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For some reason Zions representation saying that doesn't sit right with me. Yeah I get it can't really argue but he's under his rookie contract still how does releasing that info now help the situation? Cross that bridge when u get there.
I think more of what Zion is doing should be done. Sick of these bums in management making dumb moves only to keep their jobs. Yet these same owners and management will cry when the CBA expires and claim that they can't compete with bigger market teams.

Devonte going to put up the exact same numbers as lonzo doe. Giving up that first was bad, however

Graham is not half the defender Ball is, his shooting % are bad and barely gets to the line. Maybe he was off last year due to LaMelo's emergence. Hopefully he has a comeback season this year but at best, it's a slight downgrade from Ball.

Remember when Melo didn't have a team to go to prior to Portland and the media asked LeBron if they should sign him? LeBron saying something like "oh do we have a spot? I don't know if we have a spot" - I wonder if that would account for something.
Writing was on the wall for Lonzo with the drafting of NAW and Kira Lewis. I know some weren't trying to hear that though.

Giving up a first rounder seems really dumb, but Graham and Sato can more than make up for Lonzo's production.
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It’s not close Lonzo > graham and Tomas and wtf is Garrett temple gonna do their combined salary is Lonzo Salary . Guy shoots 37 from the field and can’t play defense

Lonzo shoots 40% from the field. Both dudes are solely relying on getting up 3s. Assist numbers going to wash out too

Graham is not half the defender Ball is, his shooting % are bad and barely gets to the line. Maybe he was off last year due to LaMelo's emergence. Hopefully he has a comeback season this year but at best, it's a slight downgrade from Ball.

Pels had a bottom 10 defense with Lonzo last year. Also with allegedly defensive minded Adams and Bledsoe. He ain’t moving the needle like people think he does.

they need Zion to show a pulse on defense though.
I think more of what Zion is doing should be done. Sick of these bums in management making dumb moves only to keep their jobs. Yet these same owners and management will cry when the CBA expires and claim that they can't compete with bigger market teams.
True but say two years from now or whenever his contract up nothing changes and he's looking to leave. Nobody will be defending the pelicans knowing what transpired these last few years. Just feel like saying that now is kinda saying what everyone knows but doesn't really need to be said while also possibly making it harder to grow and gel with teammates for time being. Sounds like they're banking on pelicans to fail already. Not a good way to manage a young star imo.
For some reason Zions representation saying that doesn't sit right with me. Yeah I get it can't really argue but he's under his rookie contract still how does releasing that info now help the situation? Cross that bridge when u get there.

Guys a generational talent player organization been having problems since the ad days . Last year they literally traded one of their best players for draft picks that are like in 2026 and they took Steven adams and Bledsoe then they extended the guy who averaged 9 and 8 for 18 million . They wasted 60 mill On salary for reddick adams and Eric . They paying top dollar for vets who Literallty basically had career low numbers but don’t want to pay lonzo ball who had career high numbers and Zion wants him back . Graham Thomas and garret ain’t better than Lonzo and you just traded a first round pick . Alll the moves u made last year basically just got erased and u wasted. A year of Zion’s rookie contract
- Trade Holiday for picks
- Hire a coach then fire him within the year
- Overpay Stevens who doesn't fit
- Trade Bledsoe + pick + Stevens to make cap room for free agents who don't want to sign there
- Try to find a replacement for Holiday and lose out on Lowry (an older version of Holiday)
- Lose Ball who fit in really well with Zion for a filler and a 2nd round pick

It's looking really ugly for them. I can't remember the last time I saw someone on a rookie deal request a trade but I wouldn't blame Zion to be honest.
There are no coincidences
Everything that's happening is meant to happen
Zion to NY is destiny
It is written
His momma named him Zion because she knew he'd play in the Mecca someday
The prophecy shall be fulfilled
Lonzo shoots 40% from the field. Both dudes are solely relying on getting up 3s. Assist numbers going to wash out too

Pels had a bottom 10 defense with Lonzo last year. Also with allegedly defensive minded Adams and Bledsoe. He ain’t moving the needle like people think he does.

they need Zion to show a pulse on defense though.

Graham can’t defend can’t push the pace guy is 6.1 . Adams is a top 3 worst defensive center lonzo ball was their best defensive player it’s not even close and I don’t want to comment on Eric Bledsoe . I told everyone they getting traded before th season Ended and Y’all told me it’s not possible . Graham can’t be compared to Lonzo just he can shoot the 3 he does nothing else
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