What are your goals for 2019?

Dec 27, 2014
Has any one set any small or significant goals for themselves?

Personally, I want to be as close to debt free as possible. Finally paid of my student loans. Now chipping away at CC balances. Would be nice to have only a car note as "debt."
- Finding a new job back in the Bay Area or a better paying job in SoCal.
- Being a better husband and father to my wife and two kids.
- Lower my debt.
- Lose weight and get back into basketball shape to play in a rec league.
- To be content with what I have now and not want to need the unnecessary things.
1. Finish paying off this last credit card
2. Get in the best shape of my life
3. Be the best husband, brother, friend I can possibly be.
4. Get a House
5. Get a certification so I can get a new higher paying job.

Thats pretty much it. I feel they are all extremely possible. As long as I do the necessary work day in and day out they can be achieved. Best of luck to everyone who is taking the steps to better themselves.
Winning, being more lucky and successful.
Good karma. I want to see my family more healthy, wealthy, and safe.
Give less dambs.

-Lower credit card debt.
-Reach at least an 820-825 credit score.
-Start Masters program in May for Social Work with a focus on mental health.
-Travel (Italy, Colombia again, Chicago finally, Costa Rica).
-Propose to my lady in April in Italy.
-Manage money better.
-Carry cash ( I never carry cash).
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The usual:

Clear CC debts
Lose weight
Complete 52 week savings challenge
Finish electrical certification course

New goals:

Take refrigeration courses. Guys with that knowledge make about 35-50k more than I currently do and they’re sitting on their *** half the night.

Work on my truck more. Tend to pay people to do work for me that I can totally do myself.

All for now.
I don't feel as complete of a man (as I should) because of my lack of mechanical skills.
that's called toxic masculinity.

jk. a year ago a female co-worker had to take off cause her husband was stuck with a flat tire. i said she might as well call him her wife and that every man should know how to change a tire. i was legit disgusted.
also, it's surprising what you can find on youtube. some great vehicle maintenance/repair tutorials on there.
-make more money than I made the previous year
-average a book a week
-reach below 10% bf at some point in 2019

off the top of my head.

Already got a ‘system’ in place to help me reach those goals for next year.
- Finding a new job back in the Bay Area or a better paying job in SoCal.
- Being a better husband and father to my wife and two kids.
- Lower my debt.
- Lose weight and get back into basketball shape to play in a rec league.
- To be content with what I have now and not want to need the unnecessary things.
We have similar goals.
Some of y’all gotta be more specific with your goals. Something like losing weight is too vague.
- get my MBA

- find a better job

- eat healthier (vegetables with every meal, kimchi daily, etc.)
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