How is it in the State of Alabama?

Sep 16, 2010
So, after going to ATL for the first time a week ago, I really enjoyed myself.

So, being there, I noticed we were only 2 hours away from Birmingham, AL. As strange as it sounds, Alabama is one of the places on my bucket list of places I want to go. So, my question is, how is it in Alabama overall. A lot of people ask here in the DMV don’t want to go down there due to the history of racism down there. So, just want to get peoples perspective that’s been down there or live there.
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Like every state/ country, there’s good and bad. There’s no state in the USA that is or was racism free, so if that’s your concern, you would’ve left the country years ago.

Percentage wise Alabama is the fifth Blackest state in the union. There is plenty of Black history to be seen and experienced there. Tuskegee is there. Go see the Pettus bridge if you’re inclined. Seeing a cotton field in full bloom might stir up some feelings you never knew you had.

Mobile is the birth of Mardi Gras. You can go down next February, eat some good food and end up in New Orleans. Huntsville has a booming Space industry. Affordable property all of over the state.

Go see something new/ different or be like some people who form an opinion on something they’ve never done.
Never heard anybody say they want to go to Alabama :lol: …But Birmingham has a couple hundred thousand ppl so I’m sure they have stuff for tourists like any other city…If you just visiting don’t ask us, just go do a weekend and check it out for yourself OP

It won’t be like ATL tho…The folks in Alabama come to the A if they wanna have fun or actually make real moves, so you enjoying your time in ATL won’t compare to Birmingham
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