21 Jump Street Trailer

I can't see it and quite frankly i'm glad.

Leave that %*%! ALONE!
ehhhh, i dunno...it doesn't have that 21 jump street feel to it
it's like they're just using the name to make money off it. 


seems like an entertaining, funny movie tho. I would give it a chance
Ron Swanson is the police chief?
Ice Cube

I watched the first couple eps of 21 Jump on Hulu regular. Young Depp and the chick from Mr. Cooper was

Looks good for what it is though. Better than a lot of the ____ that's been in theaters.
Looks pretty damn funny

Can't lie, Tatum was hilarious in The Dilemma (Vince Vaughn and Kevin James).
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

was the og show funny too?  I always thought it was "serious"?

I mean there were funny elements (like Johnny Depp slapping the Earth,Wind AND Fire out of that little bastard laying in the hospital bed (which is a gif that's been used on NT)),but it wasn't a comedy.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

ehhhh, i dunno...it doesn't have that 21 jump street feel to it
it's like they're just using the name to make money off it. 


seems like an entertaining, funny movie tho. I would give it a chance
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

ehhhh, i dunno...it doesn't have that 21 jump street feel to it
it's like they're just using the name to make money off it. 


seems like an entertaining, funny movie tho. I would give it a chance
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

 they're just using the name to make money off it. 

True, but they didn't have to. Those two actors are popular, they couldve easily went another way with this. But thats Hollywood for you. 
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

 they're just using the name to make money off it. 

True, but they didn't have to. Those two actors are popular, they couldve easily went another way with this. But thats Hollywood for you. 

yea ok. it's a recession. nobodies paying for that no name with all the same stuff.

I'll take this over the Stretch Armstrong movie.
Yeah, I'm not even mad at the film or the actors -looks decent enough to watch on DVD, but I won't be thinking of it as having any connection to the original
-just a generic cop based comedy.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

was the og show funny too?  I always thought it was "serious"?
Unintentionally funny. Try watching the pilot without laughing out loud over at least five scenes that were supposed to be serious.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23
True, but they didn't have to. Those two actors are popular, they couldve easily went another way with this. But thats Hollywood for you. 

yea ok. it's a recession. nobodies paying for that no name with all the same stuff.

I'll take this over the Stretch Armstrong movie.

Not sure if srs, is there really a Stretch Armstrong movie coming out if so smh
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