24hr Fitness Starting To Use Fingerprint Scan In?!?!?

The problem is, in fine print somewhere, or a security break, leaks out all these finger prints to a national database. So now you dont even need to have a prior conviction to get "caught"
Originally Posted by digital022

Some of you guys are too paranoid. I do it, no biggie. It's actually really convenient. I've seen people who forgot their i.d. get turned away, its one less thing to have to worry about.

yup. that's actually one of the biggest compaints from the front desk staff. it makes the front desk job easier/less relevant without having to check your birthdate/phone number . plus the nighttime shift can just sleep without being bothered.

but if you have privacy issues then just don't do it...
* Throws Cell Phone into dry LA River
* Throws wallet.
* Heads home and puts fingertips on a hot frying pan.

What's sad is the general population will adhere to the new policy without even blinking an eye.
You are using a computer.  I'm sure you have a cell phone.

They are tracking you already.

I'm not important enough in the grand scheme of the government's conspiracy theory web to give a !@#@. 

My last job required a finger scan to punch in, but that was because people were having their friends punch them in.

If Uncle Sam wants to track you it will, they don't need 24 Hour Fitness to do it either

What is truly sad is that conspiracy theorists can't live with the fact that we are tracked from birth, as soon as they slap that SSN on you. 

Should I be
, that they know how often I hit the gym? 
Originally Posted by digital022

Some of you guys are too paranoid. I do it, no biggie. It's actually really convenient. I've seen people who forgot their i.d. get turned away, its one less thing to have to worry about.

yup. that's actually one of the biggest compaints from the front desk staff. it makes the front desk job easier/less relevant without having to check your birthdate/phone number . plus the nighttime shift can just sleep without being bothered.

but if you have privacy issues then just don't do it...
* Throws Cell Phone into dry LA River
* Throws wallet.
* Heads home and puts fingertips on a hot frying pan.

What's sad is the general population will adhere to the new policy without even blinking an eye.
You are using a computer.  I'm sure you have a cell phone.

They are tracking you already.

I'm not important enough in the grand scheme of the government's conspiracy theory web to give a !@#@. 

My last job required a finger scan to punch in, but that was because people were having their friends punch them in.

If Uncle Sam wants to track you it will, they don't need 24 Hour Fitness to do it either

What is truly sad is that conspiracy theorists can't live with the fact that we are tracked from birth, as soon as they slap that SSN on you. 

Should I be
, that they know how often I hit the gym? 
Originally Posted by backpacker23

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by derrty6232

++#$ outta here...  They trying to MAKE people scan in with a fingerprint now.  I went yesterday and the 24hr girl at the counter asked me if I wanted to start using the fingerprint system, I said "no" and had to speak to the manager.  The manager told me "all members HAVE to use the fingerprint scan now", I said "hell no, look at your website, it says I don't have to", and he just backed off. 

Their reason for implementing this fingerprint system is that it checks people in faster.  How much faster is it to scan your fingerprint AND type in a 10 digit code than to just have the person at the counter just scan your card??!?! 

24hr trying to be skynet... Weak...

What's sad is the general population will adhere to the new policy without even blinking an eye.
Just another way for big brother to keep tabs on where you were and what time you was there. Just like you said ppl wont think twice and just do this not thinking about the meaning behind it. For example the microchips, there are ppl who are voluntarily getting the chips inserted in them
They gonna sell this information to third party marketing companies, along with your info.
They also gonna give this info to the gov.
I'd burn my membership before giving my print
Originally Posted by backpacker23

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by derrty6232

++#$ outta here...  They trying to MAKE people scan in with a fingerprint now.  I went yesterday and the 24hr girl at the counter asked me if I wanted to start using the fingerprint system, I said "no" and had to speak to the manager.  The manager told me "all members HAVE to use the fingerprint scan now", I said "hell no, look at your website, it says I don't have to", and he just backed off. 

Their reason for implementing this fingerprint system is that it checks people in faster.  How much faster is it to scan your fingerprint AND type in a 10 digit code than to just have the person at the counter just scan your card??!?! 

24hr trying to be skynet... Weak...

What's sad is the general population will adhere to the new policy without even blinking an eye.
Just another way for big brother to keep tabs on where you were and what time you was there. Just like you said ppl wont think twice and just do this not thinking about the meaning behind it. For example the microchips, there are ppl who are voluntarily getting the chips inserted in them
They gonna sell this information to third party marketing companies, along with your info.
They also gonna give this info to the gov.
I'd burn my membership before giving my print
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