2nd introductions

Jan 6, 2004
Theres 2 dear friends of mine that would always introduce me to their friend for the 2nd time or even the 3rd time, it just makes things awkward. It's also pretty obnoxious. Anyone else have similar experiences?
Theres 2 dear friends of mine that would always introduce me to their friend for the 2nd time or even the 3rd time, it just makes things awkward. It's also pretty obnoxious. Anyone else have similar experiences?
Originally Posted by PIYANPING

Theres 2 dear friends of mine that would always introduce me to their friend for the 2nd time or even the 3rd time, it just makes things awkward. It's also pretty obnoxious. Anyone else have similar experiences?
 There's no harm in it.
If you feel it needs to stop just cut him off.
Him: This is
Then you cut him off by saying his name.
Him:Oh you already know each other?
Problem solved.
Originally Posted by PIYANPING

Theres 2 dear friends of mine that would always introduce me to their friend for the 2nd time or even the 3rd time, it just makes things awkward. It's also pretty obnoxious. Anyone else have similar experiences?
 There's no harm in it.
If you feel it needs to stop just cut him off.
Him: This is
Then you cut him off by saying his name.
Him:Oh you already know each other?
Problem solved.
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