3/18 Celtics v. Rox (Beast of East v. Best of West - 22 and counting)

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Throw the Salt on KG
people shouldn't complain about our fans leaving. everyone knows our fans suck. it took a 20 game winning streak to get the arena to be loud. like i saidbefore, just focus on the next game.

landry hurry back!!!!!!!!!!
That last dunk wasn't directed at the Rockets. I'm sure KG was thinking of Glen Taylor as he pulled back on that one.

As for the Rockets - that streak is remarkable, and probably won't be surpassed for a little while. And when you factor in all the injuries they'veovercome, it makes it that much more impressive. They had guys on 10 day contracts, Yao Ming out.....just wow!

@%%! those lames in the stands though. That's embarrassing behaviour. Way to reward your guys for making NBA history.
great run rockets. celts are the best team by far though simply b/c they have BETTER defense than we do. i'm really disappointed by tmac tonight. dudeacted like he never saw a double/triple team before in his life. get yourself out of it.

let's see how they respond. we will see if this team has lasting power by the next 3 games.
why are you guys bashing the fans for leaving?

if you came to see a good game, but your team is down by 30 in the 4th and the outcome is decided, the logical thing to do would be to leave early and get ajump on traffic.

why should they stay there and watch when the game is over?
I can't believe glen taylor or whatever his name is, is talking bad about KG.

SMH at him for that.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

why are you guys bashing the fans for leaving?

if you came to see a good game, but your team is down by 30 in the 4th and the outcome is decided, the logical thing to do would be to leave early and get a jump on traffic.

why should they stay there and watch when the game is over?

So if your team won 22 games straight and lost at 23 you would just bail out and not even stand up and give them a standing ovation?

It's the least a fan can do for the team.
Originally Posted by jblackcat13

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

why are you guys bashing the fans for leaving?

if you came to see a good game, but your team is down by 30 in the 4th and the outcome is decided, the logical thing to do would be to leave early and get a jump on traffic.

why should they stay there and watch when the game is over?

So if your team won 22 games straight and lost at 23 you would just bail out and not even stand up and give them a standing ovation?

It's the least a fan can do for the team.

Exactly. But that just goes to show you how much of a bandwagon the Rockets had. Hell, even Van Gundy on Sunday was talkin bout how he'd walk down thestreets of Houston and people would be like, "good job Coach, let's keep that streak alive."

Hats off to the Rockets though....streak was amazing and i'm glad iwitnessed it.

Some thoughts:
-Boston is STILL the favorite and they further proved it by beating the Champs at home and then coming on a back to back to beat the hottest team in theleague. Their Defense was just
in a good way. They did what everyteam should be doing cause not everyday will Skip have a career game, etc. So by doubling Tracy, it took him out of the game and he never got a rhythm.

-Tmac should've taken waaaay more shots but at the same time im' glad he didn't force anything and tried to stick to what has been getting themwins....TEAM play. However, when you see that one of the role players aren't gonna be having another magical night, he should've tried to take it moreon his own. So hopefully, he can learn from this and carry on from there.

Gonna be very interesting to see where Houston goes from here. I still think they should feel VERY confident and as long as they continue to scrap and play asthey did, they'll be fine.

Too bad the streak ended though, i was REALLY looking forward to it ending where it all started.............with GOLDEN STATE BABY!!!!
so why is TMacs name brought up in the MVP discussion? the tough teams get the best of him and he goes ghost like patrick swazye
What the hell?

I know damn well I wouldn't just leave early after my team have won 22 straight games, and the streak is over... Whats up with the Rockets fans?

It's one thing to leave on another occasion, but after your team has won 22 straight, how are you not going to show your appreciation.

What a shame honestly, the Rockets should have gotten a standing O from almost every seat in that building. A good couple thousand left when there was still 4minutes to play.
Why is it that Rafer Alston can't focus on basketball and is always trying to get in some fight? In the last 2 games, first Vujacic, thenRondo...You're a starting PG in the NBA now, not a street thug on AND1, grow yourself up...
Originally Posted by NickEPockets

Why is it that Rafer Alston can't focus on basketball and is always trying to get in some fight? In the last 2 games, first Vujacic, then Rondo...You're a starting PG in the NBA now, not a street thug on AND1, grow yourself up...

You can take him out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of him...
you cant the stupid out of stuipidty can you

I watched the first half and it was
sad to hear the rockets lost tho
/\ Those are borderline racist comments...

How do associate AND 1 and street thugs together? Like seriously...what does that have to do with anything? What does the hood have to do with what he'sdoing on the floor? He talks trash just like plenty of other dudes in the league. Was Larry Bird "hood" for half the *+%! he did on the floor?
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ Those are borderline racist comments...

How do associate AND 1 and street thugs together? Like seriously...what does that have to do with anything? What does the hood have to do with what he's doing on the floor? He talks trash just like plenty of other dudes in the league. Was Larry Bird "hood" for half the *+%! he did on the floor?

are you just looking for an argument?

i didnt find that racist
/\ Those are borderline racist comments...

How do associate AND 1 and street thugs together? Like seriously...what does that have to do with anything? What does the hood have to do with what he's doing on the floor? He talks trash just like plenty of other dudes in the league. Was Larry Bird "hood" for half the *+%! he did on the floor?

^^ Not even close. Dude is trying to act like someone's out to get him, he's a hard head.

Don't even open the race card, cuz I didn't say anything in regards to his race. He could've been white, or hispanic, and act the same way.
Originally Posted by NickEPockets

Why is it that Rafer Alston can't focus on basketball and is always trying to get in some fight? In the last 2 games, first Vujacic, then Rondo...You're a starting PG in the NBA now, not a street thug on AND1, grow yourself up...

the hell are you talking about?

That's 2 out of 67 games. where does the always part come in?
^ Exactly what I'm saying.

I mean, if you were Rafer, you would've backed down if someone pushed your arm out of the way like that and try to punk you?
It was a good run, props to the Rockets. 22 wins in a row is amazing.

Hopefully they can start a new streak their next game.
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