50 x Mayweather x Tia x Rawse's son at Floyd's mansion....... it's a DIRTY game

This is embarassing Ross has got to give Curtis the hands for this foolishness.
But he barked up the wrong tree I guess.
##%+@$ set Diddy up for that

It aint nothin!
"aww man, we get to meey Money May!?
" Just enjoying bein' around the champ and what not.....and I agree wit' the mom prolly gettin' dug out and some period of time during the day. Trifflin'.
Aint nothin wrong with that. Just good memories for everybody

when they get older they prolly gon' be like "aaww wait---but I thought---
How old? I mean if they around my age or late teens realizing what it really was it's time to be a man. Good memories nonetheless.
50 don't give a dam bout them kids and he is potentially screwin' wit' their heads FOR LIFE. They prolly already got issues with trusting men and looking up to guys so this will not help matters.... And is the older guys' father anyway???
Curtis aint evil. He aint gon do nothing to those kids. Show em a good time so they can have a nice day for once and live the life they should beliving if their dad was being a dad.

At the end of the day this is Ross' fault. This couldn't happen to Curtis or Diddy or a couple other dudes with kids in the game today. Ever since Jayand NaS and even back with Pac and Big @+*%+$ done smartened up. You got beef one of the first things you do is check your fam.
Originally Posted by A Thrilla

This is why this dude got shot so many times. Lame.

For taking kids to a mansion in Vegas??

I mean 50 showed Rick Ross baby mom and son a good time, they witnessed $%%* they prolly never would've seen other wise and he's a bad guy??

Rick Ross makes a mockery of a fire 2 children almost died in, put 50's son's face on a monkey and he's a good guy??

You guys make NO sense... just say you hate 50 and stop trying to display your piss poor, %$% backwards morals...
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Ross gonna go on the radio talkin bout he aint see the pictures... that aint his kid... its a photoshop.

Then he is gonna admit it all and tell everybody hes pimpin Floyd/50 for kids clothes.

This dude 50 is on some other #*%!...
@ the vid...wow.

The kiss on the forehead sealed the deal.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

did diddy turn around cause he seen 50 and he didnt expect him there or cause it was the girl?
I think it's cuz he might have realized he was being filmed...I'm not sure...
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

50 don't give a dam bout them kids and he is potentially screwin' wit' their heads FOR LIFE. They prolly already got issues with trusting men and looking up to guys so this will not help matters.... And is the older guys' father anyway???
I don't think it's that serious.

What I do think is after this experience...they will NOT look at their father the same.
Originally Posted by A Thrilla

This is why this dude got shot so many times. Lame.

Yeah I'm sure Fif was touched for takin some dudes kids out in Southside, Queens in 2000. Lame.
when 50 said he wanted to f*** up ross' life up he really meant it... this is makin ross look really stupid
Yea Ross lost but i seen +$#!** get they moms house shot up for less. I aint hoping nothin on 50 but he messing with the rite one.
What I do think is after this experience...they will NOT look at their father the same.

.........and that's what 50 did with making that video and bringing Rick FRAUD's son out to Floyd's mansion. At the end of the day, that housevisit is something that those kids won't forget, and that's the main point. At this point in time, I wouldn't be suprised if the kid would ratherhang out with 50 instead of his dad Rick FRAUD, and that's just gotta hurt. The best way you embarrass someone is to give them a reminder that they cannever forget. 50 has accomplished that.
Originally Posted by cartune

Yea Ross lost but i seen +$#!** get they moms house shot up for less. I aint hoping nothin on 50 but he messing with the rite one.

What exactly did he do thats worthy of gettin his grandma's house shot up??...

Rick Ross dissed him first... He threw the first punch, and now he's getting stomped out... Its his own fault, he bought into his own image as thisimaginary boss, and thought he could say ANYthing about ANYone... And him or ANYone else thats from thestreets KNOWS thats not the case...
You ain't gotta respect a N... But respect his cash
Cause for the money... Ns WILL murder that @ss
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Originally Posted by cartune

Yea Ross lost but i seen +$#!** get they moms house shot up for less. I aint hoping nothin on 50 but he messing with the rite one.

What exactly did he do thats worthy of gettin his grandma's house shot up??...

Rick Ross dissed him first... He threw the first punch, and now he's getting stomped out... Its his own fault, he bought into his own image as this imaginary boss, and thought he could say ANYthing about ANYone... And him or ANYone else thats from the streets KNOWS thats not the case...
You ain't gotta respect a N... But respect his cash
Cause for the money... Ns WILL murder that @ss

bruh u know what 50 doing u can act like he just taking pictures with his kids but u know what he doin. Sure ross started it on the mic but 50 went and gotdude kids mocking fool on youtube with his seed. I cant think of anything more disrespectful i seriously cant right now. U can make a sextape with my wife. Ican get over it like she just a %%!!+ thats why i aint spoke on the BM cause she just a bird what u expect from her? I dont even know why im piss bout this butim showing my potnas this #%@! they backin what i said Ross is def the right one
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Originally Posted by cartune

Yea Ross lost but i seen +$#!** get they moms house shot up for less. I aint hoping nothin on 50 but he messing with the rite one.

What exactly did he do thats worthy of gettin his grandma's house shot up??...

Rick Ross dissed him first... He threw the first punch, and now he's getting stomped out... Its his own fault, he bought into his own image as this imaginary boss, and thought he could say ANYthing about ANYone... And him or ANYone else thats from the streets KNOWS thats not the case...
You ain't gotta respect a N... But respect his cash
Cause for the money... Ns WILL murder that @ss

bruh u know what 50 doing u can act like he just taking pictures with his kids but u know what he doin. Sure ross started it on the mic but 50 went and got dude kids mocking fool on youtube with his seed. I cant think of anything more disrespectful i seriously cant right now. U can make a sextape with my wife. I can get over it like she just a %%!!+ thats why i aint spoke on the BM cause she just a bird what u expect from her? I dont even know why im piss bout this but im showing my potnas this #%@! they backin what i said Ross is def the right one
So Rick Ross making a mockery of a fire that almost killed 2 children must not bother you huh?? Putting a kid that had NOTHING to do with theirbeef, face on a monkeys body doesn't offend you??

Stop trying to act like mother Theresa... You don't care about ANY of these kids, you just HATE 50... You're using this #%!% to hide behind the factthat you don't like the man... All of you...

None of you Ns are concerned about the kids involved, cause Rick Ross mentioned 50's child's situation 2 times before 50 even started talkin aboutRoss' kids...

Just say you HATE 50... Don't lie like you actually care about the betterment of these children...
Grimey. GRIMEY. Rawse baby moms is foul. I'd strip custody from here over some %%$ like this. That being said............

@ them pictures.
It was funny, but the kids look uncomfortable and Tia wrong for exploiting them like that. Ross needs to just forget this beef ever happened and move on.It's not good for his career.
William Roberts

if you DO NOT to respond to 50 Cent with something after that video at Mayweather's mansion... hell ANYTHING.

Than you are a FOOL. and SHOULD be called one forever & EVER!
I already said i dont care bout none of them $%*%*$. And I dont hate 50 I was the biggest 50 fan when he first came out i even said that BISD is his 2nd bestalbum.

And it aint just the fact he with Ross kids its because he been rapping/speaking about them kids which i had no problem with because its all rap but now hemade it a reality. Its like Ja Rule rapping about Em's daughter than pics pop up on the net showing him "innocently" hugging on his daughter.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

William Roberts

if you DO NOT to respond to 50 Cent with something after that video at Mayweather's mansion... hell ANYTHING.

Than you are a FOOL. and SHOULD be called one forever & EVER!
This ain't no WWF *+% bruh lol. Rawse as a father ain't gotta respond to this *+% to appease people on the internet. That's on somepersonal *+%.

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

It was funny, but the kids look uncomfortable and Tia wrong for exploiting them like that. Ross needs to just forget this beef ever happened and move on. It's not good for his career.
It is kinda disturbing how those kids look. I don't think this *+% is hurting Rawse career. AT the end of the day he was a CO. That'shurting his career more than anything Fif could do because Rawse won the battle with the songs. Fif resorting to videos and pictures. He automatically lost thebattle doing that.
LOL Floyd "come take a pic with a real BOSS"
and if ya own son saying "it aint nothin" that's all Ross fault..if he claim he sitting on 20 million then take care of ya fam smh at ROSS

But non the less FIF is the man:pimp:
Originally Posted by cartune

I already said i dont care bout none of them $%*%*$. And I dont hate 50 I was the biggest 50 fan when he first came out i even said that BISD is his 2nd best album.

And it aint just the fact he with Ross kids its because he been rapping/speaking about them kids which i had no problem with because its all rap but now he made it a reality. Its like Ja Rule rapping about Em's daughter than pics pop up on the net showing him "innocently" hugging on his daughter.
Rick Ross is playing Checkers...

50 is playing Chess...
I don't think Ross messed with shorty like that or anything for some reason.

I think it was some scumslut that he knocked up slipping and she saw a little meal ticket and kept the child and he didn't want anything to do with her orthe child... which I don't blame him after acting the way she is. If he tries to check the B it's going to look like he trying to housetrain a *@%, andif he hit the B then it will only make matters worst.

Ross should go holler at 50's baby mother and see what comes of it if he can, but I think he proved what he had to with the songs and a pretty good albumso just keep doing his thing... that's pretty much the best move for him to do. Don't give the situation any of your attention and when people see Rossisn't responding anymore or taking it in stride they will get tired of seeing 50 doing this nonsense, and 50 will eventually have to stop doing it becausethere isn't a market for it anymore... and then when it's all said and done who looks stupid and dumb and most important the impact of said actions didto that child? That dumb B that's who!

What can you really do if your chick is acting out like this... nothing really you just have to take it for what it is and keep it moving.

Unless, you got a kid with the chick then you are pretty much bound to her for that reason, but like some dudes who really don't care about the chick orthe kid they just leave the situation alone altogether. I seen a couple of dudes on the message board with scorn towards their pops... your moms was probably ajump and you were a mistake... it is what it is!

Funny thing is I'm bumping Power of the Dollar right now... love that album!
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