
It ain't over til it's over word to Yogi Berra. Do your best now, get good grades and you'll have nothing to worry about.
No. A 74 in an AP is like an 84 in a regular class. Quit freaking out because you're fine.

Dropped acceptances are reserved for kids who totally bomb after they are accepted.
no they won't, now if you start failing classes then you should be worried. I know what you mean though, I'm a senior too and am catching the itis. Ihave those same classes but I have mid B's in both
Yeah man I'm in the same boat, I got accepted into UCLA and UC Berkeley but damn right now I have a 75 in AP Calc, 74 AP English, 82 APES, 92 in AP Gov.
No. I thought that you were cutting school and just bombing class for the hell of it. Don't worry you're fine.
i am a Freshman @ PSU! Just remember you are coming in to a S*** hole.

yea you have to TOTALLY bomb for them to revoke it and its mostly the higher up schools like ivies that do it, i doubt penn state would ever do it.
BTW what is really good with Michigan? I sent in my app early december and it still hasnt gotten back. It is supposed to be rolling...
Man, I think I'm the only senior without the itis. I am trying to pass up the infected so I can get in the top 15% of my class. Currently sitting at 70thout of 361. I know it's a long shot but I am atleast gonna be close to what I'm shooting for
it is a possibility

one of my brothers friends was about to get his admisions revoked, and got a letter
from the university (some ivy league i think?) asking why he was struggling in school

he told them he was going through some family issues but now is over it and working his way back up

shaped up his senioritis reeeaaall quick
Yeah I'm sure that can happen. Two years ago, at my high school, two dudes No 1 and No 2 of that class, were going to top colleges. One stupid prank putthem from going to their dream colleges, cause they were already accepted and the administration told their colleges about the incident. The prank was a dryice bomb. These straight A students were the Valedictorian and Salutorians of their respective class, and they ruined it with one stupid antic.
it depends on the school. My friend messed up senior year and lost admissions to rutgers and albany.
dont trip kid. i had a 4.1 gpa all of hs. and my senior gpa dropped to 2.8. lol i was scared as hell but didnt get revoked. your situation is a lot better, sodont worry.
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