Oct 31, 2012
Former NFL offensive lineman Brian Holloway’s sons, Brian Jr.  and Max, could not believe what they were seeing on Twitter this past Labor Day weekend.

There was a huge party going on in Stephentown, N.Y., the city in which they were raised. There were acquaintances tweeting about drugs, alcohol, sex and girls being everywhere. At first, the boys did not think much of it. Then they realized something.

This party was at their home.

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The Holloways  live in Tampa, and that home in Stephentown is the family’s summer home. Nobody was authorized to be in their house, but at least 300 teenagers invaded their residence and trashed it on August 31. There were several items stolen from the home, including an eagle statue that was part of a memorial for Holloway Sr.'s stillborn grandson.

According to New10.com,  police were called to the Holloway’s home. The Rensselaer County Sheriff's Office estimated about 300 teenagers scattered from the home and barns on the former NFL player’s property. Now Holloway has created a website (helpmesave300.com)  that seeks to identify the 300 partygoers. It contains photos from Twitter and Instagram that allegedly depict the teens destroying his house.

“In 2007, we moved down to Florida, and our kids were grown up and gone,” Holloway Sr. toldShutdown Corner. “We were getting live tweets. They were broadcasting from the party. We have 170 confirmed pictures and photos of them from the party as the party is happening. Some of these kids were my son’s classmates. When this was going on, people were tweeting them and saying, ‘Dude, people have broken into your home and they’re having a throw down.’ My son texted me, and we were watching it being broadcast."

The former New England Patriots  and Oakland Raiders  offensive lineman (he played from 1981-88 and was a three-time Pro Bowler) said he flew from Florida to New York the next day. There is currently $20,000 worth of damage, but Holloway  said the final total could hit $250,000.

Here are some photos provided by the family:

Photo provided by Holloway family

How will the Holloways find the culprits?

So far, Holloway said authorities have identified 170 people who attended the party. He wants all the teenagers that attend to come and clean up his property, which sits on 200 acres. Holloway said there are countless alcohol bottles, drug paraphernalia and condoms strewn about. In exchange, he promises to let the judge know about their willingness to contribute to the clean-up efforts.

Thankfully, the memorial statue for his grandson was recently left on Holloway's porch.

“Everything that was broken can be fixed,” Holloway Sr.  told Shutdown Corner. “Everything that was stolen can be replaced, but 300 lives have to be turned around. If we don’t take a stand for this right now, of those 300, 30 will be dead in 10 years. If they went to a place, and in their head this made sense, they’re already putting themselves in danger and other people on the highway by drinking and driving and doing drugs. The big thing is to get the parents and community members to see what’s going on here because if you don’t take a stand now, trust me, they’re coming to your house next.”

Despite the destruction, Holloway is hosting a pot luck lunch for all military personnel and veterans on his property this weekend. He said anybody who has a military background can show up. On the invitation,  Holloway said beer, drugs and alcohol were not allowed at this party.

Too many of those elements were consumed on his property this past Labor Day weekend.

Website for all da pics

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If I ever have multiple houses im going to booby trap them when im away.

Or more realistically, have internet accessible cameras and check on them every day.
I wouldn't turn myself in if I attended this party. Kids will be kids....
sorta understand, if i didnt cause any damage, im not about to pay for what other idiots did

but on the flip side, if i was a big enough *** to actually trash someone elses house, i probably wouldnt turn myself in

that kids will be kids line dont go tho, that **** yo **** attitude is what get dudes hit
Those kids are so annoying, "ohhh look I'm getting drunk and my parents don't care" :smh:

What's there to brag about?

Man all these kids look so damn annoying, but they're kids, but should at least have the decency to not trash someones home like that
I was reading something in the ny daily news about how some of the parents were thinking about sueing the guy because he put their kids names out there. I guess them breaking and entering someone's house and taking part in vandalizing it while most likely drinking and doing illegal drugs isn't important to those parents.
Kids these days are so stupid.

They should all be lined up and slapped just for being so dumb.
I know we all did dumb **** as teenagers but come on mane this on another level of stupid.
Saw this on the news yesterday morning, now I figured why it's relevant. They live in Tampa lol
parents threatining to sue because duke is exposing who was at da party....only reason he knows is because da idiots took pics and posted em

on twitter.
Saw this on the news yesterday morning, now I figured why it's relevant. They live in Tampa lol
They live in a suburb of Albany, they were visiting Tampa.

The story is crazy. You have all sorts of unaccountability from the parents of those involved and like he said, of these 300 kids, 30 of them will likely be dead soon. Then the parents have the audacity to threaten to sue him for putting the names of those who broke into and vandalized his home because it would ruin their kids chances to go to college instead of being worried that their kids were drinking, doing drugs and then driving.

There are consequences to every action and they have to deal with it. If he really wanted to, he could have all the kids charged with breaking and entering as well as vandalism. Lucky they didn't break into the wrong home and get shot by an owner who felt threatened.

Probably the worst things about it all:
Fifty volunteers showed up to clean up the home, but only one person who was there actually attended the party.

“Only one student showed up,” Holloway said in disbelief. “Is it a statement about us as a community? If you take our temperature as a community, we get a failing grade. How is there no accountability?”
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