32% Tuition Hike at UC campuses...the price of trying to better yourself is ridiculous...

^ serious

ya'll complaining about what the rest of us have had to do for years, TAKING OUT STUDENT LOANS.

i sympathize with ya'll, i really do, but then i read its raising tuition basically by $2000? THATS IT? sure it adds up over the years, but it aint thatmuch in the big scheme of things.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by air max 87


You get what you pay for...
This is the problem though. Not only are UC folks not getting what they pay for, but are being asked to pay even more for it. And CSU's have been getting raped for a minute now, just not on this level tuition-wise.

Only partly true. Berkeley students are definitely getting what they pay for. The rest of the UCs, not so much. Might as well just go to a private universityof CC and try to transfer into Berkeley.
walk out today was

%!*# was out

last class this quarter FTW!!
Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by air max 87


You get what you pay for...
This is the problem though. Not only are UC folks not getting what they pay for, but are being asked to pay even more for it. And CSU's have been getting raped for a minute now, just not on this level tuition-wise.

Only partly true. Berkeley students are definitely getting what they pay for. The rest of the UCs, not so much. Might as well just go to a private university of CC and try to transfer into Berkeley.
...So you enjoy dealing with GSI's most of the time? I'd love to hear how Cal students are getting what they pay for as opposed to theother UC students.
Yes people are complaining over public school costs. If they was rich they woulda gone to private school. $2000 is a BIG increase for a lot of people
Originally Posted by got shoes

Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Prices going up and financial aid decreasing.

I'm at a private school though, so it already cost a lot, but they're generous with financial aid though.
Being Black also helps.
not always. i got to take out loans cuz i make too much money. Funny things is that i don't know where that money is.
I know not always, but I was talking about me personally.

Originally Posted by warriors510

Yes people are complaining over public school costs. If they was rich they woulda gone to private school. $2000 is a BIG increase for a lot of people
I go to a private school and I'm far from rich. I basically pay my own way through college. Parents don't put up nothing towards myeducation and if it wasn't for grants & scholarships, I wouldn't be able to attend. The tuition at my school is twice as much, if not more, thanwhat the UC's cost.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by air max 87


You get what you pay for...
This is the problem though. Not only are UC folks not getting what they pay for, but are being asked to pay even more for it. And CSU's have been getting raped for a minute now, just not on this level tuition-wise.

Only partly true. Berkeley students are definitely getting what they pay for. The rest of the UCs, not so much. Might as well just go to a private university of CC and try to transfer into Berkeley.
...So you enjoy dealing with GSI's most of the time? I'd love to hear how Cal students are getting what they pay for as opposed to the other UC students.

What do you mean dealing with GSIs most of the time? We had discussion sections that were conducted by GSIs, but professors were easily accessible and providedmany opportunities for research and experience outside of the classroom. I guess I should rephrase the "Berkeley students are getting what they payfor" and say "Berkeley students in engineering and sciences are getting what they pay for"
This some !!*+#@@# and the worse part is that the middle class gets screwed the most because some do not qualify for Financial Aid because the familycontribution is deemed "adequate" when in reality many families who have multiple kids in school are struggling to pay tuition and thus have toresort to student loans with absurd interest rates.

I am glad I am done with college with little debt, but it sucks for other students/families who have yet to encounter this situation.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Why do you even post still, Mr. Fake GS Intern?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

aw, they cut the 400 level classes?


we got plenty of 400 level classes at The OHIO State University...
Dude, it's just Ohio State. Quit being a douche.

And no, I don't hate Ohio State. I am applying there as my 1st/2nd choice next year.

Is Cal Poly expensive? My friend's brother is at SLO, and my friend here is applying too. I just know they're public and that's it.
San Luis Obispo is good from what I've heard.
I think they cost about the same as Cal States. I'm not sure though.
I think an dee 51o goes to Cal Poly, so he'd know more than me.
I had a teacher that went there, and she seemed to love it.
The idea of a public university system, particularly those that charge low tuition rates like the UC and the CSU systems (California has two completelyseparate university systems as well as a separate community college system) was meant to make education more equal and more accessible to those who are notrich or even middle class. Unfortunately the way it is executed is very unfair, to students and to taxpayers.

It is unfair to students because tuition is only one part the cost of education for a student. While paying less than $10,000 annually for tuition, in an agewhere private schools charge about $30,000 and even many public school like UT or Michigan charge $20,000 or more, the make up of the students' families inUniversities throughout California is more affluent than the general public and this is especially true at a handful of UC schools.

The fact that wealthy parents can afford private school and public school in areas where most of the parents could afford priavte schools, makes the publicschools compete and provide a good service while usually spending less per pupil than lower performing schools, where the parents are generaly unable to haveprivate school as an option and must suffer monopoly public schools. Lower tuition costs are meaningless if your high school did not prepare in and equip youto not flunk out if you are admitted.

Lower tuition costs are also not very important when the majorit yof UC and CSU school are near the coast and/or in major cities where the cost of living ishigh. Rent is very expensive in the Bay Area, on the Central Coast, in Isla Vista, In Los Angeles County (especially in the places where UCLA students live butit costs plenty for CSUN, CSULB and CSULA off campus housing), in Irvine/New Port Beach and in San Diego or La Jolla. Simply having low tuition does notaddress the problems of poor students being stuck in bad government monopoly schools and being unprepared for college and once they get into a good school nothaving the means to live there.

The tax payers are also the losers because the workin cglass, in effect help to pay for middle class and wealthy students' higher education. Because salestax, speciall surcharges on tobacco and alcohol vehicle registration and other fees tend to tax a a large rand larger share of your income the small it gets,many of the State's eans of generating revenue are regressive taxes. They take the money from these regressive taxes and than subsidize the education ofevery single UC and CSU student. If that money only went to help those, who would be financially unable to attend a university without that government help,that would be very understandable. Unfortunately, by having all students pay tuition that covers only a fraction of the cost of education means that affluentstudents are getting a subsidy from all tax payers.

The State of California should raise its rates to match the cost of that student's education, so between 25,000 to 35,000, depending on the campus, shouldbe the initial fee and then you can get it reduced depending on your family finances. If you are very poor, your tuition rate should be zero and you should getfinancial aid to help pay for the cost of getting a place to live in a dorm or a place off campus in these high rent California cities. If your family is veryaffluent, you should have to pay the full price of tuition. Those who pay 20 to 20 thousand for high school education and are totally willing and able to pay30 thousand annually if their kids went to Pepperdine, LMU, Occidental College or USC, should have to pay for something that bebenfits their childrentremendously.

By charging 30 thousand to affluent students, there would be more money to cover the costs of students whose tuition is far below the full cost of educationand would generate more money in order to really help poor students bein gable to have very low tuition rates and to help them pay the enormous costs of simplyliving in the high rent cities where most public universities, in California, are located. By generating money from more affluent students, the burden on taxpayers would be reduced and poorer Californians' taxes would not go to subsidize those who do not need any subsidies.

Cliff Notes: The way public university education is financed is un fair to tax payers and to students. It is unfair to students because having low tuition doesnot address the costs of livin gand the inadaquet prepartion that pooer k-12 students recieve. It is unafir to tax payers because the students at publicuniversities are disproptionately from upper middle class and wealthy families yet their tuition is 10 thousand dollars, a third or so of the cost to theuniversity of educating that student. That means that every UC or CSU students is having at least two thirds of his or her education is paid for by tax payersand many taxes in California tax the poor and working class more heavily than they tax those with high incomes.

The fees should be raised on wealthy students and reduced for lower incomes students.
Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

Originally Posted by ikari XD

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by air max 87


You get what you pay for...
This is the problem though. Not only are UC folks not getting what they pay for, but are being asked to pay even more for it. And CSU's have been getting raped for a minute now, just not on this level tuition-wise.

Only partly true. Berkeley students are definitely getting what they pay for. The rest of the UCs, not so much. Might as well just go to a private university of CC and try to transfer into Berkeley.
...So you enjoy dealing with GSI's most of the time? I'd love to hear how Cal students are getting what they pay for as opposed to the other UC students.

What do you mean dealing with GSIs most of the time? We had discussion sections that were conducted by GSIs, but professors were easily accessible and provided many opportunities for research and experience outside of the classroom. I guess I should rephrase the "Berkeley students are getting what they pay for" and say "Berkeley students in engineering and sciences are getting what they pay for"
Hmm, might actually be more accurate seeing as though I've never heard a Berkeley engineering/sciences major %$@#%. Or then again, I'venever seen one step foot out of their room in the last 4 years
. Pointtaken. Another concern I've seen raised, however, is the introduction of another dead week. Not sure if this is the same with other UC's, but Cal nowhas two dead weeks before finals...kinda like all of the furloughs that the CSU's have had this semester/quarter all put into one week. Terrible for boththe students and the faculty.
Originally Posted by presequel

^ serious

ya'll complaining about what the rest of us have had to do for years, TAKING OUT STUDENT LOANS.

i sympathize with ya'll, i really do, but then i read its raising tuition basically by $2000? THATS IT? sure it adds up over the years, but it aint that much in the big scheme of things.
Easy for someone to say bro, but if you dont mind me asking..it seems 9by the twitter, 350z thing on your sig) that your middle/upper middle class
Thats a blessing man but you gotta look at it this way, not everyone is as fortunate as many people that can afford private schools, those 2gs go a long wayyyyfor a person that aint as well as others
Damn, and I was complainin when Pitt increased our tution an extra $800 on top of the yearly percentage increase
I went to CSULA, my first two years summers were free (as long as you finish the quarter with a 3.0) and tuition was about $600.

Around 2002-03 tuition began to increase every year. I know a lot of people that just stopped going to school because they couldn't afford it. Their planwas to go back after saving some cash, but time flies, they get caught up in other things. Most didn't make it back to campus,

I am grateful that my grades were good enough to get me the money I needed to get scholarships and grants. Also, I got good financial aid, pell grants, calgrants and EOP. I took advantage of every resource I had. I looked up scholarship books and wrote essays to a bunch of scholarships that were available. Ididn't want to pay for school. I would tell some of these people I knew about these resources, but they didn't want to take the time to write 1-2 pagepersonal essay.

I didn't learn how to hustle until I got to college
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