2025 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Had to put some sweat equity in to these but happy with the results. Was hesitant to do it but the redye was much easier than I thought. On foots soon come.

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Maybe it just me, but I’m kinda tired of these leaks of shoes coming out almost a year (or more) from now…..
For real just drop them, post a photo some weeks ahead and just release them there will be countless more before, during and after lol

The ones that get me are the post with some fools chub arm holding them in some goofy fashion just to ask “ThOUghTS oN tHeSe???”
Not even referring to the native IG bot we have on NT, I’m speaking (typing) in general.

i don’t follow too many of them accounts so i don’t see much. having dude ignored is like 90% of the battle. cause if it’s out there mans trying to cash in :lol:
I don’t follow most leak/major sneaker accounts either, still end up seeing it one way or another.
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