24 SEASON 8 OFFICIAL POST........the end of an era.

All I have to say is WOW! Now thats how you end a show. Everything was edge of your seat action and well-paced. Jack smiling at the scope while Logan scared %&* was

Jack Bauer,  can't wait to see you kill the Russian President in Russian. Jack Bauer never quits.
Originally Posted by dland24


What are you most proud of this season?
I am proud of the whole season. Every year has become increasingly challenging to do and so getting through it gave me a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. I would say my favorite moment was the last moment. That was the moment I felt the most pressure. It’s an exercise I go through at the end of every year: Who do you want to see, and then how do you figure out a story with the people you want to see?  In this case — of course — it was Chloe, Taylor, and Jack.

If you had your druthers, do you wish Lost and 24 had ended a year apart, not around the same time?
All I can say is I hope we will be missed as much as Lost. I hope we will both be missed.  It’s good to be missed rather then sent out of town on a rail.

I certainly enjoyed the finale... but I agree with ijapino in that the Lost finale was much more enjoyable for me. Of course, you can't compare the 2 as Lost is much more of a character-driven show, while 24 is more suspense and action driven. Having said that, the final moment between Jack and Chloe was nice.

And yeah, losing both Lost and 24 within 24 hours is tough. What to do?

As for the movie, I think its not gonna be entirely in real-time. I think the first half won't be in real-time, while the second half will be.

Been watching since the 1st season aired... its been a great run.
Aside from UCLA sports, this is the first time BigMike and I have agreed on anything.
This season was good. The finale was anti-climactic in regards to as what it could have been. Everybody who has been watching this season knows Jack will be probably be crossing paths with the Russian president and killing him, then get pardoned and live in peace with his daughter and granddaughter or whatever. This feels like the way I felt when I found out about old Snake being in MGS4, something epic like that and many old faces reappearing.

Just watched the finale.
Felt like a heavy season finale, but I ain't mad. I am mad there's no season 9 after they erased that garbage season 6 from the history books.
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