2020-21 NBA Offseason thread: Officially a wrap

High expectation should be expected and I totally agree he needs to ball out especially after missing last season,, but players like Bron,KD,Steph don’t have anything to prove.
Older players have always had to prove they’re still elite :lol: look at Bron captioning everything with #WashedKing

Guys coming off serious injury also want to show that they can still go.

Their legacies are intact, you can’t question anything that they did in the past, solidified. But what are they today? Right now? You always have had to prove that. The god himself, MJ, in the Wizards comeback had to show how much he still had from ‘98. Turns out the 30 ppg days were gone forever. Best player of all time, sure. He was nowhere near the best player in the league in ‘02 or ‘03

Another example would be anyone still putting Durant in their top 5. Of course he once was top 5, top 2-3 even. In this very moment? I don’t know. We don’t know what he can still do and what he can’t do anymore. If he’s not still a significantly better scorer than Kyrie, then that Nets team is not going far.
Man said Steph had to live up to the talk. Live up to what *****? He's been living it up since 2015 :lol:
Breaking kayfabe for a sec, Bron didn't have to live up to anything in 2019. Even missing the playoffs he's still Lebron James.
MJ didn't have to live up to anything on the Wizards. KD aint got to live up to anything.
If you got a ring, an MVP award and/or a Finals MVP, you good for life.

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If Steph misses the playoffs the rest of his career that won't hurt his legacy? If he gets a finals MVP that wouldn't strengthen it?
That's different from saying Steph has to live up to having a signature shoe line :rofl:
Like imagine looking at Wade on the Cavs and being like, "It's time for him to live up to the talk and earn his sig shoe" :lol:
Legacy has largely been made. There's nothing to live up to. We're not talking about 07 Dirk here :lol:
That's different from saying Steph has to live up to having a signature shoe line :rofl:
Like imagine looking at Wade on the Cavs and being like, "It's time for him to live up to the talk and earn his sig shoe" :lol:
Legacy has largely been made. There's nothing to live up to. We're not talking about 07 Dirk here :lol:
What do you expect from Steph this season?
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