3/18 Celtics v. Rox (Beast of East v. Best of West - 22 and counting)

Big Baby is a beast
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Like I've been saying... We'll see what Houston is really about over the next week or so. This blow out will knock some air out of their sails. Let's see how they respond.

I think they'll fare ok overall.

Since the J. Kidd deal though, the Mavs haven't beaten a team over .500.

This has nothing to do with the Mavericks, but OK. The fact that Rockets fans continue to beat that little stat to death is mind-boggling, though.

I'm not talking badly about the Rockets. But they've been playing out of their minds. Getting blown out at home is going to bring them back to eartha bit. Getting kicked in the mouth is a reality check. And the Rockets schedule from here on out isn't exactly a cake walk... Like I said, I want to seehow they respond. It'll tell me more about what they really are than this win streak has.
SMH at the rockets fans leaving

ya'll should stay in the seats and applause the rockets and be there for the streak ending.


at that dunk by KG

Originally Posted by presequel

SMH at the rockets fans leaving

ya'll should stay in the seats and applause the rockets and be there for the streak ending.



rockets fans are a bunch of hypebeasts
i think doc left KG in there a bit too long, i bet he's just trying to rub it in a little cuz rondo got pushed at the start of the game and couple of hardfouls on our guys....
lol @ the crowd reaction on that KG dunk. I saw a few people get up and turn towards the exit
rockets just didnt play like a team after halftime. t-mac should of stepped up on offense instead of passing so much. and why was kg still in the game? theyre already up big. oh well streak was good while it lasted, lets just keep homecourt.
All good things must end. Great job rockets. I am a little upset at the fans that left early. When the rockets were rolling nobody left. This team had just won22 games. Stay till the end and give your team the send off they desereve.

Also one thing I take away from this game is....

someone bump the season thread. Today marks the end of one great streak...

but tomorrow shall mark the beginning of a new one!!!
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