below or near the 20+ mark for the season. Not exactly the sign of a great offensive weapon especially since he was supposed to be the next best center. Why? Because he NEVER added nor improved on ANYTHING offensively which is what we been saying to you this whole time.
You seriously think he progressed on offense? Dude was scoring points by running the floor, putbacks, lobs and every once in while he would hit a lil hook. That's why he's only scoring 14 points a game now. Cuz he ain't as athletic as he used to be. If he had developed some moves he would still be a 20 point dude and his teammates would have confidence to give him the ball. You gotta let go what he did back in 09, that's a long time ago and he never got any better since then. He just got worse.

I'm a Laker fan and I was never bitter or mad at Dwight. I said it on here that he would be a great fit in Houston at the time and that turned into a mess like his other stops. :lol: He can still be a good piece to a team if he stops crying about touches and plays great defense and rebounds. No team is gonna feed him the ball all the time when he has no offensive skill and he's declined athletically.

REPPED! Wish I would've read this before having to type my reply. But YES, you get it! Dude ONLY got his points from being the athletic freak that he was, not by skill or anything else.
Damn, I hate to be some of your future children with the expectations you place on players. :lol:
Dude just said Dwight Howard never improved....and has the same offensive skillset as Deandre Jordan....

You gotta know who you arguing with :lol:. I'm done
Again, TELL us where he's improved offensively??? You keep replying back but NEVER answering what we are debating on. Instead you provide us with numbers YOU choose to make it look like Dwight is some kind of offensive beast with your "series" averages which consists of six games instead of an actual SEASON! Hmmm...wonder why.

NOBODY said "improved"....but about THREE of us said OFFENSIVELY...so please tell us what he added since his rookie year? :nerd:

EDIT: Forgot to mention you laughing at Deandre Jordan as if Dwight is really ahead of him on offense. Let me guess, Dwight catches lobs better? Shoots a better % from the FT line? :lol:
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REPPED! Wish I would've read this before having to type my reply. But YES, you get it! Dude ONLY got his points from being the athletic freak that he was, not by skill or anything else.

Deandre Jordan and Andre Drummond are athletic freaks just like Dwight...and bigger.

They won't come close to averaging 23 & 14. You dudes are delusional. These were in the past two playoffs.

Again, TELL us where he's improved offensively??? You keep replying back but NEVER answering what we are debating on. Instead you provide us with numbers YOU choose to make it look like Dwight is some kind of offensive beast with your "series" averages which consists of six games instead of an actual SEASON! Hmmm...wonder why.

NOBODY said "improved"....but about THREE of us said OFFENSIVELY...so please tell us what he added since his rookie year? :nerd:

EDIT: Forgot to mention you laughing at Deandre Jordan as if Dwight is really ahead of him on offense. Let me guess, Dwight catches lobs better? Shoots a better % from the FT line? :lol:

How can you really say "Dwight Howard didn't improve from his rookie year offensively"?

That gotta be the dumbest sht I've ever heard :lol:. If you said his athleticism zapped some of his offensive effectiveness..cool. But to say the man is the has been the same offensive player since he got drafted in 2004 is beyond crazy.
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Deandre Jordan and Andre Drummond are athletic freaks just like Dwight...and bigger.

They won't come close to averaging 23 & 14. You dudes are delusional. These were in the past two playoffs.

Deandre no cause he's like the 4th option on that team

Drummond though?...I can definitely see that.

Again though, you KEEP bringing up averages when we're and HAVE been just asking you what offensive weapons has he added since being a rookie? Has he added a post up game? A jumper? A sky hook? Improved FT shooting? Anything?

Like Maximus mentioned, and i later drew the comparison of Deandre Jordan to, dude was scoring points by running the floor, putbacks, lobs and every once in while he would hit a lil hook
Dwight game slightly improved, slightly. He never developed any post moves. Svg don't get enough credit for covering all his flaws. That team was really built and catered to all his strengths. I was one of the only laker fans mad when we got him. I knew he wouldn't do half of what Bynum could do offensively. He's still on of the best rim protectors and can still give u solid contribution. But son as average as they come when u give him the ball on the block. He would thrive in a DeAndre jordan type situation where he has someone spoon feeding him tho, put him and LAC and he would do numbers.
Again, I gotta realize who I'm arguing with. I provide stats to show how they've improved. Said person rejects the stats. You don't go from averaging 12ppg as a rookie...to averaging 23ppg as a first option a few years later WITHOUT improving offensively.

You know, post offense is more than just "moves". It's duck ins, positioning, timing, touch, footwork, running the floor etc. If you're going to sit here and spew that Dwight Howard hasn't improved offensively since he came in the league....you are truly a lost cause.
I knew he wouldn't do half of what Bynum could do offensively.

What? Dwight had better numbers than Bynum as a Laker :lol:.

Y'all really think Orlando was filled with playmakers that just spoon fed Dwight to his way to 20-23ppg a night huh? :lol:.

I can tell y'all convienently forgot. That **** used to command double teams. And the shooters would flourish. He was also a terror in P&R.

Perception got dudes wildin :lol:
Again, I gotta realize who I'm arguing with. I provide stats to show how they've improved. Said person rejects the stats. You don't go from averaging 12ppg as a rookie...to averaging 23ppg as a first option a few years later WITHOUT improving offensively.

You know, post offense is more than just "moves". It's duck ins, positioning, timing, touch, footwork, running the floor etc. If you're going to sit here and spew that Dwight Howard hasn't improved offensively since he came in the league....you are truly a lost cause.
And drawing fouls, which he was great at. Converting them, not so much. :lol: But getting teams in the penalty is always good.
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I wouldn't go that far in saying he never improved offensively since he was a rookie. He has making steps but again his development stopped in 09. At his peak he was a great defender and rebounder and people were saying "when he gets a post game he'll really be dominate" we kept waiting and he never added any moves. He stayed at that level for a while then he started declining. And when dude starts crying about touches he looks crazy. He ain't that type of player you can give the ball to and run your offense through.

Like Will said SVG covered up his weaknesses and surrounded him with shooters. He is what he is. He's had a real good career. He'll be a HOFer.
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