2023 Official MLB Season Thread

I haven't heard Thor's name once in connection to a deal with the M's. Only Bruce.

Dare I say Mets would win a trade?
Mariners planned to blow it up so might as well deal anyone.

Diaz would bring back a nice haul, but looks like they may just be throwing him in to get someone to take the Cano deal?
If the M's eat 10M annually of Cano's contact AND takes Bruce's contract in return, this would be a terrible move. This all spells out to be a move more so to save money than actually get better by acquiring quantity and quality of prospects. Such a slap in the face to M's fans if the trade with the Mets is what rumors are saying. Braves and Phillies are willing to shell out a ton for Diaz alone.
This is so stupid, if you're going to burn it down at least don't limit the value of one of the best closers in the game because you want to rid yourself of a ****ty deal from another player
A’s management yielded 8,000 fans per night. After 20 years of trading players that could have had us in the playoffs year in and year out, it’s been tough to invest time and money into them. Tough to support when we were basically a farm system to the league.

New management has my intrigue and interest just as much as the great young talent we got on the squad now.

I agree with this. A's fans have been fed up with what their management has done. However, until the A's can prove over the course of consecutive years that they are no longer operating the way they used to, things wont change. The amount of fans who went to watch the A's this past season, when the A's were among the top 5 or so teams in baseball, was pathetic. Winning over an extended period of time is the only way that will change. Even in the Giambi days, the turnout was awful.
There are rumblings, but I dont believe it is a proven fact that the Mariners are planning on completely rebuilding. I havent read that at least.

Wouldn't say 2-3 years is a complete rebuild either (rebuilding from what exactly idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

If Haniger and Diaz aren't on the roster come spring it might as well be doe
The trade is absurd for a number of reasons:
  • Cano is on the wrong side of 30, has a huge contract and just got popped for performance enhancers.
  • Gutting your farm system which you've tried to rebuild by dealing your top prospects. If you're trading Dunn, Syndergaard is absolutely off the table.
  • Instead of getting complimentary pieces via FA, the Wilpons would rather make a deal and have the Mariners eat some of the hence giving up young talent. BVW is in over his head.
Crazy how less than 12 hours ago, the M’s looked like they were going to get shafted to now looking like winners of the trade if McNeil is included.
I'm shocked that the Mets willing to take on Cano's contract

Yet they didn't want to be players last season for a guy like J.D Martinez? :lol: Or ya know, the fact that guys like Miller, DRob, Kimbrel & Britton are all solid free agent options.

Met's gonna Met. Always.
Even if the Mets get 36 yr old Cano and his 5 yr contract down to $14mil/yr, thats $70 million. I'd rather use that $70 mil on a younger more productive player.

How much will a 39, 40 year old Cano produce ?

Not happy with this deal if it indeed goes thru.

I like this trade for us.

If Colome kills and we are trash again then you can flip him at the deadline. If we some what are competitive sooner than they think then you got a nice pen arm cost controlled.
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