5 US national security-related conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

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RIP sleazyy RIP sleazyy are you familiar with the great conjunction? I heard that every president has either been killed or attempted to be killed during it and it's coming up in December. Also do you know anything about a solar minimum?

I get all this stuff from Hubbard's live streams for anyone wondering. He gets a lot of tips from his callers. And most of his callers are black :lol:

Edit- I see you referenced it in your first post. Still trippy about the president aspect of it
RIP sleazyy RIP sleazyy are you familiar with the great conjunction? I heard that every president has either been killed or attempted to be killed during it and it's coming up in December. Also do you know anything about a solar minimum?

I get all this stuff from Hubbard's live streams for anyone wondering. He gets a lot of tips from his callers. And most of his callers are black :lol:

Yeah that's coming up but a 200 year cycle is coming up too.

There will be a major shift with our experience of the south node at the end of the year, when Jupiter enters Aquarius on December 19 and begins to apply toward a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius, which will perfect on December 21. We also will not experience a solar eclipse in Gemini and Sagittarius until the end of the year when there will be a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14 of 2020 at 24 degrees of Sagittarius. The more we can clear out and shed inessential or ineffective beliefs during the year, the more we can open to the potential of integrating a new vision at the end of the year.

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn – December 2020
Jupiter is conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius on December 21st, 2020.

This is the most important astrological transit of the year because it marks the beginning of a new 200-year cycle.

The Jupiter-Saturn cycle is 20 years long but the Jupiter-Saturn elemental cycle (Fire, Earth, Air or Water) is approximately 200 years long.

The current Jupiter-Saturn cycle started in 1802 and it is an Earth cycle. This Earth cycle has been connected to the industrial revolution, consumerism, and capitalism. The current Earth cycle will end on December 20th, and a new elemental cycle will begin on December 21st, 2020, this time in the Air element.

This is BIG.

The energy will shift from Earth (consumerism, material values, money) to Air (intellect, information, collaboration).

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December 2020 can really be the dawn of the age of Aquarius.

And that’s just the beginning. Pluto will also enter the sign of Aquarius in 2023, so in the coming years we will witness a profound transformation of the world and society.

Network and collaboration will become more important than top-down hierarchies.

A new age of enlightenment and freedom is around the corner. This doesn’t mean the Air element or Aquarius is in any way “superior” to the Earth or to the Capricorn energy. In fact, elemental energy shifts always come with disruption initially.

But this is a change we all need, because change is part of life. We learned everything we needed to learn about the “Earth” element of our existence. Now it’s time to move on and learn about “Air”, with its goods and its bads.

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction concludes the overview of the most important transits of 2020.

Make sure you mark your calendar with these important dates.

Oh by the way there are presidents who were elected near a conjunction who were not assassinated


Wednesday is June 3rd. 3/6.
Last time Saturn was in Aquarius we had the Rodney King riots.

Last time Pluto was in Capricorn the events leading up to + the actual American Revolution itself happened.

Both of these are presently happening in the stars.

History is being made again. No such thing as coincidence.

The Age of Aquarius is here. We’re going home.
Had a feeling this would be the case. Still good for new/younger fans of Bruce though I guess.
How much of a deep dive have you taken into conspiracies related to his death though?

That family has bad luck.

His son died early too smh
Bruce Lee, The Truth Behind His Mysterious Death Proves the Power of Hollywood PR Teams https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3867140/pg1

The death of Bruce and Brandon Lee...Illuminati Conspiracy? https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message314729/pg1
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You see it.

NYC at 8:46 AM, 9/11/2001 (When the First Plane Hit the Towers)

Just like every person has his or her own birth chart, each event also has its own chart. The 9/11 chart paints a very specific portrait of what happened that morning.

Ketu and Mars are within a single degree of each other in Sagittarius, located in the 4th house, which is the portion of the zodiac that represents one’s innermost feelings and sense of home or belonging.

Every planet has the potential for a positive, life-affirming representation or a challenging, dark representation, and Mars directly connects to action, whether in the form of an athlete winning a gold medal, somebody committing a murder, or just a working man finding the energy to get through the day. Notably, Mars also represents soldiers, who at their best exemplify bravery and heroism, yet at their worst may follow destructive orders without questioning them.

Ketu, which is depicted without a head in Vedic mythology, represents the part of us that is pre-critical thought. That’s a beautiful thing when it relates to meditative states and the sort of spiritual understanding that goes beyond words, but not so great when it relates to primitive feelings and habits that remain unexamined. Ketu also specifically represents traditional cultures.

On 9/11, Ketu-influenced feelings, i.e. a sense of “connection” to the traditional beliefs of a primitive, radical form of Islamic extremism, combined with the Mars-influenced action of violence committed while loyally following orders. This was done in a manner that connected with the terrorists’ innermost sense of who they were (4th house), located in the sign of Sagittarius, which is often idealistic and concerned with justice and fairness, but when in its darkest element potentially quite overzealous.

Located 180 degrees from Sagittarius and the Mars-Ketu conjunction is the sign of Gemini, symbolized by “the twins” (representative, quite literally, of the twin towers, in this instance) and containing three planets of its own (Rahu, Moon and Jupiter). Five out of the nine planets that are traditionally used in Vedic astrology are located on the 4th-10th/Sagittarius-Gemini axis, thus aspecting each other by either conjunction or opposition. This axis, which also includes the notoriously volatile nakshatras of Mula and Ardra, forms the central identity of the 9/11 chart.

Rahu-Moon conjunctions are often challenging, as they combine the Moon’s emotional nature with Rahu’s tendency to take things to extremes, a dynamic that leads to mental health issues in some instances. Add Jupiter, the planet that specifically represents organized religion, to that mix and it suggests how a prominent expression of mental instability connected to religious extremism was possible at this time. Once the indications of that morning’s extremely close Mars-Ketu conjunction, which aspected Moon, Rahu and Jupiter by opposition, is factored in, a vivid and potentially alarming image begins to emerge.

As far as how the terrorists managed to actually pull of this complex, multi-faceted attack, an exalted Mercury is almost exactly on the Ascendant, suggesting the indications of Mercury (communications and travel) and Virgo (analytical, detail-oriented thinking) were working at close to maximum capacity during that time. In other words, the terrorists lucked into timing that kept them from making the sorts of small mistakes that foil the vast majority of attempted terrorist attacks in modern times.

Ultimately, the 9/11 chart is a tragically precise storm of influences all pointing to a single violent outburst with reverberations that will be felt throughout our lifetimes. It’s also a striking example of astrology’s ability to explain the “energy” or “mood” of a given time and place.

The chart for George Floyd’s official time of death (TOD) shows 14 Sagittarius rising, with the Sun at 5 Gemini having just set on the 14 Gemini Descendant, an appropriate solar placement for any passing, with the West signifying death, the dying of the light. With the Sun are asteroids Atropos at 8 Gemini (named for the mythic Greek Fate who severs the thread of life at death), Polizzi (cognate with German Polizei and Italian Polizia, “police”) at 9 Gemini, and Karma at 10 Gemini (indicating a fated circumstance). Death was in the air, with Sun/Atropos, and linked to police, via Polizzi.

These form a T-Square with Mars at 8 Pisces, significator of violent death, conjoined asteroid Requiem, named for the funeral mass for the dead, at 13 Pisces; and asteroid Nemesis, indicating ruin, downfall or undoing, at 13 Virgo, conjoined asteroid Brown at 12 Virgo. In addition to its status as a death indicator generally, Requiem also carries a connotation of a memorialized passing, one which is commemorated publicly in some fashion. In this instance that would include the nights of peaceful and violent protests which would follow Floyd’s murder. The exact opposition to Nemesis suggests, not only the demise of Floyd, but also the self-undoing of Officer Chauvin, brought low by his actions related to the death, while asteroid Brown here denotes the racial component inherent in the tragedy.

Asteroid Negron, a form of the Spanish for “black”, nearby at 24 Cancer reiterates the racial issue, and all three opposed Pluto at 24 Capricorn establishes the fatality itself and its subsequent legal classification, with Pluto the modern lord of death as well as the planetary ruler of homicide. Jupiter also here at 27 Cap alludes to the political nature of the death and the subsequent protests.

A second compound asteroid relating to Chauvin is Dereknelson, which at 13 Leo conjoins asteroid Lachesis, named for the Fate who determines the span of life, a role which Chauvin actualized with George Floyd. Lachesis exactly opposes asteroid Maron, French for “brown”, at 16 Aquarius, and also opposes asteroid Schwartz at 21 Aquarius, German for “black”, once again linking the racial issues. In his birth chart, Chauvin has Dereknelson at 27 Aries, conjoined Osiris at 24 and Jupiter at 28 Aries, suggesting some degree of fame (Jupiter) for Chauvin (Dereknelson) related to a death (Osiris). Dereknelson’s trine to the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius indicates that this death could garner global attention and notice.

No coincidences...
Check out Stephen Jackson’s punches, especially the last one where he slid into the dude...looked WWE

Check out Artest when he got back onto the court and stole dude in the Pistons jersey....punch looked WWE

I know it’s old but still, what if it was some big ritual?
Last time Saturn was in Aquarius we had the Rodney King riots.

Last time Pluto was in Capricorn the events leading up to + the actual American Revolution itself happened.

Both of these are presently happening in the stars.

History is being made again. No such thing as coincidence.

The Age of Aquarius is here. We’re going home.
What does this part mean?
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