48 y/o Black dude explains why he dates White girls now Vol. Jungle Fever

Dec 12, 2008
Interesting to see that not much has changed since the 60s and 70s...

Sistas really need to get their act together


The hell you need an explanation for just date women.
If she's got the personality and looks she's got it if she don't she don't.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

lol this guy's voice is just like a white guys
because only white guys don't use slang and can speak properly?
He is free to date who he likes, but he doesn't have to generalize all black women like that. This guy seems mad weak though, he let his girl beat him up?
Lies LMAO you know I'm telling the truth MILLION DOLLAR STACKS.
Seriously I always found those type of people weird as hell male and female.
OP, you really must have problems with the females...all your topics are about how shady or something about women.
man that dudes voice was annoying ... but i kinda see what he was saying ... i guess he just had too many bad experiences through out his life that just turnedhim off the sistas. To me its more of a mental connection that you need to find true love .. he got *** from them but still got stumped after .. until he methis wife .. a white woman .. to me she (the wife) could still have been black or asian, or persian... doesnt matter.. just timing n your mental attitudetowards the person made the difference. People ... date who you want!!! ... dont ever let skin tone affect ur decisions in life with love ... and (peep thesignature below..) v
Wait...so this guy is talking about dating White women, while, it appears, skiing? Alright...
I see where he's coming from. A lot of the black women I have encountered in the past were confused bitter women. Thank god I went to college and beganmeeting more black women who are intelligent and more laid back.

On the real though it all depends on the intelligence of the girls you encounter. An uneducated female of any race is a problem not worth dealing with.
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