2020-21 NBA Offseason thread: Officially a wrap

The POINT is HE has nothing to prove.

He is solidified.

He is certified.

He could go out and get All zeros for the next 5 years and he would be fine.

Yall saying he has anythingto prove is just ridiculous.

It’s an intellectually dishonest debate. Looking at Steph’s CV and saying “Gee, I don’t know...If he doesn’t take a team that’s missing it’s second best player, has an aging former all-star and Andrew ******* Wiggins to a second round exit after a 5 year stretch where he went to the Finals each season, won three times, and got 2 MVPs, in addition to being the greatest shooter of all-time, then we really need to have a dialogue about his legacy.”

It’s an intellectually dishonest debate. Looking at Steph’s CV and saying “Gee, I don’t know...If he doesn’t take a team that’s missing it’s second best player, has an aging former all-star and Andrew ****ing Wiggins to a second round exit after a 5 year stretch where he went to the Finals each season, won three times, and got 2 MVPs, in addition to being the greatest shooter of all-time, then we really need to have a dialogue about his legacy.”


Like my man wavycrocket wavycrocket said, "Just say you don't like dude and keep it moving."

The stuff folks create to belittle dude's accomplishments is just immature. No other way to put it.

The skinny lighskinned boy from Charlotte took down yalls superheros. Deal with it.
Steph has already created a legacy that can’t be diminished. NO ONE saw him getting to this point and status all time, and getting even 1 ring, let alone 3. No matter how much you loved him coming in to the league, no one saw this. His impact on the game is so beyond comparison. To criticize and diminish his career based on where his team is at right now is laughable.
The POINT is HE has nothing to prove.

He is solidified.

He is certified.

He could go out and get All zeros for the next 5 years and he would be fine.

Yall saying he has anythingto prove is just ridiculous.

It’s an intellectually dishonest debate. Looking at Steph’s CV and saying “Gee, I don’t know...If he doesn’t take a team that’s missing it’s second best player, has an aging former all-star and Andrew ****ing Wiggins to a second round exit after a 5 year stretch where he went to the Finals each season, won three times, and got 2 MVPs, in addition to being the greatest shooter of all-time, then we really need to have a dialogue about his legacy.”


Exactly. Real simple. And I want Steph to go ape ****, win the title and some more ****. That’s my expectations of a player of his caliber. But the convo originally was on him having to prove something. Or acting like the 5-7 year stretch we just seen from him was “meh” or not really something that it was :lol:. The implied was asking to see if Steph was capable, of doing something he did at 23 & 24 years old (2012-2013, 2013-14 & shoot....2014-2015 tbh). As if he’d never done dragging a mid team to the playoffs and losing as the #1 option is his last test to be certified or evaluate his career lol. It’s dumb. It’s nonsense.

This somehow gets twisted into “caping” or “kids gloves” when it isn’t even that. I hate it here 🤦🏾‍♂️🥴 :lol:. Gets so weird when talking about yo.
Like my man wavycrocket wavycrocket said, "Just say you don't like dude and keep it moving."

The stuff folks create to belittle dude's accomplishments is just immature. No other way to put it.

The skinny lighskinned boy from Charlotte took down yalls superheros. Deal with it.
Steph has already created a legacy that can’t be diminished. NO ONE saw him getting to this point and status all time, and getting even 1 ring, let alone 3. No matter how much you loved him coming in to the league, no one saw this. His impact on the game is so beyond comparison. To criticize and diminish his career based on where his team is at right now is laughable.
Gets so weird when talking about yo.

All of this.

wavycrocket wavycrocket and I have said on many occasions that we think Lebby is corny but he’s a great activist, does excellent things off the court and is Top 3 of all-time and people come at our necks about not having him as the GOAT and point to his accomplishments.

On the other end of the stick, we also say Steph is Top 10-20 all-time and has more work to do to move up and all anyone does is point the shortcomings on his resume.

It’s strange.

Edit: The sad thing is, I already know some of y’all are going to be on your #MOARHELP grind with Steph this year. I see the **** coming right now. With a roster that isn’t even better than the one that #PlayoffModeActivated Bron didn’t take to the playoffs.
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All of this.

wavycrocket wavycrocket and I have said on many occasions that we think Lebby is corny but he’s a great activist, does excellent things off the court and is Top 3 of all-time and people come at our necks about not having him as the GOAT and point to his accomplishments.

On the other end of the stick, we also say Steph is Top 10-20 all-time and has more work to do to move up and all anyone does is point on the shortcomings on his resume.

It’s strange.

Off impact alone, how can you diminish him? It’s a joke. The game is played so differently now than just 5-7 years ago.
Ehh y’all and others do a lot more than call Bron corny, but I agree with what was said

While you can criticize both for legitimate reasons, it’s gotten to the point where a lot of the hate is because it’s just popular to do so. Same as with how people hate on Beyoncé and others on a similar level
The players especially current ones ****ting on nate are the clowns for the most part. Nick Young and Jr Smith definition of soft clowns for those who can't tell the difference.
Ehh y’all and others do a lot more than call Bron corny, but I agree with what was said

While you can criticize both for legitimate reasons, it’s gotten to the point where a lot of the hate is because it’s just popular to do so. Same as with how people hate on Beyoncé and others on a similar level

I agree. When you are the face of anything (the NBA in Lebron’s case) or at the top of your craft (Beyoncé) then you are 100% going to get a ton of scrutiny. It’s often not fair but that’s unfortunately just how the world works. Reminds me of the Entourage quote

Turtle: This is where you should be living, Vince. In a kingdom, like a prince.
Eric: Don’t you mean in a kingdom like a king, you idiot?
Vince: Nah, E. Everyone wants to kill the king. But the prince, he just sails along telling all the ladies, “One day I’m gonna be king.”

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Steph stans are just different. That's really all it is :lol:

May you please elaborate on this? I’m not even a Steph Stan but I think it’s fairly obvious how the discussions about him here are different. Kawhi doesn’t even have 10K career points and Bradley Beal has like 2K+ more than him but EYE was told Kawhi would be Top 10 with a chip last year when pound for pound, his resume is spotty AF.
Steph Curry debates <<<<<

I know and I’m sorry for re-hashing it but it stood out when I was catching up on last night. For example, just crazy how quickly ALA has conceded defeat after they won the title plus this offseason but dudes have never really stopped criticizing Steph :lol:
Explain what this even means.

Bron stans claim he’s the GOAT. Jordan stans claim he would average 45PPG if was in this era. But Steph stans are different. Okay.

My guy BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE must have made a late night leftover turkey sandwich and is gone off the tryptophan. We need to see if he’s speaking the same tune after sleeping it off.
I agree. When you are the face of anything (the NBA in Lebron’s case) or at the top of your craft (Beyoncé) then you are 100% going to get a ton of scrutiny. It’s often not fair but that’s unfortunately just how the world works. Reminds me of the Entourage quote

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

May you please elaborate on this? I’m not even a Steph Stan but I think it’s fairly obvious how the discussions about him here are different. Kawhi doesn’t even have 10K career points and Bradley Beal has like 2K+ more than him but EYE was told Kawhi would be Top 10 with a chip last year when pound for pound, his resume is spotty AF.
.Another layer to the level of hate they and others receive is how we judge black stars who behave differently than how we want and expect them too. Bron and Steph can be a little corny at times and that factors into people’s hate imo.
Explain what this even means.

For example, this is ridiculous
He could go out and get All zeros for the next 5 years and he would be fine.

And then Imma need somebody to point out exactly what the hate was to spark this whole thing anyway. Saying that he's considered one of the greats and should be able to make the playoffs is what did it? Seriously? :lol:

And I'm not even a Steph hater, I just try to be objective/critical of him like I do with every player I'm a fan of. I had the warriors winning it before the season they got their first one. I was mesmerized during his 1st MVP season. I respected how he went all out in game 3 of the finals last year despite losing. I was on the doorstep of being a stan before some terrible playoff performances made me see he was human like everyone else. It just seems like some of his fans can't take a joke or handle him getting the same type of criticism anybody else does
Yeah my mans storm2006 storm2006 wilding with that :lol:
This Warriors roster is easily better than what the Lakers had in 2019. Anyways, I see both sides of the argument. On one hand, Steph has a cemented legacy. But you can’t live in the past with sports, and it will always be a what have you done for me lately world. Bron himself said he had something to prove by playing and winning out West with the Lakers. I don’t see how having expectations for Steph are that asinine.
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