NY Come Pick Up Another L

Aug 14, 2012
Welcome to the world of luxury MetroCards. 

A high-end streetwear company’s branded MetroCard  loaded with two swipes is reselling online for nearly 18 times its worth. 

Supreme’s recently released MetroCard — a collaboration with the MTA worth $5.50 — is already popping up on eBay with asking prices upward of $100.
@alp  making a killing right now 
Well for what is worth, Supreme slobs usually can't afford a car, so it makes sense they'd pay 100$ for a 6$ metro card...gotta ride da dirty 4 train in style while rocking their 200$ box tees
No need for a car in the city anyways
Why everyone hating though, where else can you buy a plastic swipe for $5 and get a buck for it? That's why I love my city [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]
No need for a car in the city anyways

Yeah for those that live in the actual city of downtown Manhattan/downtown Brooklyn....those that live in the BX, further out parts of queens, Brooklyn need to stop this nonsense of saying they live in the "city" ya don't....yes ya have access to a train or bus, but a car>>>>>>

I don't think many of these clowns that melt at the sign of a supreme logo can claim they "live in the city"
Why everyone hating though, where else can you buy a plastic swipe for $5 and get a buck for it? That's why I love my city [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]

Nobody hating on YOU, you are the reseller....the ones being clowned are the idiots that buy it from you :lol:
I think everyone is more so clownin on the idiots forking out a buck for a day pass.
Oh yea that i get

Yeah for those that live in the actual city of downtown Manhattan/downtown Brooklyn....those that live in the BX, further out parts of queens, Brooklyn need to stop this nonsense of saying they live in the "city" ya don't....yes ya have access to a train or bus, but a car>>>>>>

I don't think many of these clowns that melt at the sign of a supreme logo can claim they "live in the city"
well I'm mostly speaking for myself, living right next to fort tryon park, the park you love so much, I think I can get away with saying I live "in the city"
And depends where in the outer boroughs, co op city type deep but Fordham road close
Nobody hating on YOU, you are the reseller....the ones being clowned are the idiots that buy it from you :lol:
Oh ok [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Someone from nyc actually copped my card. Need to pick it up from my boy today. And I'm shooting for the stars, put the next metrocard up for $98, see if lightning strikes twice [emoji]9889[/emoji]️[emoji]9889[/emoji]️[emoji]9889[/emoji]️
Reselling MetroCards to dudes who will never make it to NYC :lol:

Hype is real...

Jeff help me move to Seattle, I'm disgusted with this city bro, we got darkskinned dudes caping for Trump and now THIS.

NYC becoming Ohio
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