3 Year Old Chinese Baby Smoking Cigarette! SMFH!

Oct 5, 2007
Sorry if late but wow�
@ 00:26 lil man straight passes the lighter back to homeboy like he astraight veteran. I mean I've seen photos but never actually seen the vid. Youngin can really chief, he holds the cig in his mouth puffs and blows it outtwice. Flicks the ash right after he inhales. He has all the mannerisms of a long time smoker.
Almost unbelievable. Sparked up his own cig!? He prob cracked open a 40 and banged two middle ages japanese broads right after.
Yeah this has been posted before--still though, it's a very sad thing to witness. Kid is not even waiting to "grow" up first before ruining hishealth. Even more sad is the fact that the adults are encouraging him. His health and his lungs are done for...


the snatch out the ear.
the lighter flick.
the lighter pass back.
ash flicking.

kid is a pro.

all he did was forget to cover it while lighting it from the wind blowing it out... guess it wasnt windy lol.
Vancity74 wrote:
SuperSaiyan415 wrote:
im more shocked at this kids mannerisms


Looks like this isn't the first cig he's smoked (or last).

QFT, you can tell lil man been smoking for awhile.

The thing that pisses me off is how the adults are encouraging him to smoke. I mean right after he fires one up they give him some candy. Obviously the childthinks its normal behavior for his age.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

I'm convinced thats a ******

I don't know much about midgets but I don't think that he's ******. The way the tone the adults are speaking to him isn't like aregular convo you and I would have. It seems as if they are talking to him like a child, if that makes any sense. And no I don't speak their language, itis just the vibe i'm getting from the convo.
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