48 y/o Black dude explains why he dates White girls now Vol. Jungle Fever

Originally Posted by Madlib

its always the black girls that OD on makeup as well..most black girls are pathetic..they shouldnt even be considered humans..degenerate scum (i said MOST black girls, not all)
Whether you say "most" instead of all or not, it still doesn't matter. That's a pretty foul statement to make.
Originally Posted by Madlib

Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Yeah, there's really not much you can say to defend that statement.
i actually did come up with a "defense"(as you call it)..but few black people can face the harsh truth thus making me seem like a bad guy..so i edited to avoid any further e-problems..carry on
Yea your're right, damn oversensitive $%% negroes. There's nothing wrong with saying an entire race's women are subhuman... or MOST ofthem. Totally justified as you certainly know most of them and plus you saw two with fake eyelashes, 2! 2 people! If that doesn't prove it, I don'tknow what does. Truth? Truth? You can't handle the truth! Certainly none of those things you said above can ever be applied to women of any other raceeither. Find something tall and jump off it.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

But with all of the anti-black female sentiment swirling around American society....i'm sure most of y'all will just use this as another opportunity to throw cheap jabs.
he def. has mommy issues...

but whatever...we'll just roll w/the punches...

he's gasses...she has more honor cuz she's been to Africa? probably thinkin he came up cuz he bagged her...

FTR i don't care who you date as long as its for pure honest reasons...you dating x cuz y did this is stupid...

Question: why is hair such an issue for black men?
This dude can eat a %*#%. I'll take a strong black woman any day. ANY DAY.
Originally Posted by AG 47

This dude can eat a %*#%. I'll take a strong black woman any day. ANY DAY.

strong black woman =/= a damn b

That's one of the biggest misconceptions they have about themselves
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

But with all of the anti-black female sentiment swirling around American society....i'm sure most of y'all will just use this as another opportunity to throw cheap jabs.
he def. has mommy issues...

but whatever...we'll just roll w/the punches...

he's gasses...she has more honor cuz she's been to Africa? probably thinkin he came up cuz he bagged her...

FTR i don't care who you date as long as its for pure honest reasons...you dating x cuz y did this is stupid...

Question: why is hair such an issue for black men?
A strong, healthy, beautiful head of hair is one of the pillars of femininity. Bald chicks FTGDL of all L's +$@% is disgusting. And some blackgirls are so used to fake hair they think that +$@% is all OK

Real hair FTW I have seen the light
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Question: why is hair such an issue for black men?
in what respect?

the deal with long hair...i can understand wanting real hair...if its long and curly shorty is
...guy in the vid. seemed to go out of his way to mention his daughter has curlyhair also...
why are some of you saying he is still looking?

He stated that he is married, and has a kid apparently.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Question: why is hair such an issue for black men?
in what respect?

the deal with long hair...i can understand wanting real hair...if its long and curly shorty is
...guy in the vid. seemed to go out of his way to mention his daughter has curly hair also...
I blame it on institutionalized racism. The oppressors did a pretty great job of making some us hate ourselves.
This is kind of how i feel. But i still love my sistas, ive just had a lot of bad experience with em. I honestly just want a girl who loves to have fun, anddoesnt not take every little messed up thing i say seriously.
There are some valid points in the video but like abeautifulhaze says he has issues with black women that stem from his mother.

Some men like strong independent women or women who looks to a man to guide them in every way.

It's based upon how one was raised.
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

OP, you really must have problems with the females...all your topics are about how shady or something about women.

I peeped that too!
i want to strangle him just on the sound of his voice.

if the american black women are confused, the men are just as in the same boat. And he lookin like he mighty confused right now.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Very few men are strong enough to handle a black woman without going crazy or CBing them. This guy has very weak, feminine tendencies and he probably got walked over.
man thats some +#! backwards thinking. you telling me im a weak person cause i dont like dealing with the drama of some american black women? soyou're stronger than me cause you voluntarily deal with @!+#%%@! on the regular? okay lou furigno go ahead and be mr macho and ill take my frail self andenjoy a drama free existence.

also that hair thing he said is true too. BLACK WOMEN stop burning your damns kids scalp trying to straighten baby hairs with relaxer. lol
Thought of Uncle Rukus when I first read the title

I disagree with dude not all black women are bad. I have been Friends and dated more black women than any other race. Even though it ain't work out withthe girls I dated I got nothing bad to say about them mad cool if you ask me. I guess dude just got bad luck.

I am Latino btw and been with my girl (Latina) for almost 2 years.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Very few men are strong enough to handle a black woman without going crazy or CBing them. This guy has very weak, feminine tendencies and he probably got walked over.
man thats some +#! backwards thinking. you telling me im a weak person cause i dont like dealing with the drama of some american black women? so you're stronger than me cause you voluntarily deal with @!+#%%@! on the regular? okay lou furigno go ahead and be mr macho and ill take my frail self and enjoy a drama free existence.

also that hair thing he said is true too. BLACK WOMEN stop burning your damns kids scalp trying to straighten baby hairs with relaxer. lol
Not wanting to deal with ******** is understandable but going as far as making a vid b*tching about how women used to beat you up as a kid showsweakness imo. LOL I can't deal with drama either to be honest with u, I'm too laid back a guy for that. But going as far as making a youtube videogeneralizing a whole race of women shows deep seeded psychological issues.

That being said my attraction to white women has nothing to do with their maneurisms, character and personalities. It's strictly physical and I don'tunderstand why people make such a big deal of it. There are a few black men that get a white woman as a status symbol and I don't condone this. Why does there always have to be a deeper reason that has nothing to do with personal physical or emotional attraction for someone to date/smash outsidetheir race?
Originally Posted by parada45

Thought of Uncle Rukus when I first read the title

I disagree with dude not all black women are bad. I have been Friends and dated more black women than any other race. Even though it ain't work out with the girls I dated I got nothing bad to say about them mad cool if you ask me. I guess dude just got bad luck.

I am Latino btw and been with my girl (Latina) for almost 2 years.

Ruquois, it's French with a splish splash of Irish.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Very few men are strong enough to handle a black woman without going crazy or CBing them. This guy has very weak, feminine tendencies and he probably got walked over.
man thats some +#! backwards thinking. you telling me im a weak person cause i dont like dealing with the drama of some american black women? so you're stronger than me cause you voluntarily deal with @!+#%%@! on the regular? okay lou furigno go ahead and be mr macho and ill take my frail self and enjoy a drama free existence.

also that hair thing he said is true too. BLACK WOMEN stop burning your damns kids scalp trying to straighten baby hairs with relaxer. lol
Not wanting to deal with ******** is understandable but going as far as making a vid b*tching about how women used to beat you up as a kid shows weakness imo. LOL I can't deal with drama either to be honest with u, I'm too laid back a guy for that. But going as far as making a youtube video generalizing a whole race of women shows deep seeded psychological issues.

That being said my attraction to white women has nothing to do with their maneurisms, character and personalities. It's strictly physical and I don't understand why people make such a big deal of it. There are a few black men that get a white woman as a status symbol and I don't condone this. Why does there always have to be a deeper reason that has nothing to do with personal physical or emotional attraction for someone to date/smash outside their race?

Good question....


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