7 Year Old Steals Car to Avoid Church: Latarian Milton Pt. Duex

May 1, 2006
A seven-year-old boy in Plain City, Utah, decided it was too hot to go to church on July 26, so he "borrowed" the family car and went on a joy ride instead.
Responding to calls of an unusually small, reckless driver, the Weber County Sheriff's Office released dash-cam video of the boy as he led police on a low-speed chase.

His parents had no idea their car and their child were missing.

Speaking on the "Today" show, Preston Scarbrough said he knew how to drive by "watching my mom."
"People in the neighborhood are talking about this," said Weber County sheriff's Lt. Matthew Bell. "They could tell there was a small, young driver in the car."

Deputies found the car near the local high school and tailed it for 10 blocks, all while the driver weaved in traffic lanes and blew through stop signs.
"The deputies at one time had pulled up kinda close to him on the side and could see it was a very small person driving the car," Bell said.

Preston maintained speeds up to 45 miles an hour, even though he had some trouble reaching the pedals.
"His speed was slow, but erratic … and so he would kind of scoot down lower to push on the gas and kinda sit up on the seat more to see right where he was going," Bell said.
The chase came to an end at Preston's home, when he got out of the car, ran and hid in the basement.
Investigators say he is too young to be charged with a crime, but Preston is paying a price. The punishment? "No TV or video games for four days," he told the "Today" show.

Damn little man dipped when the car stopped
seen this on the news. dude on punishment for 4 days in his room {no tv, games, or toyz}
but lil man hopped out the whip and smoked the officer. && yeah dude drive great. young felon in the making. lol
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